Message Help 2300-2959

eLandings User Manual

Message Help 2300-2959

2300 ERROR: Gear Type is invalid




2301 ERROR: Skate Length is required




2302 ERROR: Skate Length is invalid




2303 ERROR: Hook Size is required




2304 ERROR: Hook Size is invalid

The hook size must be entered as a number.

Hook sizes are often identified as something like 12/0. This is not a number, and will not be accepted by eLandings. In this case the hook size should be entered as 12.

Enter the hook size as a number.

2305 ERROR: Hook Spacing is required




2306 ERROR: Hook Spacing is invalid




2307 ERROR: Hooks Per Skate is required




2308 ERROR: Hooks Per Skate is invalid




2309 ERROR: Longline gear definition data is not allowed with non-longline gear

Longline gear required specific definition of things like skate length, hook size, and hook spacing. These definition fields are not allowed for other gear types.



2310 ERROR: Either swivels on hooks or swivels on snaps should be indicated if the percent of gear with swivels is greater than zero

If the percent of gear with swivels is greater than zero, then the gear has swivels on hooks or swivels on snaps, and the appropriate flag should be checked.



2311 ERROR: Hooks Per Skate is not consistent with Skate Length and Hook Spacing

Hooks per skate must be within 5 percent of skate length divided by hook spacing.



2312 ERROR: Begin Depth is required




2313 ERROR: Begin Depth must be numeric




2314 ERROR: Begin Depth cannot be negative




2315 ERROR: Begin Depth is too large




2316 ERROR: End Depth is required




2317 ERROR: End Depth must be numeric




2318 ERROR: End Depth cannot be negative




2319 ERROR: End Depth is too large




2320 ERROR: Begin Buoy or Bag number is required




2321 ERROR: Begin Buoy or Bag number is too long




2322 ERROR: End Buoy or Bag Number is required




2323 ERROR: End Buoy or Bag Number is too long




2324 ERROR: Bird Avoidance Gear is required




2325 ERROR: Bird Avoidance Gear is invalid




2326 ERROR: Bird Avoidance Gear  CODE  not in effect for date  DATE  where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch. DATE  is The date entered for the announcement.




2327 ERROR: Number of skates or pots set is required




2328 ERROR: Number of skates or pots set must be numeric




2329 ERROR: Number of skates or pots set cannot be negative




2330 ERROR: Number of skates or pots set is too large




2331 ERROR: Number of skates or pots lost is required




2332 ERROR: Number of skates or pots lost must be numeric




2333 ERROR: Number of skates or pots lost cannot be negative




2334 ERROR: Number of skates or pots lost is too large




2335 ERROR: Set Deploy not found for retrieval




2336 ERROR: Comment Time is required




2337 ERROR: Comment Time is invalid, must be HH:MM




2338 ERROR: Comment Time must be on the date of the date being entered




2339 ERROR: Comment Time is not allowed for comment code entered




2340 ERROR: Gear ID cannot be a deleted gear profile on Add




2341 ERROR: Begin Buoy or Bag Number is invalid




2342 ERROR: End Buoy or Bag Number is invalid




2343 ERROR: Begin Buoy or Bag Number cannot be the same as End Buoy or Bag Number




2344 ERROR: Gear ID cannot be changed to a deleted gear profile




2345 ERROR: Number of skates or pots lost cannot be greater than the number set




2346 ERROR: Excel .xlsx file format not supported for templates, please save as Excel 97-2003 .xls file




2347 ERROR: Landing Report  REPORT_ID  mixed salmon percentage cannot be undone where:  REPORT_ID  is The eLandings landing report ID

Mixed Salmon Percentage operations cannot be undone, if a user manually modifies the line items or grading and pricing items after the initial mixed salmon percentage was done or if mixed salmon percentage is not currently applied to this report.

A line item or grading and pricing item was manually modified by the user or this report was not processed through the mixed salmon percentage tool.

Review landing report and do manual corrections on this individual landing report.

2348 ERROR: Template file must be Excel .xls file




2349 ERROR: Percentage required for at least one species

Percentage is required for at least one species.


Enter a percentage for at least one species.

2350 ERROR: Product Code  CODE  not in effect for date  DATE  where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch. DATE  is The date entered for the announcement.

The product code was not valid at the time the report was made. The date of the report is the date of landing for landing reports. For production reports it is the report date.



2351 WARNING: Report has retained catch (Disposition 87) and should be marked as partial delivery. A follow-up fish ticket will needed

Disposition code 87 indicates that catch is retained onboard for future sale. This is the definition of a partial delivery, so the partial delivery flag should be checked on the report.



2352 ERROR: Query Parameter  PARAMETER  is missing where:  PARAMETER  is Parameter in query.

The query is expected to have the given parameter.  If this error occurs, the query was constructed incorrectly.  Please report this error to the eLandings developers.



2353 ERROR: Query Description is required




2354 ERROR: Query Description is too short




2355 ERROR: Query Description is too long




2356 ERROR: Query Description  DESCRIPTION  is invalid where:  DESCRIPTION  is The description of the query.




2357 WARNING: Tare weight value is missing. This information may be required by the Processor.

No value was entered in the Tare Weight field.  This warning is controlled by the Missing Tare Weight check box in the tLandings settings

No value was entered in the Tare Weight field

Enter the numeric value in the Tare Weight field

2359 ERROR: User is not an administrative user for any operations




2360 ERROR: Processor Code of a child operation must match the processor code of its parent




2361 ERROR: Federal Permit Number of a child operation must match the federal permit number of its parent




2362 ERROR: Registered Crab Receiver Number for a Buying Station cannot be the same as its parent




2364 ERROR: Operations of type  TYPE  cannot have child operations where:  TYPE  is The operation type code.




2366 ERROR: Custom processing Owner operation ID is required




2367 ERROR: Owner operation  OPID  not found where:  OPID  is The operation ID.




2368 ERROR: Custom processing Processor operation ID is required




2369 ERROR: Processor operation  OPID  not found where:  OPID  is The operation ID.




2370 ERROR: User  USERID  is not an active user for either the owner operation or the processor operation where:  USERID  is The eLandings system user ID.




2371 ERROR: Operation Type  TYPE  cannot be custom processing owner where:  TYPE  is The operation type code.




2372 ERROR: Operation  OPID  must be in normal status to be a custom processing owner where:  OPID  is The operation ID.




2373 ERROR: Operation Type  TYPE  cannot be custom processing processor where:  TYPE  is The operation type code.




2374 ERROR: Operation  OPID  must be in normal status to be a custom processing processor where:  OPID  is The operation ID.




2379 ERROR: Dependent operation types, such as  TYPE , must be created from the Operation Management page where:  TYPE  is The operation type code.




2380 ERROR: User  USER_ID  is not authorized to update Landing Report  REPORT_ID  where:  USER_ID  is The eLandings system user ID. REPORT_ID  is The eLandings landing report ID




2381 ERROR: User  USER_ID  is not authorized to update Production Report  REPORT_ID  where:  USER_ID  is The eLandings system user ID. REPORT_ID  is The eLandings landing report ID




2382 ERROR: User  USER_ID  is not authorized to update Logbook  REPORT_ID  where:  USER_ID  is The eLandings system user ID. REPORT_ID  is The eLandings landing report ID




2385 ERROR: An active operation already exists for Processor Code  PROC_CODE  where:  PROC_CODE  is The ADF&G Processor Code, also know as the F-code.




2386 ERROR: Landing Report  REPORT_ID  has already been submitted or landing report ID has been duplicated where:  REPORT_ID  is The eLandings landing report ID


anding Report has already been submitted or landing report id is has been duplicated.

Take note of landing reports in error and check eLandings system to ensure that report has been submitted correctly.  If you cannot find the report, please contact elandings@alaska.gov.

2387 INFO:  UNSUBMITTED_COUNT  unsubmitted and  SUBMITTED_COUNT  initially submitted  TYPE  landing reports found where:  UNSUBMITTED_COUNT  is The number of unsubmitted reports. SUBMITTED_COUNT  is The number of initially submitted reports. TYPE  is The operation type code.




2388 ERROR: Report ID  REPORT_ID  already in the database as a  TYPE  report where:  REPORT_ID  is The eLandings landing report ID TYPE  is The operation type code.




