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The eLandings System provides you with integrated reporting for statewide groundfish and IFQ groundfish, Rationalized Crab IFQ fisheries, and non-IFQ CDQ crab fisheries.


  • Review the allocated catch, by fish ticket number. 

  • If the allocation is not acceptable, or incorrect, you will need to edit the report immediately use the hamburger menu to select “Undo Allocation”.

  • This will allow you to redistribute the harvest until acceptable to all stakeholders. 

  • The eLandings System provides a listing of all items by fish ticket number and a summary by species, by fish ticket number. 

  • These should be reviewed prior to the submission of the landing report.


Grading and pricing can be done at any point after the itemized catch is allocated. It is an optional step. eLandings will allow you to enter

  • If you have determined the price of the itemized catch at the conclusion of the off-load, and have completed grading/sizing, you can complete this portion of the report.

    • If you do not have this information completed, or it will occur at a later point in time, proceed with the next step of the landing report.

  • In the illustration below, size and You can add grading and pricing using either the consolidated G&P tool or the itemized G&P tool.


  • In the illustration below, size and price information are added to the itemized catch . Additional from the user’s grading and pricing template. Admin users can update their grading and pricing templates at any time. Users with no grading and pricing template can fill in size and price information as needed.

image-20240325-214616.pngImage Added

  • Additional line to add more grade/size and price categories are available by selecting , More “More G/P Lines.

  • When saved, the amount is calculated for each price category. 

  • A total value by price category is displayed. The landing report also displays a Summary with total value by species, below the itemized catch section of the landing report.


Generate, Edit & Submit IFQ Report

Once the Initial Report has been submitted you can generate, edit, and submit the IFQ reports. There are three two ways of creating the IFQ reports, explained in detail in sections below.

  1. you can manually create them; or

  2. you can let the eLandings program allocate the catch to the IFQ can use the IFQ report builder (crab landing reports only)

The IFQ reports can be reviewed and edited before you submit them. Once the reports are submitted, the IFQ account will be debited and you cannot edit them. Any further changes have to be made through the NMFS Data Clerks


If you use this method, you will enter all of the IFQ information yourself and the eLandings program will not do any calculations (if you want to use the automatic calculations, see the 'Generating IFQ Report' section). Once the initial report has been submitted, go to the bottom of the Report Display hamburger menu and click on the Edit IFQ Reports button.


This screen allows you to fill in all the data without any automated calculations (again, if you want to use the automatic calculations, see the 'Generating IFQ Report' section). The edit page works like the itemized catch page. It will prevent you from saving data inconsistent with data entered elsewhere on the Landing Report (Fish Ticket, Permit Worksheet, etc.) and illogical data (like alphabetic characters in numeric fields).

You are allowed to save partially complete data, although unbalanced data cannot be successfully submitted.


This is the blank IFQ page where you can enter the IFQ information manually.

Generate IFQ Report

You can only generate the IFQ Report after you have entered all the itemized catch data and submitted the Initial Report.


Note that the pricing and grading does not have to be finalized to submit the Initial Report and Generate the IFQ.


The Groundfish IFQ report screen will open, with three sections. Permits, Summary, and IFQ reports. To create your own IFQ report manually, click on the Add/Edit icon at the right on the Permits table.


The IFQ Report Edit window will open. Here you can select the permit you want to create the IFQ report for, using the dropdown menu at the top right and then fill out the table for each permit.


This screen allows you to fill in all the data without any automated calculations (again, if you want to use the automatic calculations, see the 'Generating IFQ Report' section). The edit page works like the itemized catch page. It will prevent you from saving data inconsistent with data entered elsewhere on the Landing Report (Fish Ticket, Permit Worksheet, etc.) and illogical data (like alphabetic characters in numeric fields).

You are allowed to save partially complete data, although unbalanced data cannot be successfully submitted.


Generate IFQ Report

You can only generate the IFQ Report after you have entered all the itemized catch data and submitted the Initial Report.



Note that the pricing and grading does not have to be finalized to submit the Initial Report and Generate the IFQ. Grading and Pricing can be done at any point during the landing.

  • To generate the IFQ Report, go navigate to the bottom the hamburger menu at the top right of the Report Display page. 

  • In the IFQ Summary section, you can click on the Generate IFQ Reports button. From the dropdown menu, select Generate IFQ Reports 

    • Generating the reports does not submit them! 

    • You will still have an opportunity to review and edit the reports before you submit them.


    • After generating your IFQ reports, please scroll to the bottom of the page an review for accuracy before submission.


  • A message will tell you how many IFQ Reports were generated.


  • Now you can scroll down to the IFQ Summary section and review the IFQ reports.


NOTE:  If you are creating a crab landing report, another method of generating IFQ reports is available and is discussed in the section called Generating IFQ using IFQ Report Builder.  The IFQ Report Builder is an alternate method that distributes catch by disposition among different permits.


Editing the IFQ Report

Once the IFQ Reports have been generated, you can use the Edit IFQ page to make minor changes reports.

