Schema Version History

Schema Version History

Consider also whether a release has been adequately described on page /wiki/spaces/pm/pages/10427563

Schema Version 5.0 (In Production 2019-10-23)

  • amendment - added management_program_modifier
  • haul_deploy_entry - added management_program_modifier
  • set_deploy_entry - added management_program_modifier
  • delivery_entry - added management_program_modifier
  • haul_retrieval_action - added management_program_modifier
  • permit_worksheet_history - added management_program_modifier
  • permit_worksheet - added management_program_modifier

Schema Version 4.9 (in Production 2019-08-22)

  • processor_user - added temp_password 
  • Added return_receipt_array
  • Added return_receipt

Schema Version 4.8 (in Production 2019-04-23)

  • processor_user - added temp_password
  • agency_user - added temp_password
  • processor_user_lite - added temp_password

Schema Version 4.8 (in Production 2019-03-20)

  • logbook_profile_header - added operation_lite

Schema Version 4.7 (In Production 2018.07.25-04.49.09)

  • gear_profile added "deleted" field

Schema Version 4.7 (In Production 2018.04.18-04.50.55)

  • On authorized_user_lite, added receive_email
  • On mass_update_change_query, added new_edit_stop_date

Schema Version 4.6 (In Production 6.5 Feb 28, 2018)

  • On production_report_header_history, added element operation_id and attribute operation_name.
  • On production_report_summary, added element operation_id and attribute operation_name.
  • On production_report_header, , added element operation_id and attribute operation_name.

Schema Version 4.5 (In Production 6.3 Jan 18, 2018)

  • Added ReportInfoWrapper

Schema Version 4.5 (In Production 6.0 Dec 4, 2017)

  • Added dockside_sampled to header_history and agency_header_data
  • Added daily_report_logbook structure

Schema Version 4.4 (In Production 5.7 Build 1.3403 Oct 19, 2017)

  • Added current_activity_state object
  • Added action_info object
  • Added action_summary object
  • Added action_type object
  • On daily_report_summary added
    • current_activity_state
    • action_info
  • On trip_report_summary, added
    • current_activity_state
  • Added fingerprint to transmission object
  • Added security_role_def object and added it to the codes object
  • Added security_role to query object
  • Added version_number to production report and landing report (???)

Schema Version 4.3 (In Production 5.6 Build 1.3320 Sept 13, 2017)

Defined tally_table_column_elements

Added tally_table_column_elements to workstation_config used by PTI/tLandings/SeaLandings

Added schema_version to operation_info

Added management_program_modifier to delivery_action on the daily_report

Added printed_copy to workstation_config for tLandings configuration use

On transmission object, element "transmit_date" added rule that there can be 0 or 1 elements present on the record.

On daily_report_summary object, added trip_report_id and logbook_profile_id

On trip_report_summary object, added logbook_profile_id

On Species_Def, added min_avg_weight_warning and max_avg_weight_warning

Schema Version 4.2 (In Production 5.4 Build 1.3178 July 27, 2017)

Added tender_vessel_number to mass_update_change_query. This is used by agency staff only.

Schema Version 4.2 (~In Production 5.2 Build 1.3120 June 30, 2017)

Bumped minor release number

Added management program modifier to delivery

Schema Version 4.2 (In Production 4.97 Build 1.3022 June 6, 2017)

Added the field logbookDailyReport to processor_user

Added the fields vessel_name and vessel_adfg_number to logbook_profile_summary. Modified the status field to have a min and max amount.

Added the fields vessel_name, vessel_adfg_number, and report_date to daily_report_summary. Modified the status field to have a min and max amount.

Added the fields vessel_name, and vessel_adfg_number to trip_report_summary. Modified the status field to have a min and max amount.