2389 ERROR: Weight Unit of Measure must be pounds for Halibut or Sablefish




2390 ERROR: Weight Unit of Measure not allowed without Weight




2391 ERROR: Trip Entry Sequence of associated trip entry is required




2392 ERROR: Trip Entry Sequence of associated trip entry is invalid, does not match a trip entry




2393 ERROR: Trip with start date of  DATE  must be displayed before going active where:  DATE  is The date entered for the announcement.




2394 WARNING:  HAUL_SET : Total catch weight of  WEIGHT   UOM  exceeds hail weight where:  HAUL_SET  is The haul or set number. WEIGHT  is The weight in pounds. UOM  is The weight unit of measure.




2395 ERROR: Weight unit of measure cannot be changed if hauls or sets for voyage are already entered




2396 ERROR: Go Inactive date cannot be prior to the trip start date  DATE  where:  DATE  is The date entered for the announcement.




2397 ERROR: Go Active date cannot be in active period starting  DATE  where:  DATE  is The date entered for the announcement.




2398 ERROR: Comment date cannot be prior to the trip start date  DATE  where:  DATE  is The date entered for the announcement.




2399 ERROR: Haul gear deploy time cannot be before gear deploy time on previous set




2400 ERROR: Duplicate retrieval entry for deploy entry with sequence number  SEQ  where:  SEQ  is The entry sequence number.




2401 ERROR: No retrieval entry found for deploy entry  SEQ  for catch entry  CATCH_SEQ  where:  SEQ  is The entry sequence number. CATCH_SEQ  is The catch entry sequence number.




2402 ERROR: Federal Permit Number is required for extracting at-sea production reports




2403 ERROR: Only Processor Code should be entered when extracting landing reports




2404 ERROR: Data Directory is required




2405 ERROR: Data directory name is too long

The directory provided is too long. Excessively long directory path names are commonly used in cracking attempts, extra long directories paths should not be required for eLandings.



2406 ERROR: Port Code  CODE  is only allowed for at-sea operations where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch.




2407 ERROR: Proc Code is required for extracting landing reports




2408 ERROR: Deploy time must equal retrieval time when retrieving gear set by another vessel




2409 ERROR: Actual species is required for personal use salmon




2411 WARNING: Observer Fee Estimates not found

A search for observer fee estimates returned no data

Observer fees may not apply

Confirm search parameters

2412 ERROR: Disposition 63 should not be used for mixed salmon on tenders, this disposition will be handled at the plant

The confiscated disposition should not be entered for mixed salmon on tenders. Enforcement will put a sticker on the paper fish ticket, and the landing report will be edited at the cannery to reflect the actual disposition of the fish



2413 ERROR: Location of Offload Code  LOCATION_OF_OFFLOAD_CODE  is too large where:  LOCATION_OF_OFFLOAD_CODE  is The location of offload code.

Location of offload code can be in two different formats.  The first is a port code with a one digit suffix, which can be a letter or a number.  The second is 'FCP-' as the prefix and an adfg vessel number as a suffix, where the adfg vessel number must be a number no greater than five digits.



2414 ERROR: Location of Offload Code  LOCATION_OF_OFFLOAD_CODE  is too small where:  LOCATION_OF_OFFLOAD_CODE  is The location of offload code.

Location of offload code can be in two different formats.  The first is a port code with a one digit suffix, which can be a letter or a number.  The second is 'FCP-' as the prefix and an adfg vessel number as a suffix, where the adfg vessel number must be a number no greater than five digits.



2415 ERROR: Location of Offload Code  LOCATION_OF_OFFLOAD_CODE  is invalid where:  LOCATION_OF_OFFLOAD_CODE  is The location of offload code.

Location of offload code can be in two different formats.  The first is a port code with a one digit suffix, which can be a letter or a number.  The second is 'FCP-' as the prefix and an adfg vessel number as a suffix, where the adfg vessel number must be a number no greater than five digits.



2416 ERROR: Location of Offload Code is required

Location of offload code is required.  Location of offload code can be in two different formats.  The first is a port code with a one digit suffix, which can be a letter or a number.  The second is 'FCP-' as the prefix and an adfg vessel number as a suffix, where the adfg vessel number must be a number no greater than five digits.



2417 ERROR: Location of Offload Description is required

Location of offload description is required.



2418 ERROR: Location of Offload Description is too long

Location of offload description should be 500 characters or less.



2419 ERROR: Port code suffix is required

Port code suffix is required.



2420 ERROR: Port code suffix  PORT_CODE_SUFFIX  is too large where:  PORT_CODE_SUFFIX  is The suffix of a port code for location of offload code.

Port code suffix must be one character or number in length.



2421 ERROR: Port format OR floating processor format is required

Port format OR floating processor format is required.  One of them is required, but not both.



2422 INFO: Location of Offload Codes successfully updated

Location of Offload Codes successfully updated.



2423 WARNING: Tender Batch  TENDER_BATCH  previously used for this processor and this year where:  TENDER_BATCH  is The Tender Batch number

The given tender batch already exists in the eLandings Repository for landing report records landed in this year using the same processor code



2424 ERROR: Condition must be 01 Whole, 07 Western Cut, or 08 Eastern Cut

Sablefish catch must be reported with a condition code, either 01 Whole, 07 Western Cut, or 08 Eastern Cut.



2425 ERROR: Alternative Contact title is invalid, it cannot be more than 50 characters or contain restricted special characters where:  NUM  is The number of fish ticket numbers that have been issued but not imported yet.




2426 WARNING: CFEC permit fishery  FISHERY  is not valid for  TYPE  landing reports where:  FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card. TYPE  is The operation type code.




2427 ERROR: Locale Code is not valid

Locale Code is a fishing location indicator defined and determined by fishery managers. The locale code is a two digit numeric code, with leading zeros.



2428 ERROR: Contact title is invalid, it cannot be more than 50 characters or contain restricted special characters where:  NUM  is The number of fish ticket numbers that have been issued but not imported yet.




2429 ERROR: Location is invalid

The location field in COAR reporting cannot be more than 50 characters long, and cannot contain any of the restricted special characters.



2430 ERROR: Trip Name is required

The name for daily reporting trip reports is required



2431 ERROR: Trip Name is invalid

The name for daily reporting trip reports cannot be more than 140 characters long.



2432 ERROR: Logged in user is not authorized to change  ELEMENT  where:  ELEMENT  is The XML document element




2433 ERROR: Catcher Vessel operations cannot make landing reports




2434 ERROR: Catcher Vessel operations cannot make production reports




2435 ERROR: Fish ticket number  TKT_NUM  entered multiple times where:  TKT_NUM  is The fish ticket number.




2436 ERROR: Fish ticket number  TKT_NUM  already used on Landing Report  ID  where:  TKT_NUM  is The fish ticket number. ID  is The unique numeric identifier for the operation.




2437 ERROR: Worksheet:  TITLE  column:  NAME  not found where:  TITLE  is The worksheet title. NAME  is The constant name.




2438 ERROR: COAR area  AREA  is not valid where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.




2439 ERROR: COAR area  AREA  is not valid for year  YEAR  where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2440 ERROR: COAR area is required




2441 ERROR: COAR area of delivery  AREA  is not valid where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.




2442 ERROR: COAR area of delivery  AREA  is not valid for year  YEAR  where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2443 ERROR: COAR area of delivery is required




2444 ERROR: COAR area of harvest  AREA  is not valid where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.




2445 ERROR: COAR area of harvest  AREA  is not valid for year  YEAR  where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2446 ERROR: COAR area of harvest is required




2447 ERROR: Weight units must be Kilograms




2448 ERROR: Flow Scale Weight is required




2449 ERROR: Flow Scale Weight must not be negative




2450 ERROR: Flow Scale Weight must be numeric




2451 WARNING: Flow Scale Weight is too large




2452 ERROR: Time of Test is required




2453 ERROR: Time of Test is invalid




2454 ERROR: Platform Scale Weight is required




2455 ERROR: Platform Scale Weight must not be negative




2456 ERROR: Platform Scale Weight must be numeric




2457 WARNING: Platform Scale Weight is too large




2458 ERROR: Price not final is required




2459 ERROR: Price not final value ' FLAG ' is invalid, must be 'FINAL' or 'NOT FINAL' where:  FLAG  is The TRUE/FALSE value entered.




