BBEDC Operations and Reporting Guide_FINAL (1)
Steps to Creating a New eLandings Operation
Hired skippers for CDQ Groups often want to act as Catcher Seller's, which basically means you want to sell your own catch. There are some permits that you'll need too get from NMFS and ADFG before you can actually start the eLandings registration process. Please follow the steps below to apply for your permits;
- ADF&G Processor Code or Intent to Operate License - Click the link below to apply for your fisheries business license with the Department of Revenue.{+}
- Federal Fisheries Permit (FFP) – required if fishing in the EEZ and retaining groundfish bycatch. Not required if you are fishing in State waters only (within 3 nautical miles of shore) See copy of the FFP application at the end of the document.
- Registered Buyer permit allows you to receive and make your own IFQ landing. Applications may be submitted online through your eFish account here: See copy of the application at the end of the document.
- Once you have received all your permits, proceed to the next section of this document titled, "Register a New Operation in eLandings".
Helpful Tools
For information on how to use eLandings to report your landings, please visit this page: {+}eLandings User Manual
We have an eLandings training environment where you can practice creating "fake" reports for a variety of different report types. Those instructions are located here:
{+}eLandings Training Scenarios
The 679.5 recordkeeping and reporting regulations are located here: Read section E (eLandings), and section L (IFQ Landings.)
I have attached information regarding observer fees. As of 2013 processors and registered buyers are required to pay observer fees.
Allowable Activities
Registered Buyer Permit Application
679.5 Regulations, Section E and Section L
Observer Fee Flier
Registering for an eLandings Account
Once you have received all your permits you can register for an eLandings account here:
Enter the following information:
Operation Type: catcher seller
Operation Name: name of your business, can even be the vessel name
ADFG Proc Code: issued by the Dept. of Revenue, example: F1234
Federal Permit Number: if you fish outside 3NM and retain groundfish this is required
Registered Buyer Number: apply via eFish for this permit
Registered Crab Receiver: not required
Port: click on the blue port code link to see the list of ports
Vessel ADF&G: Your vessel number
UserID: write this down since it will be the username you use to log into eLandings.
Password: retain your password- it is case sensitive
Confirm Password: re-enter the password
User Name: this should be your first and last name
City: the city where you are located
State: Alaska
Telephone Number: best contact number
Fax Number: not required
Email Address: valid email to receive correspondence from NMFS
Security Question: create a question you know the answer to
Secret Answer: answer to your security question
Check for any spelling errors and click Register.
Congratulations you have created your eLandings account!
Please print, sign and submit a copy of your Authorizations Agreement to so your operation can be enabled.
Once your operation is enabled you will receive a confirmation email and be able to login and create landing reports. See the section titled,, "How to Complete a CDQ Landing Report as a Catcher Seller."
How to Complete a CDQ Landing Report as a Catcher Seller
Go to: and click Login
Enter your UserID and Password, click Login
Confirm your operation is listed and click on Groundfish Landing Report
Enter your vessel and landing information
This is a helpful tool to determine what information you need to enter from your CFEC permit.
This is a list of the CDQ groups and their Management Program ID's
Enter your CDQ and CFEC permit information
Enter the statistical area information and click Save
Click on the Add Edit Itemized Catch button
Add your catch information and click Save
If you didn't select a fish ticket in the previous screen, click on Allocate Permits
Click on the Submit Initial Report button
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Generate IFQ Reports button
Scroll to the bottom of the page and verify the information is correct and click on the Submit IFQ Report button
You can now Final Submit your report
Click on the View Receipts to Print button to print the landing report receipt
Print the fish ticket by clicking on the blue link in the CFEC Permit Worksheet box
The signed Fish ticket must to be submitted to your ADF&G office within seven days of the landing.
Printing the observer fee PDF is the last step. It should take no more than 20 minutes for them to populate.
Congratulations you have successfully submitted your eLanding report!
Reporting Requirements
Prior Notice of Landing (PNOL): A minimum of a three hour notice is required for all IFQ/CDQ Landings. This process is completed by calling the NOAA Data Tech office at 1-800-304-4846 opt 1. They will ask you for the following information so please have it ready.
- Vessel ADFG
- Date/Time of offload
- Gear Code
- Port of Offload
- Dock or Location of the Offload
- Species Fished
- Estimated Weight
- Area Fished: Example IPHC Area 4D,4C
- IFQ/CDQ Permit
The Data Techs will provide you with a confirmation number.
You have a two hour window from the scheduled PNOL time, up until midnight, to start your offload.
Once your offload has started it must be a continuous offload.
The fisher/permit holder must remain at the landing site until the offload is complete, the landing report has been submitted and IFQ accounts have been debited and the fish ticket has been completed.
The offloaded CDQ/IFQ Halibut or IFQ Sablefish may not be moved from the landing site until the IFQ Landing Report is completed.
The Registered Buyer must submit their IFQ Report within 6 hours after all IFQ/CDQ are offloaded and prior to shipment or transfer of fish from the landing site.
Problems Reporting:
If you need assistance with eLandings you can contact eLandings support staff at for assistance.
If it is after hours and you need help with your IFQ landing report or your internet is down and you are unable to report electronically you will contact the Data Techs at 1-800-304-4846 option 1. Their office is staffed 7 days a week from 6am to midnight.
If you need to make a correction to a landing report you will need to contact the Data Techs to request authorization for a IFQ/CDQ Manual Landing Report.
eLandings Reporting Frequently Asked Questions