eLandings Glossary

eLandings User Manual

eLandings Glossary

ADF&G: The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is a state of Alaska agency with a mission to protect, maintain, and improve the fish, game, and aquatic plant resources of the state, and manage their use and development for the maximum benefit of the people of the state, consistent with the sustained yield principle. ADF&G has full management authority for salmon, herring, and most shellfish. The Department shares management responsibilities for Bering Sea and Aleutian Island king and tanner crab, and statewide groundfish.

ADF&G processor code: the state of Alaska Department of Fish and Game Intent to Operate Fisheries Business license number (example: F12345).

ADF&G vessel number: Unique, permanent identification number issued the first time a vessel is licensed in the State of Alaska. The ADF&G vessel number is printed on a triangular metal plate and affixed to the vessel. The ADF&G vessel number is permanent to a vessel regardless of a transfer or change of vessel ownership (Alaska Statute16.05.520).

Amount: The monetary amount paid/received by a fisher. The amount recorded on a fish ticket may reflect an in-season, pre-settlement amount.

Ancillary: eLandings product designation code. This code is used to indicate a secondary byproduct made from the same fish considered as the primary product. Fish meal, heads, surimi, internal organs, pectoral girdles, etc. See Primary.

Area of Harvest (COAR Report):  For the purpose of COAR reporting, the area where the harvest of a fishery resource occurred.  If using the eLandings integrated COAR report, the Area of Harvest and the Area Purchased are identical and the codes used for reporting are also the same. The Area Purchased and Area of Harvest are an assignment based upon the statistical area of harvest.  A translation table from statistical area to what is referred to as the COAR Area available at: https://elandings.alaska.gov/elandings/StatAreaLookup .

Area Purchased (COAR Report):  For the purpose of COAR reporting, the area where the purchase of a fishery resource occurred.  If using the eLandings integrated COAR report, the Area Purchased and the Area of Harvest are identical and the codes used for reporting are also the same.  The Area Purchased and Area of Harvest are an assignment based upon the statistical area of harvest.  A translation table from statistical area to what is referred to as the COAR Area available at: https://elandings.alaska.gov/elandings/StatAreaLookup  .

At-sea operator: Any vessel whose primary operations are not land based. Vessels that fall into this category include catcher exporters, catcher processors, or motherships.

At-sea processor: A vessel which processes catch at-sea such as a catcher-processor or a mothership.

Batch Year: The year the fish ticket was processed in a batch. This year can be different from the year of landing especially for crab and groundfish fisheries that are prosecuted in December, but the ticket was not batched until January of the next year.

Brailers Met Criteria: A quality field requested by industry to convey if brailers met the quality criteria set my the processors. If brailers are overloaded the fish at the bottom of the brailer get crushed, deteriorating their quality. 

Buyer-exporter:  The first purchaser of unprocessed fish that exports out of the state of Alaska fisheries resources that are either unprocessed or custom processed.

Buying station: A tender vessel or land based entity that receives unprocessed fish from a vessel for trans-shipping or delivery to a shoreside processor or mothership and that does not process those fish (NMFS 679.2 Definitions). Throughout a fishing season, a buying station is more stationary than a tender, making fewer trips to deliver fish and usually taking place on a scow (a barge-like vessel).

Bycatch: The harvest of non-targeted fish or shellfish other than the species for which the fishing gear was set. Bycatch is also called incidental catch. A percentage of bycatch may be retained for sale. In most instances, prohibited species (salmon, crab and halibut) may not be retained for sale. For shellfish fisheries, bycatch also includes sub-legal size or females of the target species.

Catch:  The total number or poundage of fish captured from an area over some period of time.  This includes fish that are caught but released or discarded instead of being landed.  See harvest.

Catcher-processor: A vessel that processes its own catch. Catcher-processors are at-sea processors.

Catcher-seller: A vessel that catches and sells unprocessed or limited-process-catch to individuals (e.g. via dockside sales) for personal consumption, or to other fishers for bait, but not for resale. Catcher-sellers must be licensed as such.

