
Application Features, User Support - Getting Help

The three natural resource management agencies tasked with commercial fisheries management in Alaska are;

Since 2001, these agencies have been working to develop consolidated landing, production, IFQ , and electronic vessel logbook reporting from a sole source. This collaborative effort is known as the Interagency Electronic Reporting System (IERS) and was developed with funding provided through the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. Early on, the IERS Steering Committee identified web-based electronic reporting as the preferred platform to meet the goals of real-time data availability for inseason managers to monitor commercial catch, and for real-time quota share management.

Data Flow Model

This electronic commercial harvest reporting provides several benefits for fisheries management agencies and industry when compared to current record keeping and reporting. The most obvious benefit is a sole source reporting site for landing and production data. Fisheries managers, individual processing facilities, and the parent company will have the ability to obtain landing report catch, production, and logbook information immediately. Additional benefits include:

Data Extraction

Ongoing development of the eLandings program has provided end users with the ability to extract landing, production report, and logbook information through the web interface.