eLandings Retained Disposition Codes and Offloading Reporting

eLandings User Manual

eLandings Retained Disposition Codes and Offloading Reporting

Offload Reporting when some fish is retained or sold at another location

Fishermen (including IFQ holders) may retain a portion of their catch after the offload has been completed. However, this fish needs to be properly documented on a fish ticket/landing report. The disposition code selected is dependent on what the fisherman intends to do with the catch.

IFQ:  All halibut and sablefish IFQ must be fully off-loaded, weighed and documented on the initial fish ticket at the first offload location.  If the fisherman wishes to return a portion of the catch to the vessel for a future sale, such as dockside, then this poundage needs to be documented separately and coded with the disposition of 87 – retained for future sale.  The partial delivery check box should be checked. At the point of the initial sale of this retained product, a fish ticket is required as this is the first purchase and the disposition code is 60 – sold.

Groundfish:  If the fishermen has non-IFQ groundfish and this product will be sold at a later point, it does not need to be off-loaded and documented on the fish ticket at the initial offload location.  This product should be off-loaded, weighed and documented in eLandings at the point of first purchase. Fishermen do need to report retained groundfish and the partial delivery box does need be checked.

 Retained for future sale (Code 87) - IFQ Species only 

Code 87 should only be used if the fisher is taking the catch back onboard the vessel to sell at a later time. Documentation of retained for future sale indicates that a purchase has not occurred at the point of initial offload. The future sale may be via a dockside sale or to another processor. When the retained fish is finally sold, a second fish ticket/landing report must be completed. In the case of dockside sales, the fisher must complete a fish ticket using their catcher/seller processor permit. All information elements on the second report must be completed including the species, delivery condition code, the weight of the catch, the disposition code, and the price paid. To accurately document the catch, the partial delivery box needs to be checked on both fish tickets.

Example Scenario for code 87

A fishing vessel comes into port to make a halibut landing with 2000 pounds of fish. The permit holder wants to sell most of the halibut to the Island Fisheries processing plant, but wants to retain 500 pounds to sell via dockside sales.
The fisherman must offload and weigh the entire* catch at the Island Fisheries plant. Island Fisheries completes a landing report with 1,500 lbs as code 60 (sold for human consumption) and 500 lbs as code 87 (retained for future sale). Island Fisheries submits the IFQ report for all 2,000 lbs of halibut. The partial delivery box needs to be checked on the landing report.

The fisherman then takes the 500 lbs back onto his boat to sell via dockside. For each sale, he will need to complete another landing report using his own Registered Buyer permit and documenting the amount of each transaction.  These must be reported as code 60 (sold) and there will not be IFQ report submitted.

*Note: IPHC regulations require all halibut to be weighed and recorded at the first offload site.  

Retained for personal use-not sold (Code 95)

Code 95 (retained for personal use) should be used if the fisher is retaining some of the catch for personal use and consumption. The product weight and delivery condition code at the point of offload/weighing should be recorded.

Example Scenario for code 95

A fishing vessel comes into port with 30,549 lbs of halibut. The fisher wants to sell 30,500 lbs of halibut and retain 49 lbs for personal use. The line items on the fish ticket would read 30,000 lbs with code 60 (sold for human consumption) and 49 lbs with code 95 (retained for personal use).

NOTE: State law precludes the sale of personal use harvest.

Fishermen acting as catcher/sellers who sell their halibut catch dockside rather than to a processor

  • The fisherman needs to have their own Registered Buyer permit when documenting an IFQ landing.
  • The proper disposition code for a dockside sale is 60 (sold for human consumption).
  • Fishermen selling dockside need to complete a paper fish ticket and send a copy to their local Fish and Game office within 7 days.

Other Retained disposition codes

  • Code 92 (Retained for bait-not sold):  should only be used if the fishermen is retaining part of the catch for bait, not for selling the catch.
  • Code 61 (Sold for bait):  should be used if the catch is being sold by the fisherman to the processor to be used as bait.

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