Cather-exporter: A vessel that catches and sells their own unprocessed or limited processed catch within or out of the country. Catcher Exporter operations can have custom processing done for them and export that catch. They cannot processor or do custom processing for others. Cannot purchase.

Catcher vessel: A vessel that is used for catching fish or shellfish and that does not process fish or shellfish on board.

CDQ ID number: An identification number assigned to a CDQ group by NMFS that must be recorded in all logbooks and all reports submitted by the CDQ group or by vessels and processors catching or processing CDQ quota under an approved community development program (CDP)(NMFS 679.2 Definitions). State of Alaska statutes also require CDQ groups to provide the number on all ADF&G fish tickets.

CFEC fishery permit: A permit issued annually to the designated vessel operator that allows participation in open access or limited entry fisheries managed by the state of Alaska. All shellfish fisheries off-shore Alaska are managed, fully or jointly, by the state of Alaska. CFEC fishery permits are issued annually for specific fisheries. Any commercial activity in state waters requires the operator to obtain a CFEC permit, including harvesting, landing of catch, selling product, or transshipping of catch. Open access fishers obtain an interim use permit. Limited access fisheries such as salmon, herring, and selected shellfish fisheries require a limited entry permit. All members of the crew are required to obtain a crew license to participate in commercial fishing. CFEC permit cards are issued to an individual, even if that individual is fishing for a Rationalized Crab cooperative or a CDQ group.

The CFEC permit card must be current for the calendar year and appropriate to the area, gear and harvest. CFEC regulation (20AAC 05.110)requires that each Individual Fishery Quota (IFQ) shareholder jointly fishing quota shares on a single vessel and a single trip have in their possession a valid interim-use CFEC permit. More information is available at: http://www.cfec.state.ak.us/

Chill Type: Refrigeration system used to keep fish cold in the vessel hold. It is generally used in conjunction with Temperature. This is a courtesy field provided to Processors at their request to help track quality of catch.

Chill Water Temp: A quality field requested by industry.  In some cases if the fish are caught and immediately delivered to the tender they don't cool down in the chill water, but they are very fresh. The chill water temp allows the processor to determine this.

Commercial Fishery Entry Commission: Quasi-judicial state agency responsible for promoting the conservation and sustained yield management of Alaska's fisheries resources and the economic health and stability of commercial fishing in Alaska by limiting participation in Alaska's fisheries. More information available at: http://www.cfec.state.ak.us/

Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR)  The Commercial Operator's Annual Report requests information from all licensed seafood processors that operate within the EEZ and State of Alaska waters.  A person, company, firm, opr other organization who is the first purchaser of raw fish, or who catches and processes fish or byproducts of fish, or who catches and has fish or byproducts of fish processed by another person or company must complete an operator's accurate and complete summary of activity for each Intent to Operate form filed for the previous year or a signed statement of non-activity on a COAR form.  The type of information can be divided into two categories, buying and production.  Buying refers to what the processor buys from a fisher.  Data includes area where purchased and processed, species and pounds purchased, gear type used, and price paid.  Production refers to what the processor sells to retailers.  The data is maintained by ADF&G, Commercial Fisheries Division.  NMFS requires that EEZ operators also complete the COAR, reporting production and value.  Summarized information from the annually submitted COAR is used in economic analysis of fisheries.

COAR Area:  See Area of Harvest or Area Purchased

COAR Area of Delivery/Processing:  For the purpose of COAR reporting, the area where processing of a fishery resource occurred.  A translation table from the ADF&G fish ticket system Port Codes to COAR Area is available at: https://elandings.alaska.gov/elandings/PortLookup .   

Community Development Quota Program: A joint federal/state program that allocates a portion of the total allowable catch for all federally managed Aleutian Island and Bering Sea groundfish and shellfish species to eligible communities in western Alaska. The designated fisher for the CDQ group must obtain and have in their possession a CFEC permit card for that specific fishery, even when jointly fishing CDQ and non-CDQ fish or shellfish.

