At-sea Production Reports

eLandings User Manual

At-sea Production Reports

At-sea Production Report Data Entry

To be able to enter an At-sea Production report, you must be a registered eLandings user. If you are not please proceed to the eLandings registration page: eLandings Registration

  • If you are not already logged into eLandings, log in at https://elandings.alaska.gov/web

  • Once logged in, you will see the Reports Menu screen. Use the Reports dropdown to select “Production Reports”.


You will be redirected to the production reports page. The main portion of the page is for searching exisiting production reports, and at the top there is a “Create” button that will allow you to create a new production report. Click on “Create” to begin a new report.



  • You will next need to select the operation that you would like to create the production report for, then click “Create”.

  • At the top, you will see the header information, which need to be filled out first.

  • The Federal Permit number and ADF&G Vessel Number automatically defaults to the code that you entered upon registration in the User Profile screen. Please verify this code is correct. If the ADF&G or Federal Permit number is not correct, please contact a NMFS staff member at elandings@alaska.gov and they will make the correction for you.

  • Enter a three-digit Federal reporting area. If a special area was reported, use the drop-down list next to Special Area to choose COBLZ, RKCSA, or AISWW. Maps and coordinates of these special areas and reporting areas may be found at http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/rr/figures.htm .

  • If you are in a special area select the applicable option from the drop down menu.

  • Verify that the report date is correct.  Report date is the day that you processed fish, not necessarily when you set or hauled nets.

  • Enter a one or two-digit gear type. A look-up table of gear types may be accessed by clicking on the blue Gear Codes text underneath the Gear heading. The gear codes you are mostly likely to use are:

Gear Code

Gear Description

Gear Code

Gear Description


Non-pelagic / bottom trawl


Pelagic / mid-water trawl





  • Enter a crew size. Crew size does not include observers, but does include skippers.

  • Verify the At-Sea Port Code is correct

  • A management program is required to be selected using the drop-down list. If the vessel was fishing open-access, please select OA as the Management Program.

  • Only the CDQ, RPP, and AFA management programs require a Program ID. The management program ID values for AFA and CDQ ids are:

Management Program

Management Program ID


Management Program

Management Program ID




AFA catcher/processors



AFA motherships



Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association



Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation



Central Bering Sea Fishermen's Association



Coastal Villages Region Fund



Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation



Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association

  • If only discards were collected, please click on the No Production box.  'No Production' reports only need to be submitted when your vessel has gear in the water or you are processing fish, not during offload or when steaming to port (without gear in the water).


  • Six digit statistical areas are required on daily production reports for catcher processors and motherships. Please enter the State stat areas that are located in the Federal reporting area where your nets were hauled. Please do not include any State stat areas that are not located within the Federal reporting areas where your nets were hauled. Approximately assign percentages to stat areas where the catch occurred.  Stat areas do not need to be reported when you are submitting a 'No Production' report.  Again, 'No Production' reports only need to be submitted when your vessel has gear in the water or you are processing fish, not during offload or when steaming to port. Tabbing or clicking the Plus Icon will add the statistical area to the table.


  • To make edits to your statistical areas simply use the pencil icon to edit or the trash can icon to delete the row.


  • If any production was done, use the Production section of the report to list the species and their ending product code.

  • Use the three digit species code, denote if the product was Primary (P) or Ancillary (A), and then the weight in to the nearest thousandth metric tons for each species.

  • Tabbing will add the row of data to the table or you can click on the plus icon.

  • Lists of species codes, product type codes, and product codes may be found at http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/rr/tables.htm.

  • The system will not allow you to enter invalid combinations of product codes and product type codes when you save the report.

  • Your weights are defaulted to accept weights with three decimal places. This rounding may be automatically set in the "User Profile" screen as "Number of decimals to display for weights".


  • After you are finished entering products, please enter all discards.

  • For each line of discards, please denote the species by three digit species code

  • Enter a two-digit Discard Disposition code. Discard Disposition codes may not be entered in the product section, and are only to be used in the discard section.

  • Weights must be entered to the nearest thousandth, record weight of discards for any non PSC species.

  • Count must be entered as a whole number. For prohibited species (e.g. salmon, crab, herring), the number of fish/crab MUST be reported, but weight does not need to be reported.