Added the field logbookDailyReport to processor_user_lite

Schema Version 4.1 (In Production 4.97 Build 1.2969 May 22, 2017)

Added vessel name and number to daily reporting info wrappers

Added Report Date to Daily Report Info

Schema Version 4.1 (In Production 4.97 Build 1.2893 April 21, 2017)

Added report date to Daily Report Summary

Schema Version 4.1 (In Production 4.97 Build 1.2830 Mar 30, 2017)

Added Trip report info to logbook profile and added daily report info to trip reports. This will allow for reproduction of tree structure in a single webservice call.

-- In logbook_profile_summary added trip_report_info

-- In trip_report_summary added daily_report_info

Schema Version 4.1 (In Production 4.97 Build 1.2760 Mar 8, 2017)

Added to header_history the fields: delivery_latitude and delivery_longitude

Added to workstation_config the structures: salmon_report_elements and groundfish_report_elements to allow PTI users to specify which fields are visible to tLandings users and what the default values should be. Also added onscreen_keyboard, black_background_colors, and receipt_printer

Added new structures: salmon_report_elements, groundfish_report_elements, and report_element to allow PTI users to specify which fields are visible to tLandings users and what the default values should be.

Added to header the fields: scale_loss and qa_probe_score. These are two fields that processors asked eLandings to add. Processors wish to use these to allow tLandings operators to report on fish quality at the time of delivery.

Added new structures: operation_authorization_lite, authorized_user_lite, and operation_info_lite

Added column inherited to authorized_operation_lite

Added columns description and expiration_date and create_date to operation_lite

Added report_of_reports, report_query, key_value_pairs, key_value_pair. This is used internally and isn't used by 3rd party webservices at this time.

Schema Version 4.0 (In Production 4.97 Build 1.2635 Jan 23, 2017)

Added processor_user_info_lite and processor_user_lite, authorized_operation_lite, operation_lite, federal_processor_number_lite, registered_buyer_number_lite, registered_crab_receiver_lite, registered_crab_receiver_number_lite

Removed federal_crab_permit_number

Schema Version 4.0 (In production 4.97 Build 1.2457 Nov 7, 2016)

Added operation_id to landing_report_info used when we run search queries

Added legacy_logbook_enabled to workstation_config. This is an internal structure for sealandings and is not used by 3rd party developers

Schema Version 4.0 (In production 4.97 Build 1.2283 Sept 15, 2016)

removed observer haul and set number. Moved offloads from daily reports to trip reports. changed the name of trip report field "custom trip name" to "trip name"

Added mag_stripe_read to landing report header object

Schema Version 4.0 (In production 4.97 Build 1.2216 Aug 22, 2016)

Added more structures for Logbook - dailyreport.xsd, tripreport.xsd

added submit_initial to mass_update_change_query This is an internal structure for agency desktop and is not used by 3rd party developers

Added delivery_latitude and delivery_longitude to header object in the landing_report to allow groundfish tender vessels to record the location that a delivering vessel made the landing to the tender.

Added chill_temp, to record the temperature of the fish,  to the header object in the landing_report. We already have a rsw_temp but are finding that rsw_temp is currently being used to store fish temperatures when rsw_temp should be recording the refrigerated sea water temperature of the fish hold. This new field chill_temp will provide us with a location to store both values to meet needs of industry, at some point.

Added optional operation on landing_report_summary

Schema Version 3.9 (In production release 4.97 Build 1.1986 May 25, 2016)

Added structures for Logbook - dailyreport.xsd, tripreport.xsd

Schema Version 3.9 (In production release 4.97 Build 1.1839 April 7, 2016)

Added pcod_mgmt_district to management_area_def. This is an internal structure for agency desktop and is not used by 3rd party developers

Schema Version 3.9 (In production release 4.97 Build 1644 Feb 4, 2016)

Added job_queue_monitor_array and job_queue_monitor and field definitions. This is an internal structure for agency desktop and is not used by 3rd party developers

Added trip_number_status to landing report. This is an internal structure for agency desktop and is not used by 3rd party developers.

