Enforcement Quick Reference

Enforcement Quick Reference

Useful Links to Save:

eLandings Agency Loginhttps://elandings.alaska.gov/web/Web Address to sign into eLandings Agency webpage
eLandings Agency User ManualAgency Web Users ManualUser manual for the eLandings Agency Web
eLandings Processor User ManualeLandings User ManualUser manual for the processor eLandings application
FFP Look Up by YearFFP/FPP LookupLink to the NOAA website to look up FFP/FPP by year. FFP/FPP can be downloaded in an excel file or viewed on a webpage
CFEC Permit Lookuphttps://www.cfec.state.ak.us/plook/#permitsLink to the CFEC permit lookup page. CFEC permit information can also be found in eLandings Agency Web
ADF&G Proc Code Look Uphttp://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=fishlicense.holdersADF&G Processor Code is also sometimes called a fisheries business license, Proc Code, or F Code. This link will take you to ADF&G's database to search current and past proc codes
ADF&G Allowable Activities MatrixAllowable Activities Matrix PDFADF&G's documentation on what type of Proc codes are needed for different fisheries business types. 
Observer Fee InformationObserver Fee Collection PDF will be able to answer most Observer fee questions. 
Status of Fisherieshttps://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/status-of-fisheries/This search works best with very wide parameters. As you can see in the screenshot below, using only the year and effective date give the best results for search the SOF, once you start adding in more parameters the results may incorrectly come back null.

Round Weight at the Bottom of the Fish Ticket

/wiki/spaces/AR/pages/59801700Instructions on how to understand and use the Round weight at the bottom of fish tickets. 

IFQ Landings with Code 87: 


Disposition Code 87 (Retained for Future Sale) is reported by processors at the time of offload when there is halibut and IFQ sablefish that is being retained by the fisherman for future sale.  Since both halibut and sablefish must be offloaded continuously and reported on the initial fish ticket, code 87 enables the documentation of the weight at the time of offload and provides a way for the fisherman to sell the fish later.   

By using code 87, the buyer is indicating that the associated pounds will be retained for a future sale and that future sale will be sold and documented on a separate fish ticket.  More information about how this disposition code is used by processors is available here.

Agency Procedures

IPHC staff will review all records with code 87 in June and December each year.   Two outcomes are possible during this review:

1) When the separate ticket is present, IPHC staff will change the code on the initial fish ticket ticket from code 87 to code 67.

Code 67 indicates that the associated pounds have been reported on a separate fish ticket ticket.

2) When no separate ticket is present, IPHC staff will contact the fisherman and remind the fisherman that a follow up ticket must be produced.

If no separate ticket is produced, one year after initial submission, IPHC staff will change the code on the original ticket from 87 to 47.

Code 47 indicates that the associated pounds have not been reported on a separate ticket.

Disposition Codes 67 and 47 are unpublished and only assigned by agency staff.

Retained for future sale (Code 87) - IFQ Species only

Code 87 should only be used if the fisher is taking the catch back onboard the vessel to sell at a later time. Documentation of retained for future sale indicates that a purchase has not occurred at the point of initial offload. The future sale may be via a dockside sale or to another processor. When the retained fish is finally sold, a second fish ticket/landing report must be completed. In the case of dockside sales, the fisher must complete a fish ticket using their catcher/seller processor permit. All information elements on the second report must be completed including the species, delivery condition code, the weight of the catch, the disposition code, and the price paid. To accurately document the catch, the partial delivery box needs to be checked on both fish tickets.

Example Scenario for code 87

A fishing vessel comes into port to make a halibut landing with 2000 pounds of fish. The permit holder wants to sell most of the halibut to the Island Fisheries processing plant, but wants to retain 500 pounds to sell via dockside sales.

The fisherman must offload and weigh the entire* catch at the Island Fisheries plant. Island Fisheries completes a landing report with 1,500 lbs as code 60 (sold for human consumption) and 500 lbs as code 87 (retained for future sale). Island Fisheries submits the IFQ report for all 2,000 lbs of halibut. The partial delivery box needs to be checked on the landing report.

The fisherman then takes the 500 lbs back onto his boat to sell via dockside. For each sale, he will need to complete another landing report using his own Registered Buyer permit and documenting the amount of each transaction. These must be reported as code 60 (sold) and there will not be IFQ report submitted.

*Note: IPHC regulations require all halibut to be weighed and recorded at the first offload site.  

Disposition Codes and Descriptions




For Fish Meal Production


Special Donation


Over Limits


Sold for human consumption


Bait, sold


Overage - specify overage type


Seized or confiscated


Tagged IFQ fish


Delivered Live


No Harvest


Deadloss - shellfish only


Donated Prohibited Species - food bank program


Retained for future sale (IFQ Halibut/Sablefish only)


Discarded - Infested/Contaminated


Decomposed or previously discarded




Retained for bait, not sold


Damaged by Observer Sampling


Live Release, Yukon River King Salmon only


Personal use - not sold


Discard at sea


Discard, onshore. After delivery/before processing - not sold

Product Recovery Rates

For up to date product recovery rates, sign into your eLandings account and go to Codes>Product Recovery Rates

This brings you to a page that lists all the current product recovery rates for all Federally managed species. You can use the page numbers at the bottom to browse through 113 pages of product recovery rates, or you can use the search bar at the top of the page to search for a specific species by name or species code.

Looking up Processor details for contact information

Sign into eLandings Agency Web. Navigate to Admin > Processor Users

This brings you to the search page. From here you can search by name, email, company, port, etc. Use the fields to narrow your search as much as desired. In this instance I am just searching for all companies with the word “Fish” in the title. Once you enter your parameters, click "Search" to display results just below the "Search" and "Reset" buttons.

A list of User IDs associated with the company names that included the word “Fish” were listed. Use the name, phone number and status to choose which contact is the one you are looking for. To see more information about that User, click the blue User ID.

The user detail page provides email and phone (highlighted in light yellow) as well as last login, fax, and the Operations the user is authorized on. You can see more detail about the operations by clicking on the Operation ID. 

Clicking on the Operation ID takes you to the Operation Page, that has Operation details.

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