seaLandings At-sea Production Report

eLandings User Manual

seaLandings At-sea Production Report

Creating an At-Sea Production Report 

  • Double-click on the seaLandings icon on your desktop to launch the program.
    • Enter your user ID and password.

Enter the following User ID and password:

  • User ID: splankton
  • Password: S_plankton

To create a new production report, go to File...New at the top of your seaLandings screen.

  • Operation: The Chum Bucket
  • Type of Report: Production
    • Click OK

On the Vessel/Location tab, enter the following information and stat areas:

  • Do not change the default values for ADF&G vessel number, Federal Permit number, and Port Code
    • Report Date: today's date or any date in the recent past 
    • Gear Code: 61
    • Crew Size: 3
    • Federal Reporting Area: 650 (this can be a different Fed area as long as you use coordinating state statistical areas in the Area Information table)
    • Management Program: OA
    • Stat Area: 375600 at 50% and 375630 at 50%

Click on the Production & Discards tab.

Notice the No Production check box. You would typically check this box if:

  • the vessel has gear in the water but are not processing fish
  • the vessel is steaming to a port for offload

There is no need to submit "No Production" reports while the vessel is offloading.

Enter the following Production information:

Species CodeProduct Type (P/A)Product CodeWeight (mt)

Enter the following Discard information:

Species CodeDiscard Disposition CodeWeightCount

Save your report by navigating to File > Save, or by clicking on the floppy disc icon in the header section of seaLandings.

  • If your report contains any validation errors, you will be notified upon saving that report.  
  • Most errors are detected upon saving the report, but there are a few errors that are only detectable when the report is transmitted and a return receipt is generated.  
  • If there were errors in the report, you will need to process the return receipt, correct the errors, and resubmit.

Special Feature: A user can copy and paste data from Excel into the products and discard tables in seaLandings.

A user may enter their data in an Excel spreadsheet first and then copy and paste their data directly into the product and discard tables.

  • Below is an example of an Excel table of products that can be copied and pasted into the product tables in seaLandings.
Species Code
Product Type (P/A)
Product Code
Weight (mt)
  • Below is an example of an Excel table of discards that can be copied and pasted into seaLandings.
Species Code
Discard Disposition
Weight (mt)

  • After you highlight the data in the excel spreadsheet, right click with your mouse and select Copy.
  • Next, put your cursor in the first field of a new row of the product table and paste the data by holding down the Ctrl key with one finger while holding down the letter V with another finger.
  • You will be able to see immediate results if done properly.

Creating a Transmission File for Your Reports 

File Transmit

  • Close your report by going to File > Close.
  • Go to Reporting > Transmit Report.
    • Make sure the report you wish to transmit is check-marked in the column called "Transmit?"
    • Click on the Transmit button.
  • You will receive a message indicating that a transmission file has been created. 
  • There will also be information related to the name and location of the file you just created.
  • If there are any errors in the report they will be noted here.
    • Click OK.
  • Open your email client and draft a new email to er.training@noaa.gov
    • Attach your transmission file to the email, which is located in C:\ProgramData\\seaLandings\transmissions.
    • You can leave the email subject line blank.

Processing Your Receipt 

  • Wait for 1 - 5 minutes to receive a reply containing a report receipt.
    • Right-click on the attachment in that email and save it in C:\program files\seaLandings\transmissions.
    • Go back into your seaLandings program and select Reporting > Process Return Receipt.
    • Highlight the receipt you just saved and click on the Open button, or double-click on the receipt file
    • Click on the Process File button and then the Done button.

Direct Transmit

  • Close your report by going to File > Close.
  • Go to Reporting > Transmit Report.
    • Make sure the report you wish to transmit is check-marked in the column called "Transmit?"
    • Click on the Transmit button.
  • You will receive a message indicating that a transmission file has been created. 
  • There will also be information related to the name and location of the file you just created.
  • If there are any errors in the report they will be noted here.
    • Click OK.

Printing a Copy of Your Report 

  • Now go to File > Open and select the report so you can print a .pdf copy for your records.
    • Click on the Production Report PDF button.

  • An Open dialog box will pop up with the selected PR in the File Name field.
    • Click Open. 
    • The report will be saved in C:\ProgramData\seaLandings\pdf.

PDF Download Link: seaLandings At-sea Production Report

How to Download and Print this Article as a PDF

  • Download:

    • Click the 3 dots (...) at the top right of the article

    • Click Export

    • Click Export to PDF

    • Wait for the PDF to load, and click Download PDF

  • Print:

    • Open the PDF

    • Print the PDF

Support Contact:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov

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