Saving Your Report

  • When you are done entering data for your report, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

  • If you do not wish to save changes, you may click on the Cancel button, which will exit you out of the Production Report Entry screen. However, any changes made will not be saved if you click on the Cancel button.


  • You may receive an error message upon saving your report. Error messages are displayed when you try to save (unsuccessfully) at the top of the Production Report Entry screen.

  • You will not be able to save or submit a report until all errors have been fixed. The error message will indicate the field that needs to be corrected. 

  • Warning messages do not prevent you from saving reports, but are meant to warn users of uncommon entries (such as entering >400 mt for a single species and product code combination).


  • After all errors have been corrected, save your report by clicking on the Save button again at the bottom of the screen.

  • The progress tool bar at the top of the screen will provide you with the Next Step: Submit Report.


  • From the drop down menu select the Submit Report option.

  • When the report saves successfully, the report progress bar will display “Final Submit Status 100%.”


  • Agency staff cannot view production reports with a status of Not Submitted, so if you call for user support, keep in mind that Not Submitted reports are only visible on your end.

  • After you've submitted your report click on the menu to View PDF. A new browser will open to display the report. Check your print-out against your data to make sure that you have not made any data-entry errors. 


  • If you find an error, click on the Edit menu item to make corrections.

  • When finished, please print and save a copy of the PDF file for your records. Federal law mandates that you keep copies of your reports for 3 years, plus the current year. You only need to save the current year's reports on the vessel. You may be asked by NMFS staff members to make changes to reports in the future, so please file your reports on-site so you may access them quickly in case revisions need to be made.

MRA Spreadsheet

If your report is the first of a new trip for Maximum Retainable Amount (MRA) calculations, click on the Trip Event drop-down menu. The Trip Event field is a voluntary field that was created to help crews flag when their reports are the first of a new trip for MRA purposes.


The following Trip Events are available:

  • Offload Product: A new fishing trip is triggered for any fishing following the offload of fish or fish products.

  • Directed Fishing Closure: A new fishing trip is triggered for any fishing in an area following a change in the
    directed fishing status for any species retained aboard the vessel.

  • Enter SSL Protection Area: A new fishing trip is triggered for any fishing after entering a SSL protection area
    closed to directed fishing for Pacific cod or Atka mackerel (see regulations at 679.22(a)(7) , (a)(7)(v), (a)(7)(vi),
    (a)(8) (a)(8)(iv) and (a)(8)(v)).

  • Leave SSL Protection Area: A new fishing trip is triggered for any fishing after departing a SSL protection
    area closed to directed fishing for Pacific cod or Atka mackerel (see regulations at 679.22(a)(7) , (a)(7)(v),
    (a)(7)(vi), (a)(8) (a)(8)(iv) and (a)(8)(v)).

  •  Please choose a Trip Event, or leave the Trip Event field blank if your report is not the first of a brand new MRA trip.  After you've entered all products and discards for that report, please click on the Save button.  Once you review your work and you are ready to transmit your data, click on the Submit Report button.


Only after you've submitted your report will you be able to view the MRA spreadsheet.  From the menu select View MRA Spreadsheet.


An Excel spreadsheet will download. You will be able to see all product reported for a given week, including days that comprise different trips.
You'll notice reports are listed as separate columns and the following header information is available: Federal Fisheries Permit, vessel name, Report Date, Trip Event (the event that triggered a new trip for that particular report), management program, and management program ID. The data are listed by species code, product code, total round weight for all species/product code combinations reported that week, and round weight reported for each report ID.

  • Please note that the total round weight add all weights together, including weights from different MRA trips. The MRA spreadsheet is not meant to be the final computation of MRAs per trip, but it is meant to provide the crews a way to tabulate and cut and paste products from the same trip. Further computation by crews is required in order for MRAs to be calculated on a trip basis.


How to Download and Print this Article as a PDF

  • Download:

    • Click the 3 dots (...) at the top right of the article

    • Click Export

    • Click Export to PDF

    • Wait for the PDF to load, and click Download PDF

  • Print:

    • Open the PDF

    • Print the PDF





Support Contact:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov


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