Company Buyer: A designated agent for a company that buys fish or shellfish from fishers. A company buyer does not process or export fish or shellfish from the state.

Crew - licensed fishing and unlicensed processing:  A person engaged in commercial fishing shall obtain a commercial fishing license. Commercial Fishing means an individual who fishes commercially for, takes, or attempts to take fish, shellfish, or other fishery resources of the state by any means, and includes every individual aboard a boat operated for fishing purposes who participates directly or indirectly in the taking of these raw fishery products, whether participation is on shares or as an employee or otherwise; however, this definition does not apply to anyone aboard a licensed vessel as a visitor or guest who does not directly or indirectly participate in the taking; and the term "commercial fisherman" includes the crews of tenders or other floating craft used in transporting fish. Persons who need to obtain a crew member license include persons handling fishing gear, the cook, the engineer and any crewmembers who assist in maintenance, navigation, and operation of the vessel.  Individuals on board a floating craft used in the transport of fish or shellfish, including tenders, catcher processors, floating processors, or stationary floating processors that assist with transporting or taking on board fish or shellfish, must have a State of Alaska crew license.  Only those individauls working on board a catcher processor, floating processor, or stationary floating processor that work exclusively on the processing line are exempt from the crew license.  These individuals would be identified as processing crew.  ADF&G has more information on who is required to have a crew licences on their website: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=fishlicense.crewmember

Custom processor: A processor who provides the service of seafood processing but has not purchased (does not own) the seafood.

Date fishing began: The date the gear was deployed (in water) or harvest of fish or shellfish was initiated.

Date Landed: The date fish or shellfish are off-loaded or trans-shipped from the catcher vessel to the first purchaser. The date of landing is the day off-load is completed. For catcher-processors the date landed is the date the product is caught and brought on board. For catcher-seller vessels the land date is the date the product is initially brought into port.

Days Fished: The number of days that the gear was in the water, actively fishing. This would include soak days (times) for pots and longline gear. Days spent traveling to and from the grounds, when gear has been removed from the water, should not be considered when calculating days fished.

Deadloss: Crab must be delivered live for the live/fresh market or for processing. Dead crab deteriorate quickly and are unsuitable for human consumption. Crab that are harvested live, but subsequently die prior to delivery to the processor or for dockside sales are considered deadloss. This harvest must be recorded on the landing report, as it is an extraction from the resource.

Deck Load: A quality field requested by industry. If the catcher vessel runs out of fish hold space they may stack fish on their decks. These don't benefit from the chill system and may be of lower quality.

Delivery Code (Del. Con. or Deliv. Cond. Code)  See Delivery condition code.

Delivery condition code: Condition of the fish or shellfish at the point it is weighed and recorded on the fish ticket. Delivery condition codes provide important information utilized to convert the scale weight to whole weight.

Delivery Latitude/Delivery Longitude: For groundfish tender deliveries the delivery location lat/long is required in tLandings.

Direct-marketer: a vessel that catches and sells their own unprocessed or processed catch within or out of the country. Direct Marketer operations can have custom processing done for them but they cannot custom process for others. Cannot purchase. The ability to process their own catch is the only difference between this and the Catcher-Exporter. 

Discard: To throw away, reject, or dump a portion of the catch at-sea or at the dock before processing.

Discard Report: Discard reports are required by federal regulation to be given to the processor at the time of a groundfish offload if the vessel is federally permitted and is greater than or equal to 60 feet in overall length. The report includes discard or disposition information for all groundfish, prohibited species, and forage fish reported to the shoreside processor, stationary floating processor, or mothership by catcher vessels or buying stations.

Disposition: The intended use or disposal of the fish or shellfish. The most common disposition code is, 'Sold for Human Consumption' - code 60. Disposition codes can also indicate non-commercial disposal of catch. Examples of disposition codes include all discards of fish or shellfish at sea, or at the dock, fish or shellfish retained for personal use or bait, and discarded at sea or at the dock.

