eLandings User Manual
eLogbook Documentation for Independent Software Vendors
This page will document current eLandings eLogbook interfaces for which may be of interest to independent software vendors (ISVs) considering marketing elogbook software to vessels fishing under the FMP for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area.
Note that in the development of the eLandings eLogbook component, alternatives approaches were considered, including adoption of eLogbook software from other organizations, commercial providers, etc. The deliberations that led to the decision to enhance eLandings with our own eLogbook component are not documented here. ISVs should be aware that through the NMFS eLandings system, vessels have no-cost access to eLogbook software that meets regulatory requirements. However, NMFS will accept eLogbook submissions from other NMFS approved software if that software fully meets those regulatory reporting requirements.
Reporting Requirements
Federal regulations concerning electronic logbooks in federal fisheries in Alaska can be found in 50 CFR Part 679.5(f). The first required use of an electronic logbook in federal fisheries in Alaska is being implemented through the Amendment 91 to the FMP for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area. As of January 20, 2011, trawl catcher/processors will be required to submit electronic logbooks to NMFS. In addition, regulations allow any federally permitted vessel to choose to use NMFS-approved electronic logbooks instead of a paper logbook.
To comply with the regulations, vessel operators must routinely create three daily logbook products: an ELB logsheet, an ELB discard report, and an ELB data export. The ELB logsheet and ELB discard reports are printouts. Signed paper copies of these printouts are subject to inspection should the vessel be boarded by fisheries enforcement personnel. The ELB data export is an XML representation of logbook data, and it must be transmitted to NMFS daily as an email attachment or via other NMFS-approved data transmission mechanism.
Printed Documents
One way for an ISV to ensure that logbook printouts comply with regulations would be to use eLandings software to produce the printouts. This could be done by importing the ISV-created ELB data export into eLandings, and then printing the required reports. Or the ISV-created ELB data export could be written to a directory structure in which the seaLandings client is installed, and then seaLandings could print the reports. Or the ISV could obtain the Java source code that generates the report PDF files and use the code verbatim or adapt it. Of course an ISV could also request example paper copies of the relevant documents.
ELB Data Export Format
The format of an ELB data export is specified by XML schema documents which are posted at http://elandingstest.alaska.gov/support/Schema.
Upon receiving an ELB data export, NMFS will generate a dated return-receipt to confirm receipt of the ELB data. Return receipts follow the same schema as ELB data export submissions, but receipts contain elements and attributes documenting the status of the data submission. If detectable errors exist in the data transmitted to NMFS, the receipt will identify the errors. If errors are identified, the operator must correct the errors and send a revised transmission to NMFS which will then generate a new receipt. The operator must retain the NMFS return receipts. If a return receipt from NMFS is not received within 24 hours, the operator must contact NMFS by telephone for instructions.
Alternative Transmission Mechanisms
Four ELB data export transmission mechanisms are supported:
- The eLandings web application (http://elandings.alaska.gov/elandings/Login) provides a web user interface for entering/editing ELB data.
- ELB data export XML files can be incorporated into a zip archive, together with an eLandings "user" XML file, and optionally with other eLandings data submissions, and that zip archive emailed to eLandings at elecrep@noaa.gov.
- The eLandings web application supports web submission of an ELB data export XML file via the eLandings web application's "Import a Report" mechanism. This could be done manually or it could be automated.
- The eLandings web services support direct submission via the eLandings SOAP API. ISVs would need to work closely with NMFS to coordinate use of the direct web services interface.
Note that once the eLandings system has accepted import or submission of the ELB data export, then the eLandings system could be used to produce the required paper reports as PDF files, which could then be printed or further manipulated by the ISV's system.
Additional Information
Additional information about interfacing with eLandings and using the eLandings schema can be found on pages prepared for our 2010 eLandings XML Interface Workshop, presented February 5, 2010.
Additional information about the NMFS eLogbook applications can be found in our eLandings User's Guide.