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Who Can Access COAR Functions in Agency Web?

Agency Admin Users can access the COAR functionality within the Agency Web. The Seafood Industry Coordinator should be the only user changing the status of COAR reports. 

COAR Report Search

The COAR Report Search window allows users to search for COAR reports using a variety of criteria. To get to the COAR Report Search go from the Reports tab to the COAR Reports.

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This will bring you to the COAR Repport  Search.

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The Search button searches for reports meeting the input criteria. The New Search button clears the criteria fields, allowing a new search to be entered. The criteria fields are:

  • Report ID - the unique identifier for the COAR report. If the Report ID is entered all other criteria will be ignored, and only the report with that ID will be displayed. All other criteria are filtering criteria
  • Reporting Year - the year that reports cover.
  • Processor Code - the processor code of the facility submitting the report. The report year and processor code uniquely identify a single report.
  • Location - a keyword or phrase in the location field of the report header data.
  • Vessel ADF&G Number - the vessel number for at-sea processing vessels. 
  • Text in Comment - a keyword or phrase in the comment field of the report header data
  • Status - the status dropdown allows searches for reports in a specific status
  • Last Update Date range - a time period within which updates to the reports were made

When the Search button is clicked the system will search for COAR reports, filtering by the search criteria. The reports are listed in the search results table. Reports can be viewed by selecting a report in the search results table and clicking the Open button, or by double clicking on a report line in the table.

When you search the table below the search critera populates with the COAR reports that meet that critera. To open a COAR report click on the blue Report ID link. Also notice that the status of the COAR report.COAR Report Status Definitions

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COAR Report Window

The COAR Report window displays all the data associated with the COAR report. The top of the window shows the report ID, processor code, and year. The tabbed pane shows tabs for the report header, buying data, production data, canned production data, custom processing done by the processor for others, and custom production of the processor's fish done by others.

Report Header Tab

The Report header tab shows the identifying information for the reporting facility and the contact information of the individual who submitted the report and an alternate contact. The report header also shows the status history of the report, listing each status change along with the date and time the status changed and the userid of the user who made the update that led to the status change. The userids will be both the processor users who enter and submit the report, and agency users who review the report and approve it for extract into the ENCOAR system. See COAR Report Status Definitions for more information. 

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Buying Tab

The buying tab shows two tables. The first is the buying data generated from eLandings landing reports for the operation and the second is the buying data submitted by the user. Elandings buying data is not required since fish tickets made on paper may not be recorded in the eLandings system. In general, the eLandings buying data should be similar to the submitted buying data since all buying should have been reported on fish tickets and landing reports, and most of those will be in the eLandings system.

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Productin and Canned Production

The production tab shows the production data for the facility that submits the COAR report

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The canned production tab is similar, but has specific details for products that are canned.

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The production and canned production data comes from the report entered by users. The eLandings system does not have any production data to use as the source of this information, or for comparison purposes.

Custom Processing tab

The custom processing tab shows the processors for whom the operation submitting the report did custom processing. Those operation will submit the details of the custom processing on their own COAR reports, this tab only notes the occurrence of custom processing.The tab shows both the custom processing that is known from landing reports in the eLandings system, and the custom processing entered by the user. 

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Custom Production tab

The custom production tab shows the custom processing done for the submitting facility at other locations by other processors. The table at the top of the tab lists the facilities at which custom processing was done. When a facility is selected in this table, details of the production and canned production are displayed.In some cases both production and canned production will be shown, but only one of these is required.

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Change Status dialog

To change the status of a COAR go to the menu hamburger icon in the upper-right hand corner and click on change status. 

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This will bring up the Change Status modal. 

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The change status dialog allows the user to change the status of the COAR report. If the report has been reviewed and has no issues, the most common status change is to the Reviewed status. This status will cause the Land2COAR process to extract the COAR Report data to the ENCOAR system. 

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The change status dialog also allows the user to change the status of a COAR report back to a prior status. When the processor submits their COAR report it moves to the Submitted status, and they cannot make further edits to the report. If an agency user determines that the processor needs to add data to their report, or to fix data to correct problems, then the report must be moved back to the Downloaded or Uploaded status. Processors can enter new data when the report is in these statuses. Once they have corrected the data they can submit the report again, allowing it to go through the review and extract cycle. 

The change status dialog also allows the user to delete a COAR report. This function should be used carefully, but is useful if the processor has made errors in their report and wants to start over. This function is most commonly used if the processor has failed to edit landing reports to reflect actual buying activity. If the processor make many changes to correct landing reports they may sometimes what to start their COAR report over, to see the accurate data generated from the corrected landing reports. 

Messages dialog

The Messages from the COAR menu will show a dialog listing the warning messages that the user will have seen when uploadings and submitting their COAR report. Reports can be successfully submitted even if they have warning messages, but those messages indicate conditions that the reviewing agency users may consider important.

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