Schema Version 3.8 (In production release 4.93 Build 1.1401 Nov 9, 2015)

Modified iers_monitor - webservice_type from string10 to string20

Added tlandings_user_array and tlandings_user

Added ODDS_TRIP_NUMBER to landing report - header, and header_history

Schema Version 3.7 (In production release 4.92 Aug 19, 2015)

Modified the mass_update_change_query to have tender_batch, operation_id, overlimit_species, overlimit_threshold and submit_final. This is an internal structure for agency desktop and is not used by 3rd party developers

Schema Version 3.7 (In production release 4.91 May 28, 2015)

Added validate_without_save to auto_archive_batch for use when just validating batching information rather than assigning the batching information. This is an internal structure for agency desktop and is not used by 3rd party developers

Schema Version 3.7 (In production release 4.88 April 15, 2015)

Made fish ticket number optional in logbook delivery entries.  makeBackwardsCompatible will throw an error if a logbook schema version 3.7 or above does not have a fish ticket on a delivery entry and is being converted to schema 3.6 or below

Added client_ip_address and request_ip_address to iers_monitor object.

Schema Version 3.6 (In production release 4.84 January 12, 2015)

Added iers_monitor and iers_monitor_array and contents of these elements. These two new object structures provide for internal system monitoring. Also most eLandings objects now contain an optional attribute that is an ID to allow the monitoring system to correlate events between the client and the server. While these new structures in the schema must be accommodated by API consumers, consumer code will never need to populate or process these new objects.

Schema Version 3.5 (in production in release 4.82 as of October 23, 2014)

Added auto_archive_batch_item. This will hold user fish ticket numbers along with the batch information that the user is assigning to the fish ticket number. Made this a child structure of auto_archive_batch.

Schema Version 3.4 (in production as of ~July 20, 2014)

Added tender_batch_summary, tender_batch_summary_batch, tender_batch_summary_item for use in the Mixed Salmon Percentage Mass Change Servlet. These structures are used to report summary information by tender batch for a give processor and date range.

Schema Version 3.3 (in production as of April 29, 2014)


Schema Version 3.2 (in test as of February 28, 2014)

Added last_change_user_org to landing_report, landing_report_summary, production_report, production_report_summary

Added obsfee_fee_status to obsfee_estimate_report

Schema Version 3.1 (in production as of November 13, 2013)

Added coar_area attribute to stat_area

Schema Version 3.0 (in production as of July 31, 2013)

Added qa_graph to header element

Added deck_load to header element

Schema Version 2.9 (in production as of April 03, 2013)

Removed requirement for crew_size on the header element.  It can now exist zero or one times.

Removed requirement for observers_onboard on the header element.  It can now exist zero or one times.

Schema Version 2.8 (in production as of March 19, 2013)

Added double_brailer to header element.

Schema Version 2.7

Added location_of_offload_code to header element.

Schema Version 2.6

added brailers_met_criteria attribute to header

Schema Version 2.5

mixed_fish_percent_undo element added to line_item element
added operation attribute to landing_report

Schema Version 2.4 (in production as of November 9, 2011)

moved_to_avoid_salmon element added to landing_report header
cqe_delivery element added to landing_report header
comment_code element added to logbook comment_entry
comment_text element made optional for logbook comment_entry
haul_entry element deleted, and removed from logbook entry
set_entry element deleted, and removed from logbook entry
set_deploy_entry element added to logbook entry
set_retrieval_entry element added to logbook entry
name attribute of registered_buyer_number expanded to 80 characters
name attribute of registered_crab_receiver_number expanded to 80 characters
database_entry_time element added to logbook entry
license_year attribute added to federal_processor_number element
license_year attribute added to registered_buyer_number element
license_year attribute added to registered_crab_receiver_number element

Schema Version 2.3 (in production as of May 24, 2011)

field length restrictions added to attributes
added database_entry_time element definition
modified price element to allow negative prices

Schema Version 2.2 (in production as of March 31, 2011)

field length restrictions added to all data elements
floating element added to landing_report header
slide element added to landing_report header

