Auto Batching Application Procedure
Login to the Agency Workstation:Choose the Auto Batching menu item on the Data Entry menu:Web application (if you need help with this see the Agency Web Users Manual).
Select Auto Batching from the Reports drop down menu.
Batch Year will default to the current year and Harvest Code will be defaulted to 11, traditional state managed fishery, additionally the Start Fish Ticket # field will default based on the Batch Year displayed. Though defaulted, these fields can be modified to meet your coding requirements. As As an example, if you have a ticket with a pre-printed fish ticket number for the previous year, simply change the default year. The harvest code default can be easily modified, as well.
To begin the auto-batching process, enter batching information:
- Office Code
- Batch Number and Sequence Ticket Range (as established from Zephyr)
- You can enter the Fishing Period, the Locale Code and modify the Harvest Code as necessary, for the entire batch, or within the batch for a sub-set of tickets, but they are not required data fields.
NOTE: You may use the TAB key to navigate through each field. Once you enter a fish ticket number, press enter to populate the batching table. To enter a sequential range, enter the first number, tab, and then enter the second number, followed by selecting the enter key.
The Fish Ticket Numbers will default with a prefix of EYY (where YY is the current year), allowing you to enter only the six digit fish ticket number. In this example, you would enter 181164 and then hit the enter key. (See below for an example Fish Ticket Number)
If you need to override the year, you may enter the entire fish ticket number with the prefix for the prior year. In a few cases, a processor will fail to download the current year of tLandings and it generates fish tickets with the prior year date. The ticket(s) should be batched with the current year’s fishery. Just change the prefix on the ticket. Remember to change the prefix back to the current year when you have completed processing of the ticket(s). Again, enter the pre-printed fish ticket number, omitting the leading alpha letter (the E) and the year.
Entering non-sequential fish ticket numbers: