eLandings User Manual
eLandings Exportable Codes Lists
Phyllis G Smith (Unlicensed)
David Loomis
Larry Talley - NOAA Federal (Unlicensed)
Claire Minelga - NOAA Affiliate
File | Modified | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet CDQ_Groups.XLS CDQ Group Codes and Names |
Nov 25, 2011 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet EFFORT_Shellfish.XLS Shellfish effort designations and units of measurement by fishery |
Nov 25, 2011 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet PORT.XLS Port of Landings Table of valid port codes and descriptions |
Nov 25, 2011 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet CFEC_Fishery_Codes.xls CFEC Fishery Permit Types Reference Table |
Nov 25, 2011 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet Stat Area Translations.xls Table of ADFG statistical areas with translations to NMFS reporting areas and ADFG fishery Management and District areas |
Nov 25, 2011 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet Elandings Error Messages With Correction Actions.xls Table of eLandings Error Messages by Error Message identification number |
Nov 25, 2011 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet StatWeekCalculator.xls Statistical Week Calculator |
Nov 25, 2011 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet OFFICE.XLS ADF&G offices - real and virtual, used in data processing archival primary key component |
Jul 23, 2013 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Locale Code.xlsx Subdivisions of statareas used in salmon management in the Haines, Alaska area to more discretely identify salmon stocks. |
Aug 14, 2014 by Phyllis G Smith | |
PDF File 2014 COAR Codes.pdf COAR report code sheet. |
Dec 06, 2014 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet CFEC permit and allowable gears.xlsx CFEC permit types and gear codes that pass eLandings validation |
Jan 30, 2015 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet ALLGEAR.XLS Gear Table of valid codes and descriptions |
Jan 30, 2015 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Missing and Interim Values.xlsx Fish Ticket and eLandings System Interim and Missing Values |
Nov 24, 2015 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Special CFEC ADF&G default values.xlsx Specially designated ADF&G Vessel defaults |
Aug 26, 2016 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Sheet ELANDINGS DELIVERY CONDITION.XLS Delivery Conditon code table with descriptions, documenting the condition of he fish or shellfish at the point it is weighed and reported within eLandings. |
Aug 15, 2017 by Phyllis G Smith | |
PDF File Harvest codes 2015.pdf Harvest codes that provide additional description of the documented catch on landing reports. Harvest codes can be applied to individual tickets or individual ticket items. Please review more current Excel spreadsheet for more current documentation. |
Aug 15, 2017 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet HARVEST_CODES_8_17.xlsx Codes to identify specific harvest characteristics of individual fish tickets or individual fish ticket items. |
Aug 15, 2017 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Salmon Average Weight Business Rules.xlsx Documentation of all salmon species average weight sanity check business logic - warnings and errors. |
Sept 29, 2017 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Commercial_Harvest_Species_Code_Master_Table_12_2017.xlsx Comprehensive documentation on all commercial harvest species, including aquatic plants |
Dec 12, 2017 by Phyllis G Smith | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Disposition Codes 01_2019.xlsx Disposition codes and descriptions used to report the intended use or disposal of the product, such as sold, discarded at sea, retained for personal use, etc. |
Jan 11, 2019 by Elaine Brewer (Unlicensed) | |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet PRR - eLandings.xlsx eLandings Product Recovery Rate (PRR) table |
Dec 18, 2023 by David Loomis |