How do How do I know if I have the most current version of seaLandings?
- If you open your seaLandings program and go to Help > About - it should display Release 20212022.1009.20-10.52.03. This is the release build for 2022. The seaLandings 2021 Release is 2020.09.22-09.43.06
- 14.59.09. This is the release build for 2023.
I am trying to install seaLandings and the black DOS window flashes and closes and I am unable to proceed. What do I do?
- This is likely due to your computer being a 32 bit machines and since 2019 seaLandings requires a 64 bit machine.
- You can continue to use the legacy system on if you are unable to update or replace your computer.
Where is my report transmission folder located in the latest version of seaLandings?
NOTE: If you change your password on the web, you'll also need to change it on your seaLandings stand-alone client. If you change it on your workstation computer, you will first need to change it on the eLandings website, or you will not be able to log in.
I am going to be a Stationary floating processor for receiving crab. What do I need to report in eLandings? Required to use eLandings to report crab Landing Reports and Production Reports. No eLogbook required for stationary floating processor.
I am going to be a Catcher/processor for crab. What do I need to report in eLandings? You are required to use eLandings for crab Landing Reports and Production Reports. No eLogbook required.
I am going to be a Catcher/processor for ground fish when fishing for pcod with longline or trawl gear. What do I need to report in eLandings? You are required to use a flow scale, complete eLogbook, Landing Reports and Production Reports in eLandings.
I am going to be a Catcher/processor for ground fish when pot fishing for pcod. What do I need to report in eLandings? You are required to report Landing and Production Reports in eLandings. No eLogbook required., unless your LLP is endorsed for Halibut and PCOD.
My LLP is endorsed for Catcher Processor for Halibut and PCOD but I am only going to be pot gear fishing. What do I need to report in eLandings? You are required to complete an eLogbook, Production Reports and Landing Reports in eLandings.
Production Reports
I am trying to report fish oil production for a species but am receiving an error "Delivery Condition 33 (fish oil) is not valid for species". How do I report this production?
Use condition code 97 and add a comment that the condition is fish oil.
Do I need to report minced production on my Production Reports?
As long as the minced product is coming from the "tertiary product", the leftovers or what would have been thrown away from the primary or ancillary product, which was already accounted for on your production reports, then you would not document it a second time on your production reports.
What are my logbook requirements if using the DCPL?
If you are submitting daily production reports, you no longer need to complete the bottom section of the DCPL which includes products, discards, and cumulative catch. The header section of the logbook should still be filled out. You may still enter products and discards if you choose.
Am I required to use the eLogbook in 2022?
- Yes - If you are a trawl catcher processor fishing AFA pollock or CDQ pollock you are required to use the electronic (eLogbook) in either the eLandings or seaLandings application.
- Yes - If you are a freezer longline catcher processor named on an LLP license, endorsed to catch pacific cod with hook-and-line gear in the BSAI or GOA while fishing under a CDQ program.
- Yes - If you are a catcher processor permitted to fish under the Rockfish Program.
- Yes - If you are a mothership.
- No - if you are a catcher vessel.
- No - if you are pot gear fishing for PCOD.
How can I get an eLogbook?
The eLogbook is an application available within the seaLandings program. Users will need to register an eLogbook for the current year through their seaLandings application.
What do I enter as my Trip start date? How do I show that I am inactive?
Your Trip start date should default to January 1st of the current year. You need to account for each day of the year in the eLogbook just as you did in the paper DCPL. You will also be asked for a Go Active date.
- If you are just registering your eLogbook and steaming up to Alaska, enter your Go Active date as the registration date (1/1/20xx) and then Go Inactive until you begin fishing activity.
What if a haul starts at the end of the year and retrieval does not happen until the new year?
If you plan on fishing through the new year, you will want to do the following:
- On January 1st, Register your 2022 logbook. Create a New Voyage, add your Gear Type(s), and Go active.
- Add any haul/set deploy information that occurs on January 1st.
- On January 1st, access your Previous Year Logbook and enter your retrieval informal for all hauls/sets deployed on or before December 31st.