2460 ERROR: Species  CODE  is not valid for year  YEAR  where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2461 ERROR: Port code  CODE  is not valid for year  YEAR  where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2462 ERROR: Gear code  CODE  is not valid for year  YEAR  where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2463 ERROR: Condition Code  CODE  is not valid for year  YEAR  where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2464 ERROR: COAR area of processing is required




2465 ERROR: COAR area of processing  AREA  is not valid where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.




2466 ERROR: COAR area of processing  AREA  is not valid for year  YEAR  where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2467 ERROR: Product Code  CODE  is not valid for year  YEAR  where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2468 ERROR: Process Code is required




2469 ERROR: Process Code  CODE  is not valid where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch.




2470 ERROR: Process Code  CODE  is not valid for year  YEAR  where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2471 ERROR: Cell at row  ROW , column  COL  is a formula, actual data value is required where:  ROW  is The spreadsheet row. COL  is The spreadsheet column.




2472 ERROR: Can size is required




2473 ERROR: Can size must be numeric




2474 ERROR: Can size is too small, must be at least  SIZE  where:  SIZE  is The file size in K bytes.




2475 ERROR: Can size is too large, cannot be more than  SIZE  where:  SIZE  is The file size in K bytes.




2476 ERROR: Cans per case is required




2477 ERROR: Cans per case is invalid where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2478 ERROR: Cans per case is too small, must be at least  SIZE  where:  SIZE  is The file size in K bytes.




2479 ERROR: Cans per case is too large, cannot be more than  SIZE  where:  SIZE  is The file size in K bytes.




2480 ERROR: Number of cases is required




2481 ERROR: Number of cases must be numeric




2482 ERROR: Number of cases is too small, must be at least  SIZE  where:  SIZE  is The file size in K bytes.




2483 ERROR: Number of cases is too large, cannot be more than  SIZE  where:  SIZE  is The file size in K bytes.




2484 ERROR: Company name is required




2485 ERROR: Company name is too long




2486 ERROR: Location is required




2487 ERROR: Location is too long




2488 ERROR: Worksheet:  SHEET  row:  ROW  for same proc code has no vessel, current row has vessel  ADFG  where:  SHEET  is The worksheet name. ROW  is The spreadsheet row. ADFG  is The vessel ADF&G number.




2489 ERROR: Worksheet:  SHEET  row:  ROW  for same proc code has vessel  ADFG , current row has no vessel where:  SHEET  is The worksheet name. ROW  is The spreadsheet row. ADFG  is The vessel ADF&G number.




2490 ERROR: Worksheet:  SHEET  row:  ROW  for same proc code has vessel  ADFG1 , current row has vessel  ADFG2  where:  ADFG1  is The vessel ADFG number on the prior row. ADFG2  is The vessel ADFG number on the current row. SHEET  is The worksheet name. ROW  is The spreadsheet row.




2491 ERROR: Worksheet:  SHEET  row:  ROW  for same proc code has no operation ID current row has operation ID  ID  where:  SHEET  is The worksheet name. ROW  is The spreadsheet row. ID  is The unique numeric identifier for the operation.




2492 ERROR: Worksheet:  SHEET  row:  ROW  for same proc code has operation ID  ID , current row has no operation ID where:  SHEET  is The worksheet name. ROW  is The spreadsheet row. ID  is The unique numeric identifier for the operation.




2493 ERROR: Worksheet:  SHEET  row:  ROW  for same proc code has operation ID  ID1 , current row has operation ID  ID2  where:  SHEET  is The worksheet name. ROW  is The spreadsheet row. ID1  is The operation ID on the prior row. ID2  is The operation ID on the current row.




2494 ERROR: User  ID  is not authorized for COAR reporting for operation  OP  where:  ID  is The unique numeric identifier for the operation. OP  is The operation name or ID.




2495 ERROR: Online COAR reports can only be done for the previous calendar year ( YEAR ) where:  YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2496 ERROR: COAR report  ID  already submitted for Processor Code  PROC , year  YEAR  where:  ID  is The unique numeric identifier for the operation. PROC  is The processor code. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2497 ERROR: COAR report not found




2498 INFO: Click Generate Report to begin COAR reporting process




2499 ERROR: COAR report status cannot be changed from  ST1  to  ST2  where:  ST1  is The current status. ST2  is The new status.




2500 ERROR: Weights for the same species, COAR area, port, gear, and condition must be consolidated to one row




2501 ERROR: No matching buying row for the same species, COAR area, port, gear, and condition




2502 ERROR: Buying row weight  BWT  less than generated buying row weight  GWT  for the same species, COAR area, port, gear, and condition where:  BWT  is The buying data weight. GWT  is The generated buying data weight.




2503 ERROR: Comment is required for  TYPE  Code  VAL  where:  TYPE  is The operation type code. VAL  is The code value.




2504 ERROR: COAR Area of Delivery  AREA  does not match COAR Area for Port Code  PORT  where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area. PORT  is The port code.




2505 ERROR: The Amount calculated from weight and price does not equal the amount input




2506 WARNING: The Amount calculated from weight and price does not equal the amount input




2507 ERROR: Final Price is not allowed for initial COAR Report




2508 ERROR: Final Amount is not allowed for initial COAR Report




2509 ERROR: Final Price is required if Final Amount is entered




2510 ERROR: Delivery Receipt Time cannot be in the future




2511 ERROR: The Amount calculated from weight and final price does not equal the final amount input




2512 WARNING: The Amount calculated from weight and final price does not equal the final amount input




2513 ERROR: Final Price is required




2514 ERROR: Final Price must be numeric




2515 ERROR: Final Price cannot be negative




2516 ERROR: Final Price must be less than $100




2517 WARNING: Final Price is greater that $ PRC , is that correct? where:  PRC  is The maximum expected price.




2518 ERROR: Final Amount is required




2519 ERROR: Final Amount must be numeric




2520 ERROR: Federal Permit Number does not match operation Federal Permit Number




2521 ERROR: Weights for the same species, COAR area, port, process code, and product must be consolidated to one row




2522 ERROR: COAR Area of Processing  AREA  does not match COAR Area for Port Code  PORT  where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area. PORT  is The port code.




2523 ERROR: Weights for the same species, COAR area, port, process code, can size, and cans per case must be consolidated to one row




2524 ERROR: A request to generate the COAR report is outstanding and must complete before the report can be saved




2525 ERROR: Post season adjustments to the report have already been submitted




2526 ERROR: The report has already been submitted and is in review




2527 ERROR: Operation ID cannot be changed




2528 ERROR: Processor Code cannot be changed




2529 ERROR: Year cannot be changed




2530 ERROR: Alternate contact user ID  USER  is not authorized for operation  OP  where:  USER  is The userid. OP  is The operation name or ID.




2531 ERROR: Alternate contact user ID  USER  is not authorized for COAR reporting for operation  OP  where:  USER  is The userid. OP  is The operation name or ID.




2532 ERROR: Address is required




2533 ERROR: Address is too long, it cannot be more than  NUM  characters where:  NUM  is The number of fish ticket numbers that have been issued but not imported yet.




2534 ERROR: Zip code is required




2535 ERROR: Zip code is invalid




2536 ERROR: Alternate contact user ID is required




2537 ERROR: Alternate contact user ID is invalid




2538 ERROR: Contact title is required




2539 ERROR: Contact title is too long, it cannot be more than  NUM  characters where:  NUM  is The number of fish ticket numbers that have been issued but not imported yet.




2540 ERROR: Alternate contact title is required




2541 ERROR: Alternate contact title is too long, it cannot be more than  NUM  characters where:  NUM  is The number of fish ticket numbers that have been issued but not imported yet.




2542 ERROR: Contact user and alternate contact user cannot be the same user




2543 ERROR: Vessel or Location is required




2544 ERROR: Answer required for question: did you operate




2545 ERROR: Answer required for question: did you create fish tickets




2546 ERROR: Answer required for question: did you operate only in the EEZ




2547 ERROR: Process Code  CODE  is not valid for canned production where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch.




2548 ERROR: Blank rows are not allowed in COAR spreadsheet




2549 ERROR: Custom Processor Proc Code is required

The custom processor proc code is required information and must be entered.  ADF&G processor code is also know as the proc code, F-code, or Intent to Operate code. It is a five or six character identifier, where the first character is a letter, most commonly the letter F, followed by four numeric digits.

The custom processor proc code was not entered.

Verify the custom processor proc code, and enter the correct value.

