Go to: https://elandingst.alaska.gov/web
Enter the following user ID and password:
UserID | Password |
DVARDEN | D_varden |
A longline vessel (ADF&G# 44441) is delivering 800 lbs of head on/gutted CDQ halibut (with ice/slime) to the Pisces Plant in Cordova.
One CFEC card holder is making the delivery.
All 800 lbs of the halibut are being sold.
All of the catch was made in Stat Area 705703.
Create a new landing report by logging in and choosing the operation called The Pisces Plant.
Click on the Groundfish Landing Report button.
Enter Vessel Information
Please use different fishing dates than those displayed in the exercise (no future dates).
ADF&G Vessel No. | ADF&G Gear Code | Crew Size | No. Observers |
44441 | 61 | 2 | 0 |
Date Fishing Began | Days Fished | Date of Landing | |
xx/xx/2025 | 2 | xx/xx/2025 |
Enter Permit Information
CFEC Permit | Management Program | Management Program ID | NMFS ID | IFQ Permit | Species | Area |
B61B 00101U 2501J | CDQ | 52 | 980038 | 980023 | 200 | 3A |
Enter Species Code 200 and Fishery Area 3A
Enter Statistical Area & Save
Statistical Area | Percent |
445900 | 100 |
Click on the Add/Edit Itemized Catch button.
Add Line Item information. Click on Save.
Species | Condition | Lbs | Weight Modifier | Disposition |
200 | 04 | 800 | With Ice/Slime | 60 |
Click Save at the bottom of the screen to save the landing report.
If you didn't select a fish ticket in the itemized catch section you will need to Allocate the Permit by selecting the Allocate Catch to Permits from the dropdown menu.
Click on the Submit Initial Report from the dropdown menu.
Select Generate IFQ Reports from the dropdown menu.
Verify the information you have entered is correct and select Submit IFQ Reports from the dropdown menu to submit your IFQ report.
Next you will select Submit Final Report from the dropdown menu.
You will need to print the IFQ landing report receipt by selecting Download IFQ Receipts to Print from the dropdown menu, as shown below.
Print the fish ticket by clicking on the link in blue text in the Permit Worksheet box.
Once you have printed your IFQ landing report receipt and fish ticket, you're almost done!
Printing out the Observer Fee PDF is the last step you'll need to take. It should take no more than 20 minutes before they populate.
NOTE: In the training environment you will always get a message to contact NOAA OLE when landing IFQ halibut or sablefish due to the PNOL requirement.
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Support Contact:
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov