Step 1 - Create a Local Ticket
In your system, create a brand new salmon landing report. If you have a test user account issued to you, use the processor codes associated with that account on the landing report.
If you don't have a user account, then use amarx / A_marx
You will need to request a landing report id and a fish ticket number from the eLandings webservice and assign these new id's to your ticket.
Create three line items on the ticket
- 1524 pounds of Species 450
- 450 pounds of Species 420
Here is an example LR16582248.xml
The XML <line_item> should not contain a <line_item_number>
Step 2 - Submit the initial ticket
Pass your landing report to the elandings webservice submitInitialLandingReport()
You should get back something like LR16582248_initial_submit.xml
The landing report should be listed as "Initial Report Sumitted"
Each permit item should now have an <item_number> assigned to it by eLandings. This is used as a primary key by eLandings
Each stat area in the stat area worksheet should now have an <item_number> assigned to it by eLandings. This is used as a primary key by eLandings.
Each line item should now have a <item_number> associated with it. This is used as a primary key by elandings.
Step 3 - Edit the ticket