2550 ERROR: Rows must be grouped by Processor Code, otherwise row numbering in messages may be inaccurate




2551 ERROR: Custom Production must be consolidated by Processor Code




2552 ERROR: Vessel ADF&G Number does not match operation Vessel ADF&G Number




2553 ERROR: Location should not be entered for an operation that is an at-sea operation




2554 ERROR: Processor Codes for Custom Production and Custom Canned Production must be in the same order




2555 ERROR: Spreadsheet file must be .xls file




2556 ERROR: Spreadsheet file is .xlsx, save as .xls in Excel and try again




2557 ERROR: COAR Reporting not required for  TYPE  operations where:  TYPE  is The operation type code.




2558 WARNING:  TYPE  operation should not input buying data where:  TYPE  is The operation type code.




2559 WARNING:  TYPE  operation should not input production or canned production data where:  TYPE  is The operation type code.




2560 WARNING:  TYPE  operation should not do custom processing where:  TYPE  is The operation type code.




2561 WARNING: Species  CODE  has buying data but no production or custom production where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch.




2562 WARNING:  TYPE  operation cannot operate only in the EEZ where:  TYPE  is The operation type code.




2563 ERROR: No buying, production, custom processing, or custom production data should be entered if operation did not operate




2564 ERROR: Processor Code already entered on row  ROW  where:  ROW  is The spreadsheet row.




2565 ERROR: Buying, production, custom processing, or custom production data must be entered if operation operated




2566 ERROR: Did you operate was NO, but Were fish tickets written was YES




2567 ERROR: Did you operate was NO, but Operated only in the EEZ was YES




2568 ERROR: Custom Processing Processor Code cannot match report Processor Code




2569 ERROR: Proc Code entered does not match Proc Code of operation entered




2570 ERROR: Owner Proc Code  CODE  appears in landing report data, but is not in custom processing data where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch.




2571 ERROR: Vessel  ADFG  not valid for year  YEAR  where:  ADFG  is The vessel ADF&G number. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2572 INFO: COAR Area  AREA  requires subarea where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.




2573 ERROR: No activity COAR report cannot be generated, landing reports found for proc code  CODE  in  YEAR  where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2574 ERROR: No activity COAR report cannot be generated, custom processing found for proc code  CODE  in  YEAR  where:  CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch. YEAR  is The earliest year allowed to be entered.




2575 ERROR: No activity COAR report cannot be generated, COAR report has already been generated




2576 ERROR: The number of buying items must be the same as in the original report




2577 ERROR: Data values must match original item except for Price Not Final, Final Price, and Final Amount




2578 ERROR: Price and Amount on post-season adjustments must be final, Price Not Final flag must be set to FINAL




2579 ERROR: Weight cannot be changed when making post-season adjustment




2580 INFO: Your COAR Report is generating, eLandings will email you at  EMAIL  when it is available for download where:  EMAIL  is The entered email address.




2581 ERROR: Operation ' OPNAME ' for report not in enabled status where:  OPNAME  is The operation name.




2582 ERROR: Mixed Salmon may only be reported on Bristol Bay S03T and S04T CFEC Permits




2583 WARNING: Statistical Area  AREA  not valid for CFEC Permit Fishery  FISHERY  where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area. FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card.




2584 ERROR: Number of brailers is required




2585 ERROR: Number of brailers must be numeric




2586 ERROR: Number of brailers cannot be less than one




2587 ERROR: Number of brailers cannot be more than nine




2588 ERROR: Paper Fish Ticket Number is required




2589 ERROR: Paper Fish Ticket Number  FT_NUM  is invalid where:  FT_NUM  is The ADF&G fish ticket id number.




2590 WARNING: Statistical Area 101-10 should be used for Nakat Bay, not  AREA  where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.




2591 ERROR: Delivery Receipt Time is required




2592 ERROR: Delivery Receipt Time is invalid




2593 ERROR: Disposition  DISPOSITION_CODE  is only allowed on salmon reports where:  DISPOSITION_CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch.

The disposition code entered is restricted to salmon landing reports.  Please review disposition codes and fisheries regulations to determine correct and allowable disposition codes.



2594 ERROR: Duplicate sequence ticket number  SEQUENCE_TICKET_NUMBER  found in list where:  SEQUENCE_TICKET_NUMBER  is The identifying number stamped on the fish ticket when received at the ADFG regional office

A sequence ticket number was entered into the sequence ticket number list more than one time.



2595 ERROR: Amendments are not allowed for comment entries




2596 ERROR: Check-outs cannot be deleted if there are later entries




2597 WARNING: Lat/Long is not in Federal Reporting Area  AREA  where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.




2598 WARNING: Lat/Long is in Special Area  AREA  where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.




2599 WARNING: Lat/Long is not in Special Area  AREA  where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.




2600 ERROR: Delivery time not allowed to be before first trip entry start date




2601 ERROR: Catch and Retrievals for hauls must be deleted first




2602 ERROR: Catch and Retrievals for sets must be deleted first




2603 ERROR: Hauls or sets found for a deleted trip




2604 ERROR: Check-ins cannot be deleted if there are later entries




2605 ERROR: Description is required




2606 ERROR: Description is too long




2607 ERROR: Gear ID  GEAR  cannot be entered multiple times where:  GEAR  is The gear ID.




2608 ERROR: Gear Set is not allowed




2609 ERROR: Gear Lost is not allowed




2610 ERROR: Catch for deliveries must be deleted first




2611 ERROR: Offload Time is required




2612 ERROR: Offload Time is invalid, must be HH:MM




2613 ERROR: Number cannot be zero or negative




2614 ERROR: Percent for hook size is not allowed if hook size is not entered




2615 ERROR: Description not allowed




2616 ERROR: Delivering Vessel ADF&G Number cannot be the same as the mothership ADF&G Number




2617 WARNING: Fish Ticket  TKT_NUM  already entered on delivery for  VESSEL  on  DATE  where:  TKT_NUM  is The fish ticket number. VESSEL  is The vessel ADF&G Number being propagated DATE  is The date entered for the announcement.




2618 ERROR: IERS Monitor ID is required




2619 ERROR: IERS Monitor ID  IERS_MONITOR_ID  is invalid where:  IERS_MONITOR_ID  is The IERS Monitor record unique identifier number




2620 ERROR: IERS Monitor ID is too small




2621 ERROR: IERS Monitor ID is too large




2622 ERROR: IERS Monitor Date is required




2623 ERROR: IERS Monitor Date  IERS_MONITOR_DATE  Is Invalid where:  IERS_MONITOR_DATE  is The date the IERS Monitor record was logged




2624 ERROR: IERS Monitor Date Cannot Be In Future

The system does not allow future reporting.

A date that is in the future has been entered in the IERS Monitor Date field.

Verify the IERS Monitor Date, and enter the correct date.

2625 ERROR: IERS Monitor Date requires four digit year




2626 ERROR: M User ID is required




2627 ERROR: M User ID length exceeded 32 characters

More than 32 characters were entered in the M User Id field

When entering data, you entered more than 32 characters in the M User Id field. You can also get this error if you misentered data in the M User Id field.

Enter a valid M User Id.

2628 ERROR: Landing Report ID is required




2629 ERROR: Landing Report ID  LANDING_REPORT_ID  is invalid where:  LANDING_REPORT_ID  is The unique numeric identifier for the Landing Report.




2630 ERROR: Landing Report ID is too small




2631 ERROR: Landing Report ID is too large




2632 ERROR: Client Machine Name is required




2633 ERROR: Client Machine Name length exceeded 50 characters

More than 50 characters were entered in the Client Machine Name field

When entering data, you entered more than 50 characters in the Client Machine Name field. You can also get this error if you entered incorrect data in the Client Machine Name field.

Enter a valid Client Machine Name.

2634 ERROR: Webservice Type is required




2635 ERROR: Webservice Type length exceeded 20 characters

More than 20 characters were entered in the Webservice Type field

When entering data, you entered more than 20 characters in the Webservice Type field. You can also get this error if you entered incorrect data in the Webservice Type field.

Enter a valid Webservice Type.

2636 ERROR: Webservice Method Name is required




2637 ERROR: Webservice Method Name length exceeded 200 characters

More than 200 characters were entered in the Webservice Method Name field

When entering data, you entered more than 200 characters in the Webservice Method Name field. You can also get this error if entered incorrect data in the Webservice Method Name field.