Dock Delivery: Intended for use by tender vessels who may take deliveries at port or on the fishing grounds. Used in conjunction with Tender ADFandG Number. If the Tender Vessel number is blank, the dock delivery field is generally ignored.

Dual Permit: Applicable where regulation allows. Typically used for Salmon. Designation to indicate two or more permits were used for on fish ticket. The presence of multiple permits on the fish ticket increases fishing limits. When dual permit is used, both CFEC permits are recorded on the fish ticket.  The primary permit, normally the vessel owner, is document first and the secondary CFEC permit is identified as the dual permit.  

Ex-Vessel value: The post-season adjusted price per pound for the first purchase of commercial harvest. The ex-vessel value is usually established by determining the average price for an individual species,harvested by a specific gear, in a specific area. The delivery condition of the product is usually taken into consideration when the average price is established.

Federal Fishery Permit: A vessel permit (FFP), issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service, which is required to fish for groundfish in the EEZ of the Gulf of Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, and the Bering Sea.

Federal Crab Vessel Permit: The owner of a vessel must have a Federal Crab Vessel Permit (FCVP) on board that vessel when used to fish for Crab Rationalization crab. These annual permits that expire at the end of the crab fishing year for which they are issued (June 30) and may not be surrendered at any time during the crab fishing year for which they are issued.

Federal Processor Permit: A Federal processor permit(FPP) is a permit issued by the NMFS. No shoreside processor of the United States or stationary floating processor may receive or process groundfish harvested in the GOA or BSAI, unless the owner first obtains a Federal processor permit issued under Federal regulations at 50 CFR Part 679.4.  A Federal processor permit is issued without charge. The permit applicant must be a "U.S. citizen" (individual or non-individual as defined at 679.2); and a separate permit is required for each business plus facility or vessel combination used for these purposes.  Permit applications and instructions can be found at: http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/.

Fish ticket: Record of purchase required by the State of Alaska (Alaska Statute 16.05.690). Each CFEC permitted fisher will receive one fish ticket record per landing report in the eLandings System.

Fish ticket number (ADF&G): The unique fish ticket number generated by the eLandings System. Each landing report and each fish ticket are uniquely numbered in the eLandings System.

Floating: A quality field requested by industry. If the fish are floating in the water in the fish hold that indicates they have been in there for awhile, and are of lower quality

Gear (ADF&G Gear Code): The specific apparatus or equipment used to catch fish or shellfish. A few examples of gear include: longline, pots, beam trawl, and purse seine.

Hail Weight:  Total hail weight is an esitmate of the total weight of the entire catch without regard to species.

Harvest:  The total number or poundage of fish or shellfish caught and kept for sale, personal use or as bait, from an area over a period of time.  Harvest does not include catch that is discarded at sea.  See Catch.

International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC): Regulatory authority responsible for the conservation, management, development,promotion, and protection of the halibut resources by commercial, subsistence, personal use, and recreational users.

Individual Transferable (Fishing) Quota (IFQ): A form of limited entry that gives private property rights to fishers, by assigning a fixed share of the total allowable catch to each fisher. ITQs are frequently referred to as an Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ). Alaskan halibut and sablefish fisheries and the Rationalized Crab program fisheries of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands are exclusive IFQ fisheries. With each landing, poundage from the quota is debited from the individual's IFQ account.

Individual Processor Quota (IPQ): A crab Individual Processing Quota (IPQ) permit authorizes the person identified on the permit to receive/process the IFQ crab identified on the permit during the crab fishing year for which the permit is issued, subject to conditions of the permit. A legible copy of the crab IPQ permit must be retained on the premises or vessel used by the permitted person to process the IFQ crab at all times that IFQ crab are retained on the premises or vessel. These permits are valid only if unused IPQ remains. With each landing, poundage from the quota is debited from the IPQ account.