Schema Version 2.1 (in production as of March 18, 2010)

out_of_state element added to landing_report header
tender_batch element added to landing_report header
tally_invoice element added to landing_report header

Schema Version 2.0 (in production as of May 18, 2010)

split schema into multiple schema files

Schema Version 1.9 (in production as of March 18, 2010)

added tender_trip_number to landing_report header

Schema Version 1.8 (in production as of February 10, 2010)

added landing_report_list to support bulk export

Schema Version 1.7 (in production as of June 22, 2009)

dock_delivery element added to workstation_config
default_date_fishing_began element added
default_time_of_landing element added
generate_tally_with_ticket element added
default_stat_area element added
default_nearest_bay_or_headland element added
user_defined_alias element added
tare element added
default_date_fishing_began element added to workstation_config
default_time_of_landing element added to workstation_config
generate_tally_with_ticket element added to workstation_config
default_stat_area element added to workstation_config
default_nearest_bay_or_headland element added to workstation_config
user_defined_alias element added to product_item_template
chill_type element added to vessel_default
tare element added to vessel_default
tender_log element added
tender_log_items element added

Schema Version 1.6 (in production as of March 3, 2009)

delivery_port_region element added to landing report header
delivery_port_region element added to landing report header history
date_fishing_ended attribute added to landing report header

2. Schema Version 1.5 (in production as of January 21, 2009)

date_of_landing element data type changed from date to dateTime
species_default element added to landing report summary
itemized_catch_summary element added to landing report summary
chum_percentage_eligible flag attribute added to landing report summary

Schema Version 1.4 (in production as of August 21, 2008)

line_item_stat_area element added to production item for production reports
chill_type element added to landing report header
rsw_temp element changed from single value to list of up to 3 values on landing report header
dock_delivery element added to landing report header
dual_permit element added to landing report header
fishing_period element added to landing report agency header
mag_stripe_read element added to permit worksheet
locale_code element added to agency line data
dock_delivery element added to landing report header history
dual_permit element added to landing report header history
chill_type element added to landing report header history
fishing_period element added to landing report header history
mag_stripe_read element added to permit worksheet history
locale_code element added to line item history
chill_def element added to codes

Schema Version 1.3 (in production as of December 13, 2007)

stat_area_worksheet element added to production report
mra_trip element added to production report
trip_event_code element added to production report header
trip_event_def element added to codes
stat_area_worksheet_history element added to production report history
trip_event_code element added to production report header history
md5 element made optional on needed file
file_needed element added to needed file
max_xmit_file_size element added to workstation config
workstation_users element on workstation info renamed to workstation_user

Schema Version 1.2

count element added to stat area worksheet
diagnostic_event element added
upgrade_info element added
workstation_info element added

Schema Version 1.1 (in production as of May 15, 2006)

effectivity_date element added to ifq fishery
effectivity_end_date element added to ifq fishery
save_date element added to transmission
effectivity_date element added to valid condition code
effectivity_end_date element added to valid condition code
limited element added to agency user
schema_version element added to processor user info
printed_document element added to processor user
final_report_visibility element added to processor user
schema_change_notify element added to processor user
schema_version element added to processor user
schema_version element added to production report
round_weight attribute added to production item
schema_version element added to landing report
manual_ifq_report element added to landing report header
tender_vessel element added to landing report header
rsw_temp element added to landing report header
fishery_area element added to ifq permit worksheet
round_weight attribute added to line item
round_weight attribute added to product item
round_weight attribute added to line item stat area
manual_ifq_report element added to landing report header history
tender_vessel element added to landing report header history
rsw_temp element added to landing report header history
fishery_area element added to ifq permit worksheet history
schema_version element added to number info
description element added to query parm
query_group element added to query
description element added to query
mail_process_info element added

Schema Version 1.0

management_program element added to permit worksheet
management_program element added to permit worksheet history

Schema Version 0.9 (in production as of August 15, 2005)

Original schema for Rationalized Crab initial release

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