Enter a valid Webservice Method Name.

2638 ERROR: Webservice Comment is required




2639 ERROR: Webservice Comment length exceeded 200 characters

More than 200 characters were entered in the Webservice Comment field

When entering data, you entered more than 200 characters in the Webservice Comment field. You can also get this error if you missentered data in the Webservice Comment field.

Enter a valid Webservice Comment.

2640 ERROR: Webservice Args is required




2641 ERROR: Time On Client Of Intial Call is required




2642 ERROR: Time On Client Of Intial Call  TIME_ON_CLIENT_OF_INTIAL_CALL  is invalid where:  TIME_ON_CLIENT_OF_INTIAL_CALL  is The date/time




2643 ERROR: Time On Client Of Intial Call cannot be in the future

The system does not allow future reporting.

A date that is in the future has been entered in the Time On Client Of Intial Call field.

Verify the Time On Client Of Intial Call, and enter the correct date.

2644 ERROR: Time On Client Of Intial Call requires four digit year




2645 ERROR: Time On Server Of Intial Call is required




2646 ERROR: Time On Server Of Intial Call  TIME_ON_SERVER_OF_INTIAL_CALL  is invalid where:  TIME_ON_SERVER_OF_INTIAL_CALL  is The date/time




2647 ERROR: Time On Server Of Intial Call cannot be in the future

The system does not allow future reporting.

A date that is in the future has been entered in the Time On Server Of Intial Call field.

Verify the Time On Server Of Intial Call, and enter the correct date.

2648 ERROR: Time On Server Of Intial Call requires four digit year




2649 ERROR: Time On Server Of Response is required




2650 ERROR: Time On Server Of Response  TIME_ON_SERVER_OF_RESPONSE  is invalid where:  TIME_ON_SERVER_OF_RESPONSE  is The date/time




2651 ERROR: Time On Server Of Response cannot be in the future

The system does not allow future reporting.

A date that is in the future has been entered in the Time On Server Of Response field.

Verify the Time On Server Of Response, and enter the correct date.

2652 ERROR: Time On Server Of Response requires four digit year




2653 ERROR: Time On Client Of Response is required




2654 ERROR: Time On Client Of Response  TIME_ON_CLIENT_OF_RESPONSE  is invalid where:  TIME_ON_CLIENT_OF_RESPONSE  is The date/time




2655 ERROR: Time On Client Of Response cannot be in the future

The system does not allow future reporting.

A date that is in the future has been entered in the Time On Client Of Response field.

Verify the Time On Client Of Response, and enter the correct date.

2656 ERROR: Time On Client Of Response requires four digit year




2657 ERROR: Original Xml String is required




2658 ERROR: Response Xml String is required




2659 ERROR: Error is required




2660 ERROR: Client Operating System is required




2661 ERROR: Client Operating System length exceeded 50 characters

More than 50 characters were entered in the Client Operating System field

When entering data, you entered more than 50 characters in the Client Operating System field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Client Operating System field.

Enter a valid Client Operating System.

2662 ERROR: Client Java Version is required




2663 ERROR: Client Java Version length exceeded 50 characters

More than 50 characters were entered in the Client Java Version field

When entering data, you entered more than 50 characters in the Client Java Version field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Client Java Version field.

Enter a valid Client Java Version.

2664 ERROR: Release Build is required




2665 ERROR: Release Build length exceeded 30 characters

More than 30 characters were entered in the Release Build field

When entering data, you entered more than 30 characters in the Release Build field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Release Build field.

Enter a valid Release Build.

2666 ERROR: Client Machine Name contains illegal characters




2667 ERROR: Webservice Args is too large

The webservices args value has a sanity check to ensure that uses are not entering unreasonably large strings of data. The sanity check length is set to 4000 chars. Any longer and the CLOB has to be stored differently by Oracle.



2668 ERROR: Original XML string is too large

The original xml string value has a sanity check to ensure that uses are not entering unreasonably large strings of data. The sanity check length is set to 4000 chars. Any longer and the CLOB has to be stored differently by Oracle.



2669 ERROR: Response XML string is too large

The response xml string value has a sanity check to ensure that uses are not entering unreasonably large strings of data. The sanity check length is set to 4000 chars. Any longer and the CLOB has to be stored differently by Oracle.



2670 ERROR: Error is too large

The error value has a sanity check to ensure that uses are not entering unreasonably large strings of data. The sanity check length is set to 4000 chars. Any longer and the CLOB has to be stored differently by Oracle.



2671 ERROR: Client App Name is required




2672 ERROR: Client App Name length exceeded 50 characters

More than 50 characters were entered in the Client App Name field

When entering data, you entered more than 50 characters in the Client App Name field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Client App Name field.

Enter a valid Client App Name.

2673 ERROR: Server Machine Name is required




2674 ERROR: Server Machine Name length exceeded 50 characters

More than 50 characters were entered in the Server Machine Name field

When entering data, you entered more than 50 characters in the Server Machine Name field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Server Machine Name field.

Enter a valid Server Machine Name.

2675 WARNING: Itemized Catch line has a grading/pricing item for the same original condition and weight. The grading/pricing will be set to the new condition and weight




2676 WARNING: When editing itemized catch to reduce weight, please edit grading and pricing items first




2677 ERROR: Cannot register a logbook in the future




2678 ERROR: XSD Version is required




2679 ERROR: XSD Version length exceeded 10 characters

More than 10 characters were entered in the Xsd Version field

When entering data, you entered more than 10 characters in the Xsd Version field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Xsd Version field.

Enter a valid Xsd Version.

2680 INFO: Report ID  ID  Fish Ticket  TKT  vessel  ADFG  date/time  DOL  proc codes  PROC  where:  ADFG  is The vessel ADF&G number. DOL  is The date and time of landing. PROC  is The processor code. ID  is The unique numeric identifier for the operation. TKT  is The fish ticket number.

This message provide addition detail about duplicate report errors.



2681 ERROR: Invalid use of International Stat Area 999000

International Stat area 999000 may only be used in groundfish fisheries except for IFQ and CDQ.



2682 ERROR: Invalid use of Outside Alaska - state or federal waters Stat Area 995000

Outside Alaska - state or federal waters Stat area 995000 may only be used in groundfish fisheries except for IFQ and CDQ.



2683 ERROR: Sample Time is required




2684 ERROR: Sample Time is invalid, must be HH:MM




2685 ERROR: Sampler ID is required




2686 ERROR: Sampler ID  ID  is invalid where:  ID  is The unique numeric identifier for the operation.




2687 ERROR: Sample Number is required




2688 ERROR: Sample Number  NUM  is invalid where:  NUM  is The number of fish ticket numbers that have been issued but not imported yet.




2689 ERROR: Landing Report with IFQ management program must have IFQ report(s) or indicate IFQ reported manually




2690 WARNING: Gear code  GEAR  is not a federal gear code where:  GEAR  is The gear ID.

Production reports generally are only required for gear and fisheries that are federally managed.

The gear entered was not 07 Bottom Trawl, 26 Jig, 47 Pelagic Trawl, 61 Longline, or 91 Pot.

Change the gear code if it was entered incorrectly, or save ignoring warnings if the gear code is correct.

2691 WARNING: You have requested to delete this delivery. The delivery entry and all its IR/IU catch will be deleted




2692 WARNING: Are you sure?




2693 ERROR: Stat Area  AREA  is not valid on IFQ fisheries and on groundfish reports where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.

Missing stat area value of 999999 may not be used in IFQ fisheries and on groundfish reports.



2694 ERROR: Stat Area  AREA  is not valid on IFQ fisheries where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.

Interim stat area value of 999998 may not be used in IFQ fisheries.



2695 ERROR: Species  SPECIES  is not valid on IFQ fisheries where:  SPECIES  is The species code.

Interim species value of 998 may not be used in IFQ fisheries.



2696 ERROR: Processor Code  PROC  is not valid on salmon and crab fisheries and non-IFQ groundfish where:  PROC  is The processor code.

Processor Code is not valid on salmon and crab fisheries and non-IFQ groundfish.