- You will be able to access your 2021 logbook for at least one week into the new year to make edits.
How can Daylight Savings Time affect the logbook?
During the DST switch there is no such time as 2am on the day of the switch. The time goes from 01:59 to 03:00 without touching the intervening hour.
What if I don’t have an Observer on board until a few weeks after my first Trip?
You don’t need to enter Observer information until you have one on board the vessel. When an Observer begins their cruise with your vessel, create a New Trip Report to document the change.
What if I entered the wrong Observer name on my Trip?
You would need to edit the trip report to reflect the correct information. Any edits you make will be applied to the entire trip. Print and sign the edited PDF pages and provide a copy to the observer.
What is the difference between editing a Trip and creating a New Trip?
- Editing a Trip is to be used when there is some kind of data entry error made when first entering the information. An example would be a misspelled name or incorrect number of crew.
- New Trips are triggered by a change in any of the following
- New vessel operator
- New or additional Observers
- Loss or addition of crew members
When should I Go Inactive?
If you are not engaged in fishing activity (gear in the water) or processing activity, you should Go Inactive (ex. steaming to port for offload) but keep in mind that you can only Go Active/Go Inactive once in a 24 hour period. So if the period of inactivity is less than 24 hours you do not want to Go Inactive.
What species should I enter in my elogbook catch table? What about reporting prohibited species?
- All catcher processors are required to enter IRIU species which includes pollock (270) and pacific cod (110).
- AFA vessels must also report any salmon bycatch
- Longline catcher processors must record sablefish in the eLogbook catch table
- Prohibited Species Catch (PSC), Pacific salmon, steelhead trout, Pacific halibut, king and tanner crab, must be reported in Numbers.
I forgot to enter a set/haul on a previous day and have already entered sets to the following day. What are my options?
- If you missed adding a set entry and have already added sets/hauls on the following day, you can add in the "missed" set on the correct day by highlighting the daily report on the left-hand navigation pane and selecting edit daily report.
- Then you can select Add Haul/Set.
- The set/haul numbering will be out of order if you have added sets/hauls on the following day which is fine .
How do I enter retrieval of a set/haul that is picked up on a different day than it was deployed?
Sets/hauls that cross days can be accounted for by entering the retrieval date in mm/dd format with a space in between it and the retrieval time.
How do I delete a haul/set if I made a mistake on my set/haul entry? What if I haven’t transmitted yet?
Legacy Logbook Instructions
- You have to highlight the set/haul number in the left-hand navigation pane and then click on the corresponding edit button on the set/haul display screen.
- If you haven’t transmitted your report and you want to remove some piece of data that you entered you can use the above method or Undo Last Unsubmitted Entry as shown in the screenshot below.
- If you haven't tried to save and transmit, you can select No when you are asked if you want to Save Your Changes to the logbook and nothing you've added will be saved.
Daily Trip Report Logbook Instructions
- You can edit the Daily Report and highlight the set/haul you want to delete and click on the Delete Haul/Set button.
- You have the option of deleting the entire Daily Report and all hauls/sets associated with it and the ability to delete the entire Trip Report and all corresponding Daily Reports by clicking the Delete Trip Report button.
NOTE: We suggest you transmit after making deletes.
What if I enter a set/haul on the wrong day?
Legacy Logbook
- You can delete the set/haul and enter it on the correct day, or;
- You can drag and drop the set/haul from the wrong day and drop it into the right day.
Daily Trip Report Logbook
- You can delete the set/haul and enter it on the correct day.
What if the observer haul # and vessel haul # do not match?
are required to report Landing and Production Reports in eLandings. No eLogbook required., unless your LLP is endorsed for Halibut and PCOD.
My LLP is endorsed for Catcher Processor for Halibut and PCOD but I am only going to be pot gear fishing. What do I need to report in eLandings? You are required to complete an eLogbook, Production Reports and Landing Reports in eLandings.
We are acting as a Mothership and one of the catcher vessels lost a codend before delivering to us. How do I report this?
