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Who are the people who will be affected by what we want to do?

How can this group affect, positively or otherwise, what we want to do?

What specifically do we want this group to do with regard to our initiative?

What did they say they were interested in during initial meetings?

What is important to these stakeholders?

What other factors might enable these stakeholders' participation?

What are these stakeholders worried about?

What other factors might inhibit these stakeholders' participation?

Does what we're doing offer any specific benefit(s) to this group?

What do we plan to do to influence/ achieve the desired outcome?

Primary pilot candidates

eSignature team or program office have identified this program as potential pilot






National Permit System

Serve as a source of learning for our team.

Serve as a source of document examples and  templates. 

Provide us with CIO-office access and perspective.

Share their work products and lessons learned with our team. 

Exercise our evaluation process to test our evaluation criteria.

Allow us to cite their approved documents as additional examples in our final report.


Time.  The NPS team is on a very tight schedule.

Anything that might delay completion of their project.

Our focused and methodical approach might contribute to the quality of their proposal and lend their proposal additional credibility.


Secondary pilot candidates

eSignature team has had preliminary discussions with these program offices















Other Potential pilots

eSignature team has not yet "pitched" the idea of a pilot to these program offices















Internal Stakeholders








IT Experts
















Project Management Team for FIS








Office of Policy








Program Offices (i.e., Fisheries)








Regional Offices

must ultimately implement systems using our design

participate in our project

contribute ideas

review and comment

support the final product in the approval step


efficient operations

ease of use (to reduce support burden)


excessive support burden

improved customer satisfaction

reduced paperwork

faster workflow


Office of Law Enforcement

Has to review and possibly approve solutions?

Would like them to help shape alternatives and criteria to ensure approval

Necessary to enable electronic reporting and ensure accountability

Accuracy of data and accountability for data submitted

Solution(s) need to withstand judicial scrutiny and be consistent with case law

improves accuracy , makes individuals legally responsible for data they submit regardless of report

Get it right the first time and include OLE staff on team to help with "reach back" into organization and get hands on expertise.

General Counsel

GCF (in conjunction with F/CIO and GCEL) must approve our project outcome

advise, answer questions, and ultimately approve


legal sufficiency

legal efficiency

increased difficulty of prosecution


maintain lines of communication

















Service providers (examples)
































Professional/Trade Groups (examples)








At-sea Processors Association








West Coast Seafood Processors Association








Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations








Pacific States Fisheries Management Council

PSFMC developed the electronic fish ticket software currently being used by NMFS in the Pacific Whiting Fishery and currently is piloting software for an electronic logbook for use in West Coast Fisheries.

Support development, incorporate and implement an e-signature into their e fish ticket and e lag book software.

e-signature is essential

an e- signature solution is necessary to expand their e fish ticket program and to implement their e-logbook program.

e-signature not happening, cost issues

Yes, enables expansion of their programs, ultimately means quicker, more accurate data collection.

Find an e-signature solution that will work for all stakeholders

Fishing Vessel Owner's Association, Seattle WA

This organization represents a significant portion of  the West Coast fixed gear groundfish fleet, who will be reporting fishing activity through a Federal logbook beginning as early as 2009.

support, provide input, and advocate implementation

Identity theft issues (question)

log book itself is very important, timeliness of reporting is important

system must be user friendly

logbook may produce a better record for their own purposes

meet stakeholders needs, desires.

Partner Organizations








States (e.g., Alaska)








Countries (e.g., Canada)








Commissions (e.g., Tuna or Halibut)








End User Community
















Non-profit organizations (filers)


File for themselves or on behalf of others






For-profit organizations (filers)


File for themselves or on behalf of others






Individuals (filers)








*Oversight/ Public Interest*
















Congress (authorizing committees)








Congress (appropriating committees)