2697 WARNING: You have requested to delete this entry




2698 WARNING: You have requested to delete this entry. The entry, its associated retrieval, if there is one, and all its catch, if any, will be deleted




2699 ERROR: Num Of Records is required




2700 ERROR: Num Of Records  NUM_OF_RECORDS  is invalid where:  NUM_OF_RECORDS  is The number of records




2701 ERROR: Num Of Records is too dmall




2702 ERROR: Num Of Records is too large




2703 ERROR: Sold Condition  SOLDCONDITION  cannot be produced from Condition  LINEITEMCONDITION  where:  SOLDCONDITION  is The sold condition LINEITEMCONDITION  is The line item condition




2704 ERROR: User  USER_ID  does not have mass update privileges where:  USER_ID  is The eLandings system user ID.




2705 ERROR: Agency  AGENCY_NAME  does not have privileges where:  AGENCY_NAME  is The agency abbreviation.




2706 ERROR: Gear Code  GEAR_CODE  is not valid for troll where:  GEAR_CODE  is The numeric gear code.

The ADF&G gear code must be valid for troll gear if the report type is a Salmon Troll Landing Report.  Gear Codes can be looked up on the eLandings website.

The ADF&G gear code entered is not correct for the gear used, or the wrong landing report type was chosen.

Verify the ADF&G gear code, and enter the correct code.  Verify that the correct landing report type is being used.

2707 WARNING: Salmon Troll landings are usually made in Southeast Alaska, check port code

Salmon troll is generally a Southeast fishery, and the vast majority of landings are made to ports in Southeast.

The port code for the landing report is not in Region 1 (Southeast).

Check the port code to insure it is correct, and that the landing is for salmon troll. If all is correct, ignore the warning.

2708 WARNING: Logbook delivery entries require a fish ticket number as soon as a fish ticket number exists




2709 ERROR: Client IP Address is required




2710 ERROR: Client IP Address length exceeded 45 characters

More than 45 characters were entered in the Client Ip Address field

When entering data, you entered more than 45 characters in the Client Ip Address field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Client Ip Address field.

Enter a valid Client Ip Address.

2711 ERROR: Request IP Address is required




2712 ERROR: Request IP Address length exceeded 45 characters

More than 45 characters were entered in the Request Ip Address field

When entering data, you entered more than 45 characters in the Request Ip Address field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Request Ip Address field.

Enter a valid Request Ip Address.

2713 ERROR: Client IP Address is invalid

Client Ip Address field is not a legal format or contains illigal characters

The Client Ip Address should be in the format ###.###.###.### Other characters are not permitted.

Enter a valid Client Ip Address.

2714 ERROR: Request IP Address is invalid

Request Ip Address field is not a legal format or contains illigal characters

The Request Ip Address field should be in the format ###.###.###.### Other characters are not permitted.

Enter a valid Request Ip Address.

2715 INFO: Your COAR Report details report is generating. eLandings will email it to you at  EMAIL  when it complete where:  EMAIL  is The entered email address.




2716 ERROR: Federal Permit Number or Registered Buyer Number is required




2717 INFO: Passed eLandings validation




2718 ERROR: Worksheet  NAME  not found in COAR Report spreadsheet where:  NAME  is The constant name.

The COAR Report spreadsheet has several worksheets, each of which allows for reporting of specific types of data. All of the worksheets should be present in the spreadsheet when it is uploaded.

The named worksheet was not found in the COAR Report spreadsheet.

Check the spreadsheet to insure that it has all the worksheets that were in the original download. If a worksheet was deleted because it didn't have data you can fix this problem by saving a copy of your COAR Report spreadsheet with another name, downloading the COAR Report spreadsheet again, and copying the worksheets with data from your saved copy to the downloaded spreadsheet. It will now have all required worksheets and can be uploaded.

2719 INFO: COAR Report generated




2720 ERROR: Item cannot be moved to a new trip, please choose a different day.




2721 ERROR: Either Logbook ID and Year or ADF&G Vessel Number, Year, and Federal Permit Number must be specified




2722 ERROR: Changes have been made to your IFQ report. Please delete your existing unsubmitted IFQ Report and generate a new IFQ Report before submitting

The NMFS ID in IFQ permit and the NMFS ID in IFQ Report is not matching.

The NMFS ID in IFQ permit and the NMFS ID in IFQ Report is not matching.

Generate a new IFQ Report.

2723 INFO: Announcement has been saved successfully. A confirmation email will be sent to you once the announcement has been sent to the specified recipients.

The announcement has been saved successfully.



2724 ERROR: Over limit already applied

The user has requested to apply an over limit on ticket that already has an over limited applied to it for that species.


Manually undo the currently applied over limit and try again.

2725 ERROR: Permit codes for report  RPT_ID  already match the codes for operation  OP  where:  RPT_ID  is The landing Report ID. OP  is The operation name or ID.




2726 ERROR: Report  RPT_ID  is a non-tender landing, cannot be changed to operation  OP  by operation override where:  RPT_ID  is The landing Report ID. OP  is The operation name or ID.

The operation override feature of the PTI only allows reports made to a tender to be changed to another another tender for the same operation or a tender for a different operation.

The landing Report documents that the landing was not made to a tender. The operation selected for override is a tender operation.

Select an operation for the override that is not a tender operation, or edit the landing report in eLandings to change it from a non-tender delivery to a tender delivery

2727 ERROR: Not used where:  RPT_ID  is The landing Report ID. RPT_TENDER  is The tender ADF&G number on the report. OP_TENDER  is The tender ADF&G number on the tender operation.




2728 ERROR: Report  RPT_ID  is for tender vessel  RPT_TENDER , cannot be changed to non-tender operation  OP , by operation override where:  RPT_ID  is The landing Report ID. RPT_TENDER  is The tender ADF&G number on the report. OP  is The operation name or ID.

The operation override feature of the PTI only allows reports made to tenders to be changed to another tender or another operation for that specific tender.

The landing Report documents that the landing was made to a tender. The operation selected for override is not a tender operation.

Select a tender operation for the override, or edit the landing report in eLandings to change it from a tender delivery to a non-tender delivery

2729 ERROR: Species  SPECIES  is not allowed on reports with CFEC permit fishery  FISHERY  where:  SPECIES  is The species code. FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card.

The species code is not allowed with the CFEC permit.

The most common cause of this error is the use of 411 species code for Jack King salmon.

Change the species code to use a value appropriate for reports for the given CFEC permit fishery. For species 411 Jack Kings, use species 410 King salmon.

2730 ERROR: Buying Station Name is required




2731 ERROR: Buying Station Name length exceeded 60 characters

More than 60 characters were entered in the Buying Station Name field

When entering data, you entered more than 60 characters in the Buying Station Name field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Buying Station Name field.

Enter a valid Buying Station Name.

2732 ERROR: Tender Vessel Name is required




2733 ERROR: Tender Vessel Name length exceeded 50 characters

More than 50 characters were entered in the Tender Vessel Name field

When entering data, you entered more than 50 characters in the Tender Vessel Name field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Tender Vessel Name field.

Enter a valid Tender Vessel Name.

2737 ERROR: Last Update Date is invalid

The system will accept the date in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format.  The last update date field was not entered with one of the following formats:  mm/dd/yyyy, m/d/y, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, m-d-y.

The last update date was entered in a format that was not recognized.  This message can also be seen if the last update date is entered with letters in place of digits.

Verify the last update date, and enter the correct value.

2738 ERROR: Last Update Date is required

The last update date is required information and must be entered.

The last update date field was not entered.

Verify the last update date, and enter the correct value.

2739 ERROR: Last Update Date cannot be in the future


A date that is in the future has been entered in the last update date field.

Verify the last update date, and enter the correct date.

2740 ERROR: Last Update Date requires four digit year




2741 ERROR: Bristol Bay Weekly Report start date must be a Sunday




2742 ERROR: Dual Permit Fishery is required

The CFEC fishery code for the dual permit is required information and must be entered.  Your CFEC fishery code is the first four or five digit code, in the fourth row, located on your CFEC permit card.

The dual permit CFEC fishery code was not entered.

Verify the CFEC fishery code on the CFEC permit card, and enter the correct code.

2743 ERROR: Dual Permit Fishery  FISHERY  is invalid where:  FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card.

The dual permit CFEC fishery code entered was not found in the database.  Your CFEC fishery code is the first four or five digit code, in the fourth row, located on your CFEC permit card.

The dual permit CFEC fishery code entered on the CFEC Permit Worksheet is not valid.

Verify the CFEC fishery code on the CFEC permit card, and enter the correct code.