Intent to Operate: A registration required from any person (including corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies and joint ventures) who receives, prepares, processes or transports a seafood or fishery product including roe recovery to sell for human consumption, a person who custom processes a seafood or fishery product or a person who has a seafood or fishery product custom processed for them. A person who transports an unprocessed seafood or fishery product outside of Alaska must also complete this application form.

Intent to Operate License: A license issued to persons or companies wishing to purchase or process fish within the jurisdiction of the State of Alaska. Intent to Operate licenses are issued by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

Landing:  The number and/or poundage of fish unloaded at a dock, tender or mothership (floating processor) by a commercial fisher.  Additional information related to the landing are frequently required, such as vessel identification, gear used to harvest, area of harvest, fisher identification.

Landing Report: The report required for the initial off-load of fish or shellfish to a shoreside receiver (processor, buyer,exporter) or, for an at-sea catcher-processor or floating processor, to a second vessel. A Landing Report may consist of more than one fish ticket and more than one IFQ report.

Locale Code:  A 2 digit code that is a subdivision of a statistical area, used in select salmon fisheries.

Landing Report Number: A unique number generated by the eLandings System to identify the report. The landing report may contain one or more fish ticket reports and one or more IFQ reports (if applicable).

Location of Off-load: The location of initial off-load of salmon, which may include floating processors. Location codes are a prefix port code followed by a suiffix with additional descriptive information. An example of an off-load location code is COR-N, Cordova North (Trident Plant)

Management Program: A unique fishery program with specific management strategies and/or allocation. Management programs that must be identified in the eLandings System include: IFQ, Adak crab and groundfish, CDQ (and specific ID number), AFA (and specific ID number), state managed groundfish, etc.

National Marine Fisheries Service: U.S. Department of Commerce agency that is responsible for the conservation, management,promotion, and protection of the nation's ocean and coastal resources. In Alaska, the National Marine Fisheries Service has primary management authority over most groundfish species.

Nearest Bay or Headland: Site description of where fishing actually occurred designated by the nearest bay or headland's name. Example designations are "Icy Point" or "Cape Cross".

Net Weight (IFQ Halibut Weight): This term refers to Pacific halibut only. Net weight is the weight of a halibut, gutted, head off. Belly slit and viscera removed.

NMFS ID: A NMFS ID is a unique identifying number assigned by the NMFS, Alaska Region for use in uniquely identifying persons. These IDs are issued to a person (or in some cases, group of persons) that:

  • holds any permit or submits an application for any permit or benefit related to the commercial harvesting, receiving, or processing of groundfish or Pacific halibut in fisheries managed by the NMFS, Alaska Region;
  • is an owner of any vessel for which any such permit is issued;
  • is a shareholder, partner or other member of a holder of any permit for which disclosure of such membership is required; or
  • has attributed to him or her historic harvests or landings that were used in eligibility testing for a limited entry program or permit administered by the NMFS Alaska Region;
  • is the authorized representative of a person applying for or holding such a permit;
  • is a person that must be entered into the Alaska Regional "person" database for any other reason whatsoever.

Number of animals (Number or Num): Unit for measuring catch or harvest. Number of animals is a count of each species in the catch or harvest. Most shellfish and salmon fish tickets record the number of animals harvested as well as the pounds.

Observer: A shore-based or on-board biologist that monitors the legal compliance of commercial fishing activity. Observers collect catch composition data by sampling a portion of the catch and recording information such as fish or shellfish age, length and weight. Observers also record fishing effort and location as well as condition information from delivered products. Observer duties vary between fisheries as well as within fisheries based on the operation or vessel type. National Marine Fisheries Service certify contract employees as groundfish employees. ADF&G require employee observers for many of the Bering Sea/ Aleutian Island crab fisheries.

Overage: Harvest of fish or shellfish by an individual fisher that exceeds bycatch, trip, seasonal, or IFQ quota limits.

