Proposed eSignature Meeting Schedule
- Call on July 30
- Review this proposed schedule
- Review Stakeholder Grid (Due July 25)
- Reach agreement on pilots
- Understand to-dos under communications plan
- Introduction to the Alternative Analysis
- Call on August 20
- Review e-signature alternatives
- Tuna permit
- NPS-like username/password
- PKI or federated identity based
- Review Criteria for Alternative Analysis
- Review e-signature alternatives
- Call on September 3
- ThinkTank Session on Alternatives Analysis
- Map e-signature alternatives to OMB assurance levels
- Likely Criteria
- Risk Mitigation
- Usability
- Ease of Implemenation
- Affordability
- Call on September 17
- Review e-signatures Pilots for Risk Assessment
- Pilot A (National Permit System)
- Pilot B (Hawaii Long-line e-logbook)
- Pilot C (Hawaii bottomfish e-logbook)
- Pilot D (West Coast fixed gear e-logbook)
- Pilot E (West Coast Federal e-logbook)
- Review Criteria for Pilot Evaluation
- Review e-signatures Pilots for Risk Assessment
- Call on October 1
- ThinkTank Session on Risk Assessment
- Pilot Criteria
- Legal/Policy Mandate (Y/N)--(i.e., Magnuson Reauthorization Act or NMFS regulation)
- Executive Sponsorship (low, med, high)
- Cycle Time Improvement (low, med, high)
- Compliance Impact (Y/N) Can we manage fisheries according to our plan without the electronic transfer of data?
- Volume of Transactions (low, med, high)
- Level of Assurance
- Category of Harm
- Likelihood of Harm
- Pilot Criteria
- Discuss design for 10/15 and 10/29 to focus on implementation plan for Hawaii non-commercial bottomfish logbook as a pilot
- ThinkTank Session on Risk Assessment
- Call on October 15
- Share pilot implementation plan for Hawaii non-commercial bottom e-logbook with to validate data and also ensure consistency with procedural directive to include elements such as:
- Timeline
- Milestones
- Staffing
- Share pilot implementation plan for Hawaii non-commercial bottom e-logbook with to validate data and also ensure consistency with procedural directive to include elements such as:
- Call on October 29
- (Potential new agenda to focus on reviewing the model for complying with the procedural directive using Hawii non-commercial e-logbook as a case study with emphasis on next steps for other pilots and lessons learned to be documented)
- ThinkTank Session on the Implementation Plan Outline(s)????
- Sequencing
Hawaii Longline
LogbookHawaii Non-Commercial
Bottomfish LogbookNational Permit
SystemWest Coast Federal
Fixed Gear eLogbookWest Coast
Highly Migratory Species
Permit Process (no ID proofing)II
NPS - Username and Password
(on-line ID proofing)III
USDA level 2 or equivalent
(in-person ID proofing)