2744 ERROR: Dual Permit CFEC Fishery  FISHERY  not in effect for date  DATE  where:  FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card. DATE  is The date entered for the announcement.

The dual permit CFEC fishery code was not valid at the time the report was made. The date of the report is the date of landing.



2745 ERROR: Dual Permit Permit Number is required

The permit number for the dual permit is required information and must be entered.  Your permit number is the second code, in the fourth row located on your CFEC permit card.  The permit number is a six digit code, followed by a single letter code.

The permit number for the dual permit was not entered.

Verify your issued permit number, on the CFEC permit card, and enter the correct value.

2746 ERROR: Dual Permit Permit Number is invalid

The permit number for the dual permit is invalid, or is not valid for the CFEC fishery code. Your CFEC fishery code and permit number are the first two codes, in the fourth row, located on your CFEC permit card.

The CFEC fishery code or the permit number entered is not correct.

Verify the CFEC fishery code and the permit number entered, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet.  Enter the correct codes.

2747 ERROR: Dual Permit Year Seq is required

The dual permit sequence code is required information and must be entered.  Your permit sequence code is located on your CFEC permit card as the first code, in the fifth row.  The permit sequence is a four digit code, followed by a single letter code.

The permit sequence code was not entered.

Verify the permit sequence code, and enter your issued permit sequence code on the CFEC Permit Worksheet.

2748 ERROR: Dual Permit Year Seq is invalid

The permit sequence code for the dual permit entered was not found in the database.  Your permit sequence code is located on your CFEC permit card as the first code, in the fifth row.  The permit sequence is a six digit code.

The permit Sequence code entered on the CFEC Permit Worksheet is not valid.

Verify the permit sequence code, and enter your issued permit sequence code on the CFEC Permit Worksheet.

2749 ERROR: Dual Permit can only be entered for salmon landings

The dual permit should only be entered on salmon landing reports, it is not valid for other report types.

This is caused by entering data in any of the dual permit fields for salmon troll or non-salmon landing reports.


2750 ERROR: Dual Permit CFEC Fishery must match the CFEC Fishery of the CFEC Permit for the landing

The CFEC fishery code of the dual permit must be the same as the CFEC fishery for the permit being used to record the landing.



2751 WARNING: Dual Permit  PERMIT  year does not match Date of Landing year where:  PERMIT  is The CFEC Permit.

The year sequence date of the dual permit does not match the year of the date of landing.

This can be caused by using an old CFEC permit, or by using a new one that was received before the beginning of the year for which it is valid.


2752 ERROR: Dual Permit cannot be the same as the CFEC Permit for the landing

The dual permit is the permit of a second permit holder onboard the vessel.

The CFEC permit that was entered for the landing was also entered as the dual permit.

Enter the CFEC Permit of the second permit holder as the dual permit, or leave the dual permit blank.

2753 ERROR: Dual Permit must be entered if the Dual Permit checkbox is checked

The dual permit checkbox is the legacy way of indicating a second permit. The dual permit fields that record the actual permit are newer.

The report has the dual permit checkbox checked, but no dual permit has been entered. 

Enter the CFEC Permit of the second permit holder as the dual permit.

2754 ERROR: CFEC permit fishery  FISHERY  is not valid for fishing under management program  PGM  where:  FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card. PGM  is The management program.

The CFEC permit fishery and management program codes do not match



2755 ERROR: Interim values are invalid for both CFEC and Dual permits

The interim value for a permit may not be entered for both the primary CFEC permit and dual permit.

The interim value was entered for both the primary CFEC permit and the dual permit.

Enter the interim permit on either the primary CFEC permit or the dual permit, but not both.

2756 ERROR: Missing values are invalid for both CFEC and Dual permits

The missing value for a permit may not be entered for both the primary CFEC permit and dual permit.

The missing value was entered for both the primary CFEC permit and the dual permit.

Enter the missing permit on either the primary CFEC permit or the dual permit, but not both.

2757 ERROR: Missing permit value is not allowed

Missing permit value is not allowed for landings entered in tLandings or the eLandings webapp.



2758 WARNING: The number of days fished appears excessive for a non-troll fishery

Non-troll salmon fisheries have limited openings, and should not exceed 3 days.



2759 ERROR: Interim value for dual CFEC Permit Number must be replaced before the final report can be submitted




2760 ERROR: Gear  GEAR  is not valid for species  SPECIES  where:  GEAR  is The gear ID. SPECIES  is The species code.




2761 ERROR: Gear code  GEAR  is not valid for ADF&G Number  VESSEL_NUM  where:  GEAR  is The gear ID. VESSEL_NUM  is The ADF&G Vessel number, issued by CFEC.




2762 ERROR: Problem determining Report Type for report edit, please contact eLandings support at elandings@alaska.gov

The Report Header page used to edit reports displays different fields depending on the report type. Fields that strictly concern salmon, such as dual permit, are not shown for crab reports and vice versa. The Report Header page cannot be displayed properly if the report type cannot be determined.

The Report Header page was requested, but the report type was not available. Reasons why this happens are not known, and the eLandings team requests your help in determining the cause.

Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2763 ERROR: Requested function not supported for agency override login ID

The eLandings web application allows agency users to login as processor users using an override login ID. This allows the agency user to see what the processor user sees, and is an aid to production support. Override logins can do most functions that normal processor logins can do, but some functions are restricted to only processor users. These include changing the user password. If an agency user needs to change a processor user's password they should use the user administration functions on the agency desktop.



2702 ERROR: Num Of Records is too large




2703 ERROR: Sold Condition  SOLDCONDITION  cannot be produced from Condition  LINEITEMCONDITION  where:  SOLDCONDITION  is The sold condition LINEITEMCONDITION  is The line item condition




2704 ERROR: User  USER_ID  does not have mass update privileges where:  USER_ID  is The eLandings system user ID.




2705 ERROR: Agency  AGENCY_NAME  does not have privileges where:  AGENCY_NAME  is The agency abbreviation.




2706 ERROR: Gear Code  GEAR_CODE  is not valid for troll where:  GEAR_CODE  is The numeric gear code.

The ADF&G gear code must be valid for troll gear if the report type is a Salmon Troll Landing Report.  Gear Codes can be looked up on the eLandings website.

The ADF&G gear code entered is not correct for the gear used, or the wrong landing report type was chosen.

Verify the ADF&G gear code, and enter the correct code.  Verify that the correct landing report type is being used.

2707 WARNING: Salmon Troll landings are usually made in Southeast Alaska, check port code

Salmon troll is generally a Southeast fishery, and the vast majority of landings are made to ports in Southeast.

The port code for the landing report is not in Region 1 (Southeast).

Check the port code to insure it is correct, and that the landing is for salmon troll. If all is correct, ignore the warning.

2708 WARNING: Logbook delivery entries require a fish ticket number as soon as a fish ticket number exists




2709 ERROR: Client IP Address is required




2710 ERROR: Client IP Address length exceeded 45 characters

More than 45 characters were entered in the Client IP Address field

When entering data, you entered more than 45 characters in the Client Ip Address field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Client IP Address field.

Enter a valid Client IP Address.

2711 ERROR: Request IP Address is required




2712 ERROR: Request IP Address length exceeded 45 characters

More than 45 characters were entered in the Request IP Address field

When entering data, you entered more than 45 characters in the Request Ip Address field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Request IP Address field.

Enter a valid Request IP Address.

2713 ERROR: Client IP Address is invalid

Client IP Address field is not a legal format or contains illegal characters

The Client IP Address should be in the format ###.###.###.### Other characters are not permitted.

Enter a valid Client IP Address.

2714 ERROR: Request IP Address is invalid

Request IP Address field is not a legal format or contains illegal characters

The Request IP Address field should be in the format ###.###.###.### Other characters are not permitted.

Enter a valid Request IP Address.

2715 INFO: Your COAR Report details report is generating. eLandings will email it to you at  EMAIL  when it complete where:  EMAIL  is The entered email address.




2716 ERROR: Federal Permit Number or Registered Buyer Number is required




2717 INFO: Passed eLandings validation




2718 ERROR: Worksheet  NAME  not found in COAR Report spreadsheet where:  NAME  is The constant name.

The COAR Report spreadsheet has several worksheets, each of which allows for reporting of specific types of data. All of the worksheets should be present in the spreadsheet when it is uploaded.