Partial delivery: A delivery consisting of only a portion of a vessel's total harvest from one fishing trip. All fish tickets that represent only a portion of the harvest from one fishing trip must be identified as a partial delivery. The harvest from a single fishing trip can be documented on more than one fish ticket, either split among IFQ shareholders, divided for multiple fishery bycatch caps or permits, or delivered to more than one processor. A partial delivery constitutes a landing.

Personal use: Commercially harvested fish orshellfish that is intended for personal use and not for sale or barter. Harvest retained for personal use consumption in conjunction with commercial fishing must be recorded in pounds on the fish ticket.

Port: The location where fish or shellfish are processed (i.e., the shoreside plant location). The port of landing for tender operations is the location of the land-based processing facility. If at sea,the port is defined as the type of operation (i.e. mothership or catcher-processor).

Pot: A gear that is a portable structure designed and constructed to capture and retain fish and shellfish alive in the water.

Pot lifts: The total number of times pots are set and retrieved within an ADF&G statistical area to produce the catch. The number of pot lifts by area combined with area, catch, gear type, gear size,and length of time gear is used to catch fish or shellfish, assist in determining the catch per unit effort (CPUE), or more commonly referred to as 'effort'.

Price per pound: The U.S. dollar amount paid to/received by fishers for one pound of each harvest item.

Process Code (COAR Report):  Codes  used to describe specific processed fishery resource product types used in completing the COAR.  Process types includes categories such as fresh, smoked, canned/conventional, etc. Codes can be found here: http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static-f/license/fishing/pdfs/coar_fish_codes.pdf

Production Report: A daily report required by NMFS for shore-side processors, motherships and catcher-processors that provides information on the production of groundfish caught in the EEZ. A production report must be submitted daily by plants and catcher processors that are actively operating and contains the State and Federal reporting areas, species, product code, and product weight.

QA Graph: A quality field requested by industry. Indicates that the catcher vessel provided quality data to the processor.

QA Probe Score: A quality field requested by industry. Result of testing for bacteria level.

Quota Share: Quotashare (QS) is issued in the halibut, sablefish and rationalized crab fisheries to fishers. Processing quota share (PQS) is issued by the Regional Administrator to persons who successfully apply for an initial allocation or receive QS or PQS (respectively) by transfer.

Registered Crab Receiver (RCR): Registered Crab Receiver Permits (RCR) are required: for any person who receives unprocessed CR crab from the person(s) who harvested the crab, the owner or operator of a vessel that processes CR crab at sea, any person holding IPQ, and any person required to submit a Departure Report.

Registered Buyer Permit: A permit issued by the NMFS, Alaska Region (under 50 CFR Part 679.4), that authorizes the person identified on the permit to receive and make an IFQ landing by an IFQ permit orcardholder or to receive and make a CDQ halibut landing by a CDQ permit or cardholder at any time during the fishing year for which it is issued until the Registered Buyer permit expires, or is revoked, suspended, or modified under applicable Federal law.  A Registered Buyer permit is required of:

  • any person who receives IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut or IFQ sablefish from the person(s) who harvested the fish;
  • any person who harvests IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut or IFQ sablefish and transfers such fish in a dockside sale, outside of an IFQ regulatory area, or outside the State of Alaska;
  • a vessel operator who submits a Departure Report required under 50 CFR Part 679.5.

Registered Salmon Receiver (RSR): An RSR is an entity using a facility, vehicle, or vessel to receive landings of salmon but does not process them and is not affiliated or operated on behalf of a processor with an SFFP.

Salmon Federal Fisheries Permit (SFFP): An SFFP authorizes a drift gillnet vessel to fish for salmon in the Cook Inlet EEZ Area.

Scale Loss: A quality field requested by industry.Indicates the fish were losing scales, indicating they had been in the hold for awhile.

Shoreside processor: Any land-based person, company or vessel that receives unprocessed or limited-processed fish or shellfish, except catcher/processors, motherships, buying stations, restaurants, or persons receiving groundfish for personal consumption or bait (NMFS 679.2 definitions).

