
Sets/hauls that cross days can be accounted for by entering the retrieval date in dd/mm format with a space in between it and the retrieval time. 

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How do I delete a haul/set if I made a mistake on my set/haul entry? What if I haven’t transmitted yet?

  • You have to highlight the set/haul number in the left-hand navigation pane and then click on the corresponding edit button on the set/haul display screen.
  • If you haven’t transmitted your report and you want to remove some piece of data that you entered you can use the above method or Undo Last Unsubmitted Entry as shown in the screenshot below.
  • If you haven't tried to save and transmit, you can select No when you are asked if you want to Save Your Changes to the logbook and nothing you've added will be saved. 

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 What if I enter a set/haul on the wrong day?