You will want to get an estimate of the catch from the vessel. You will then create a fish ticket for this delivery and code the catch with disposition code 98, discard at sea. You will record it in your logbook and add a comment to note what occurred.
Production Reports
I am trying to report fish oil production for a species but am receiving an error "Delivery Condition 33 (fish oil) is not valid for species". How do I report this production?
Use condition code 97 and add a comment that the condition is fish oil.
Do I need to report minced production on my Production Reports?
As long as the minced product is coming from the "tertiary product", the leftovers or what would have been thrown away from the primary or ancillary product, which was already accounted for on your production reports, then you would not document it a second time on your production reports.
Do I need to report retained for personal use catch on my Production Reports?
Yes, please record all personal use Code 95 catch on your daily production reports in the discard section.
What are my logbook requirements if using the DCPL?
If you are submitting daily production reports, you no longer need to complete the bottom section of the DCPL which includes products, discards, and cumulative catch. The header section of the logbook should still be filled out. You may still enter products and discards if you choose.
Am I required to use the eLogbook in 2023?
- Yes - If you are a trawl catcher processor fishing AFA pollock or CDQ pollock you are required to use the electronic (eLogbook) in either the eLandings or seaLandings application.
- Yes - If you are a freezer longline catcher processor named on an LLP license, endorsed to catch pacific cod with hook-and-line gear in the BSAI or GOA while fishing under a CDQ program.
- Yes - If you are a catcher processor permitted to fish under the Rockfish Program.
- Yes - If you are a mothership.
- No - if you are a catcher vessel.
- No - if you are pot gear fishing for PCOD.
How can I get an eLogbook?
The eLogbook is an application available within the seaLandings program. Users will need to register an eLogbook for the current year through their seaLandings application.
What do I enter as my Trip start date? How do I show that I am inactive?
Your Trip start date should default to January 1st of the current year. You need to account for each day of the year in the eLogbook just as you did in the paper DCPL. You will also be asked for a Go Active date.
- If you are just registering your eLogbook and steaming up to Alaska, enter your Go Active date as the registration date (1/1/20xx) and then Go Inactive until you begin fishing activity.
What if a haul starts at the end of the year and retrieval does not happen until the new year?
If you plan on fishing through the new year, you will want to do the following:
- On January 1st, Register your 2023 logbook. Create a New Voyage, add your Gear Type(s), and Go active.
- Add any haul/set deploy information that occurs on January 1st.
- On January 1st, access your Previous Year Logbook and enter your retrieval informal for all hauls/sets deployed on or before December 31st.
- You will be able to access your 2022 logbook for at least one week into the new year to make edits.
How can Daylight Savings Time affect the logbook?
During the DST switch there is no such time as 2am on the day of the switch. The time goes from 01:59 to 03:00 without touching the intervening hour.
What if I don’t have an Observer on board until a few weeks after my first Trip?
You don’t need to enter Observer information until you have one on board the vessel. When an Observer begins their cruise with your vessel, create a New Trip Report to document the change.
What if I entered the wrong Observer name on my Trip?
You would need to edit the trip report to reflect the correct information. Any edits you make will be applied to the entire trip. Print and sign the edited PDF pages and provide a copy to the observer.
What is the difference between editing a Trip and creating a New Trip?
- Editing a Trip is to be used when there is some kind of data entry error made when first entering the information. An example would be a misspelled name or incorrect number of crew.
- New Trips are triggered by a change in any of the following
- New vessel operator
- New or additional Observers
- Loss or addition of crew members
When should I Go Inactive?
If you are not engaged in fishing activity (gear in the water) or processing activity, you should Go Inactive (ex. steaming to port for offload) but keep in mind that you can only Go Active/Go Inactive once in a 24 hour period. So if the period of inactivity is less than 24 hours you do not want to Go Inactive.
What species should I enter in my elogbook catch table? What about reporting prohibited species?
- All catcher processors are required to enter IRIU species which includes pollock (270) and pacific cod (110).