Slide: A quality field requested by industry. Indicates the fish were transferred from the catcher vessel to the tender using a slide, which reduces handling and associated damage.

Soak time: The measure of time between the setting of baited pot gear in water to begin fishing and the pulling and emptying of catch (frequently the pot is re-baited and set again). Soak time is utilized in a determination of effort.

Species: A group of similar fish or shellfish that can freely interbreed. When recording the species on an ADF&G fish ticket, the specific species code must be indicated, as it is very important for management purposes. Group codes, such as shallow or deep-water flatfish, general flounder, or unspecified rockfish, may not be utilized. All species, including landed harvest, discards at sea and at the dock, personal use, and retained bait, must be specifically identified and recorded on the fish ticket.  Species codes can be found here: https://elandings.alaska.gov/elandings/SpeciesLookup

Statistical area (Stat Area): The five or six-digit ADF&G statistical code denoting a specific area of catch. Statistical areas are unique to the fishery "type". For example, there are unique statistical areas for salmon, herring, and shellfish/groundfish harvests. Also referred to as 'stat area.' Groundfish and shellfish (except Southeast Alaska) utilize a six-digit stat area number loosely based on latitude and longitude.

Tally Invoice: A report available in the tLandings system. Some processors have the tender provide an invoice with the tally data, and an identifier for keeping it in their records.

Tender:  A vessel that is attendant to other vessels and is used to transport or ferry unprocessed fish or shellfish received from another vessel to a shoreside processor or mothership.  Tender vessels operate, in most circumstances, as an agent for a specific processor and take deliveries from harvesting vessels.

Tender ADF&G vessel number: The ADF&G vessel number assigned to an acting tender vessel. See ADF&G vessel number:

Tender Batch: A field that is assigned in the Processor Tender Interface (PTI) by processors when they are uploading landing reports that were created in tLandings. Some processors have the tender batch the fish tickets for their own business processes. ADF&G can look up landing reports associated with the tender batch. This is separate from ADF&G fish ticket batching.

Time of Landing: The time fish or shellfish are off-loaded or trans-shipped from the catcher vessel to the first purchaser. The time of landing is the day off-load is completed. For catcher-processors the time landed is the time the product is caught and brought on board. For catcher-seller vessels the land date time is the time the product is initially brought into port. See Date Landed

Trans-ship: The transport of fish, shellfish, or seafood products from vessel to port or from vessel to vessel.

Trip: One fishing trip includes all the days lapsed from the time a vessel departed shore, with an empty hull, with the intent to commercially harvest fish or shellfish to the point of final off-load (empty hull) which may include one or more partial deliveries to one or more processing facilities, tenders, or receiver/buyers. This definition applies only to catcher vessels that sell unprocessed catch and catcher-sellers that deliver catch to a shoreside processor. This term does not apply to at-sea operators.

For the at-sea fleet, the trip is defined by a designated period of time, usually every seven days, to report what was landed and processed, including freezing on board.

Vessel operator: The individual, by law, made responsible for the operation of the vessel.

Weight - there are several different terms regarding weight of fish in eLandings, definitions for each can be found below.

  • Landed Weight: The weight in pounds of the fish in the condition that they were landed and weighed at the dock/processing facility.  The landed weight is often referred to as the scale weight.
  • Round Weight: The weight in pounds of the entire fish before being headed, gutted or otherwise having their condition altered.  
  • Retained Weight: Weight of fish in pounds that are retained by the fisher person for future sale (disposition code 87) or retained for bait, not sold (disposition code 92).
  • IFQ Weight:  For halibut & sablefish IFQ, the number of pounds that will be debited from the IFQ permit - for halibut it is the weight in 05 condition and for sablefish it is the round weight of the fish.  More information can be found here: IFQ Weight for halibut and sablefish
  • Sold Weight: For halibut & sablefish IFQ, the number of pounds of fish that are landed in either 04 or 05 condition, including the ice/slime.  This is sometimes called the scale weight.  More information can be found here: IFQ Weight for halibut and sablefish.

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