Note, you can only edit the IFQ Report until it is submitted. Once the IFQ report has been submitted, the IFQ account will be debited and you cannot edit it. Any further changes have to be made through the NMFS Data Clerks. The Data Clerks are available from 6 a.m. to midnight at: 1-800-304-4846, option #1.

Scroll down to the bottom of the Report Display page and click on the Edit IFQ Reports button.


The edit IFQ page allows you to make changes to all the fields in each of the IFQ Reports. Keep in mind that the program will prevent you from saving data inconsistent with data entered elsewhere on the Landing Report (Fish Ticket, Permit Worksheet, etc.). So if there are small errors in the number of pounds on an IFQ Report due to rounding, for example, then you may make these edits.


If you make changes, click on the Save and Continue button. This will save your changes and bring you back to the Edit IFQ page so you can review your edits. As long as the pounds in the Summary section are green in color then your IFQ Report and fish ticket are "in balance" if the pounds are in RED then you are out of balance and the eLandings program will not allow you to submit the IFQ report.


If you need to make major edits to the IFQ report and the pounds keep getting out of balance, you need to go back to the itemized catch section of the landing report to make changes. If so, first remove the unsubmitted IFQ Reports before you make edits to the itemized catch. Then, once you have made your edits, you will be able to generate the IFQ Reports a second time.

Removing an Unsubmitted IFQ Report

There are several scenarios when you might need to remove an unsubmitted IFQ Report:

  • If you generated the IFQ report, but then ended up doing a manual landing via the Data Clerks. In this case, you cannot Finalize your landing report until you delete the unsubmitted IFQ repots.

  • You need to edit the itemized catch or stat area worksheet on your landing report. In this case you need to remove the unsubmitted IFQ report, make your edits, and then re-generate the IFQ report for the second time.

  • To remove the report, first go to the Edit IFQ Reports page:


  • Then click on the Remove Unsubmitted Reports button:


  • You can see two of the line items are missing areas. You will need to select the IPHC areas manually in order to submit the IFQ Report. You will only need to do this for ambiguous stat areas.


  • Use the hamburger menu at the top right of the page to edit the IFQ report.


  • Use the line item Edit icon to add the IPHC areas the IFQ Reports table to add the IPHC areas.


  • Use the dropdown menu to select the correct IPHC area, and then click “Save”


  • When all the line items with missing Area are filled, then click “Save” to return to the main landing report page and submit your IFQ report.


Editing the IFQ Report

Once the IFQ Reports have been generated, you can use the Edit IFQ page to make minor changes reports.


You can only edit the IFQ Report until it is submitted. Once the IFQ report has been submitted, the IFQ account will be debited and you cannot edit it. Any further changes have to be made through the NMFS Data Clerks. The Data Clerks are available from 6 a.m. to midnight at: 1-800-304-4846, option #1.

Use the hamburger menu at the top right of the page to select “Edit IFQ Reports”.


The edit IFQ page allows you to make changes to all the fields in each of the IFQ Reports. Keep in mind that the program will prevent you from saving data inconsistent with data entered elsewhere on the Landing Report (Fish Ticket, Permit Worksheet, etc.). So if there are small errors in the number of pounds on an IFQ Report due to rounding, for example, then you may make these edits.


If you make changes, click on the Save button. This will save your changes and bring you back to the Edit IFQ page so you can review your edits and make sure that all the weight totals match.

If you need to make major edits to the IFQ report and the pounds keep getting out of balance, you need to go back to the itemized catch section of the landing report to make changes. If so, first remove the unsubmitted IFQ Reports before you make edits to the itemized catch. Then, once you have made your edits, you will be able to generate the IFQ Reports a second time.


Submitting the IFQ Report & Printing Receipts

  • Once you have created and reviewed the IFQ Reports and everything looks good, then you can submit them. 

  • Click on the Submit IFQ Reports button.


  • From the main Groundfish landing report page, use the hamburger menu in the top right hand of the page to select “Submit IFQ”.


  • Once you successfully submit your IFQ Report, an eLandings message banner at the top of the page will inform you that they the reports were submitted.


  • Scroll down to the IFQ section of the Report Display page and in the IFQ Reports section check that status of your reports now says "Submitted." 

  • Notice that you also have a transaction number which means that the IFQ account was debited in the database.


The Next step is to View and Print the IFQ Receipts. Simply Return to the top of the window and click on the View Receipts to Print button and a pdf file will open in a new browser window.the hamburger menu and look for the menu item “Download IFQ Receipts to Print”

  • Print all of the receipts. 

  • The Registered Buyer and the IFQ Holder need to sign each of the receipts.


If you submit your IFQ Reports and in the status column there is a message in red text that says "Contact NMFS EnfEnforcement" this is referred to as a 'red line' error.


There are many reasons that you could have received this error, but whatever the reason, you must contact NMFS Enforcement immediately.


The NMFS Enforcement Data Clerks can assist you from 6 a.m. to midnight at (800)304-46464846, option #1, during their business hours.