- AFA vessels must also report any salmon bycatch
- Longline catcher processors must record sablefish in the eLogbook catch table
- Prohibited Species Catch (PSC), Pacific salmon, steelhead trout, Pacific halibut, king and tanner crab, must be reported in Numbers.
I forgot to enter a set/haul on a previous day and have already entered sets to the following day. What are my options?
- If you missed adding a set entry and have already added sets/hauls on the following day, you can add in the "missed" set on the correct day by highlighting the daily report on the left-hand navigation pane and selecting edit daily report.
- Then you can select Add Haul/Set.
- The set/haul numbering will be out of order if you have added sets/hauls on the following day which is fine .
How do I enter retrieval of a set/haul that is picked up on a different day than it was deployed?
Sets/hauls that cross days can be accounted for by entering the retrieval date in mm/dd format with a space in between it and the retrieval time.
How do I delete a haul/set if I made a mistake on my set/haul entry? What if I haven’t transmitted yet?
- You can edit the Daily Report and highlight the set/haul you want to delete and click on the Delete Haul/Set button.
- You have the option of deleting the entire Daily Report and all hauls/sets associated with it and the ability to delete the entire Trip Report and all corresponding Daily Reports by clicking the Delete Trip Report button.
NOTE: We suggest you transmit after making deletes.
What if I enter a set/haul on the wrong day?
- You can edit the Daily Report and delete the set/haul and then recreate the entry on the correct date.
Daily Trip Report Logbook
- You can delete the set/haul and enter it on the correct day.
What if the observer haul # and vessel haul # do not match?
- The observer program will be reconciling this data and will likely reach out to you if there is a mismatch of data.
What do I need to give to the Observer?
You will need to provide a signed PDF copy of your logbook entries for each day to the Observer assigned to your vessel.
Flow scale test, does it have to be done for a small amount of Pcod?
- All Pcod has to go over the flow scale no matter how small the amount.
How often do I have to conduct flow scale tests? Do I have to record all of my flow scale tests?
How do I save my daily eLogbook entry and submit it?Legacy Logbook
Each time you make an entry in the eLogbook and try to close the program, it will ask you if you want to Save Your Changes.Keep in mind that the eLogbook is not considered a report in the same sense Daily Trip Report Logbook the entries are automatically saved.
The Daily Trip Report Logbook is a report and the same as production or landing reports so all you do will need to submit it is go to Reporting…Transmit by going to Reporting...Transmit Reports and click on the Transmit button.
- If you are using Direct transmit, then your logbook will be submitted behind the scenes via the internet.
- If you are using File transmit then you will attach the zip file to an email and send it to and process the receipt when you get it as when submitting a production or landing report
Daily Trip Report Logbook
Each time you make an entry in the Daily Trip Report Logbook the entries are automatically saved.
The Daily Trip Report Logbook is a report and the same as production or landing reports so you will need to submit by going to Reporting...Transmit Reports and click on the Transmit button.
- If you are using Direct transmit, then your logbook will be submitted behind the scenes via the internet.
- If you are using File transmit then you will attach the zip file to an email and send it to and process the receipt when you get it as when submitting a production or landing report
When do I have to submit my eLogbook?
By Midnight the following day (just like production reports) to record the previous day of sets/hauls.
What if I am unable to transmit my eLogbook?
- If you are using the Legacy Logbook you need to contact your home office so they can report for you.
- As soon as possible, contact eLandings support at and let them know you are unable to report. Include any pertinent details about errors or warnings that are happening.
- and process the receipt when you get it as when submitting a production or landing report
When do I have to submit my eLogbook?
By Midnight the following day (just like production reports) to record the previous day of sets/hauls.
What if I am unable to transmit my eLogbook?
- If you are using the Legacy Logbook you need to contact your home office so they can report for you.
- As soon as possible, contact eLandings support at and let them know you are unable to report. Include any pertinent details about errors or warnings that are happening.
If you’re unable to report longer than 2 days then you will need to come back into port to fix issue.
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