The named worksheet was not found in the COAR Report spreadsheet.

Check the spreadsheet to insure that it has all the worksheets that were in the original download. If a worksheet was deleted because it didn't have data you can fix this problem by saving a copy of your COAR Report spreadsheet with another name, downloading the COAR Report spreadsheet again, and copying the worksheets with data from your saved copy to the downloaded spreadsheet. It will now have all required worksheets and can be uploaded.

2719 INFO: COAR Report generated




2720 ERROR: Item cannot be moved to a new trip, please choose a different day.




2721 ERROR: Either Logbook ID and Year or ADF&G Vessel Number, Year, and Federal Permit Number must be specified




2722 ERROR: Changes have been made to your IFQ report. Please delete your existing unsubmitted IFQ Report and generate a new IFQ Report before submitting

The NMFS ID in IFQ permit and the NMFS ID in IFQ Report is not matching.

The NMFS ID in IFQ permit and the NMFS ID in IFQ Report is not matching.

Generate a new IFQ Report.

2723 INFO: Announcement has been saved successfully. A confirmation email will be sent to you once the announcement has been sent to the specified recipients.

The announcement has been saved successfully.



2724 ERROR: Over limit already applied

The user has requested to apply an over limit on ticket that already has an over limited applied to it for that species.


Manually undo the currently applied over limit and try again.

2725 ERROR: Permit codes for report  RPT_ID  already match the codes for operation  OP  where:  RPT_ID  is The landing Report ID. OP  is The operation name or ID.




2726 ERROR: Report  RPT_ID  is a non-tender landing, cannot be changed to operation  OP  by operation override where:  RPT_ID  is The landing Report ID. OP  is The operation name or ID.

The operation override feature of the PTI only allows reports made to a tender to be changed to another another tender for the same operation or a tender for a different operation.

The landing Report documents that the landing was not made to a tender. The operation selected for override is a tender operation.

Select an operation for the override that is not a tender operation, or edit the landing report in eLandings to change it from a non-tender delivery to a tender delivery

2727 ERROR: Not used where:  RPT_ID  is The landing Report ID. RPT_TENDER  is The tender ADF&G number on the report. OP_TENDER  is The tender ADF&G number on the tender operation.




2728 ERROR: Report  RPT_ID  is for tender vessel  RPT_TENDER , cannot be changed to non-tender operation  OP , by operation override where:  RPT_ID  is The landing Report ID. RPT_TENDER  is The tender ADF&G number on the report. OP  is The operation name or ID.

The operation override feature of the PTI only allows reports made to tenders to be changed to another tender or another operation for that specific tender.

The landing Report documents that the landing was made to a tender. The operation selected for override is not a tender operation.

Select a tender operation for the override, or edit the landing report in eLandings to change it from a tender delivery to a non-tender delivery

2729 ERROR: Species  SPECIES  is not allowed on reports with CFEC permit fishery  FISHERY  where:  SPECIES  is The species code. FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card.

The species code is not allowed with the CFEC permit.

The most common cause of this error is the use of 411 species code for Jack King salmon.

Change the species code to use a value appropriate for reports for the given CFEC permit fishery. For species 411 Jack Kings, use species 410 King salmon.

2730 ERROR: Buying Station Name is required




h exceeded 60 characters

More than 60 characters were entered in the Buying Station Name field

When entering data, you entered more than 60 characters in the Buying Station Name field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Buying Station Name field.

Enter a valid Buying Station Name.

2732 ERROR: Tender Vessel Name is required




2733 ERROR: Tender Vessel Name length exceeded 50 characters

More than 50 characters were entered in the Tender Vessel Name field

When entering data, you entered more than 50 characters in the Tender Vessel Name field. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the Tender Vessel Name field.

Enter a valid Tender Vessel Name.

2737 ERROR: Last Update Date is invalid

The system will accept the date in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format.  The last update date field was not entered with one of the following formats:  mm/dd/yyyy, m/d/y, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, m-d-y.

The last update date was entered in a format that was not recognized.  This message can also be seen if the last update date is entered with letters in place of digits.

Verify the last update date, and enter the correct value.

2738 ERROR: Last Update Date is required

The last update date is required information and must be entered.

The last update date field was not entered.

Verify the last update date, and enter the correct value.

2739 ERROR: Last Update Date cannot be in the future


A date that is in the future has been entered in the last update date field.

Verify the last update date, and enter the correct date.

2740 ERROR: Last Update Date requires four digit year




2741 ERROR: Bristol Bay Weekly Report start date must be a Sunday




2742 ERROR: Dual Permit Fishery is required

The CFEC fishery code for the dual permit is required information and must be entered.  Your CFEC fishery code is the first four or five digit code, in the fourth row, located on your CFEC permit card.

The dual permit CFEC fishery code was not entered.

Verify the CFEC fishery code on the CFEC permit card, and enter the correct code.

2743 ERROR: Dual Permit Fishery  FISHERY  is invalid where:  FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card.

The dual permit CFEC fishery code entered was not found in the database.  Your CFEC fishery code is the first four or five digit code, in the fourth row, located on your CFEC permit card.

The dual permit CFEC fishery code entered on the CFEC Permit Worksheet is not valid.

Verify the CFEC fishery code on the CFEC permit card, and enter the correct code.

2744 ERROR: Dual Permit CFEC Fishery  FISHERY  not in effect for date  DATE  where:  FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card. DATE  is The date entered for the announcement.

The dual permit CFEC fishery code was not valid at the time the report was made. The date of the report is the date of landing.



2745 ERROR: Dual Permit Permit Number is required

The permit number for the dual permit is required information and must be entered.  Your permit number is the second code, in the fourth row located on your CFEC permit card.  The permit number is a six digit code, followed by a single letter code.

The permit number for the dual permit was not entered.

Verify your issued permit number, on the CFEC permit card, and enter the correct value.

2746 ERROR: Dual Permit Permit Number is invalid

The permit number for the dual permit is invalid, or is not valid for the CFEC fishery code. Your CFEC fishery code and permit number are the first two codes, in the fourth row, located on your CFEC permit card.

The CFEC fishery code or the permit number entered is not correct.

Verify the CFEC fishery code and the permit number entered, on the CFEC Permit Worksheet.  Enter the correct codes.

2747 ERROR: Dual Permit Year Seq is required

The dual permit sequence code is required information and must be entered.  Your permit sequence code is located on your CFEC permit card as the first code, in the fifth row.  The permit sequence is a four digit code, followed by a single letter code.

The permit sequence code was not entered.

Verify the permit sequence code, and enter your issued permit sequence code on the CFEC Permit Worksheet.

2748 ERROR: Dual Permit Year Seq is invalid

The permit sequence code for the dual permit entered was not found in the database.  Your permit sequence code is located on your CFEC permit card as the first code, in the fifth row.  The permit sequence is a six digit code.

The permit Sequence code entered on the CFEC Permit Worksheet is not valid.

Verify the permit sequence code, and enter your issued permit sequence code on the CFEC Permit Worksheet.

2749 ERROR: Dual Permit can only be entered for salmon landings

The dual permit should only be entered on salmon landing reports, it is not valid for other report types.

This is caused by entering data in any of the dual permit fields for salmon troll or non-salmon landing reports.


2750 ERROR: Dual Permit CFEC Fishery must match the CFEC Fishery of the CFEC Permit for the landing

The CFEC fishery code of the dual permit must be the same as the CFEC fishery for the permit being used to record the landing.



2751 WARNING: Dual Permit  PERMIT  year does not match Date of Landing year where:  PERMIT  is The CFEC Permit.

The year sequence date of the dual permit does not match the year of the date of landing.

This can be caused by using an old CFEC permit, or by using a new one that was received before the beginning of the year for which it is valid.


2752 ERROR: Dual Permit cannot be the same as the CFEC Permit for the landing

The dual permit is the permit of a second permit holder onboard the vessel.

The CFEC permit that was entered for the landing was also entered as the dual permit.

Enter the CFEC Permit of the second permit holder as the dual permit, or leave the dual permit blank.

2753 ERROR: Dual Permit must be entered if the Dual Permit checkbox is checked

The dual permit checkbox is the legacy way of indicating a second permit. The dual permit fields that record the actual permit are newer.

The report has the dual permit checkbox checked, but no dual permit has been entered. 

Enter the CFEC Permit of the second permit holder as the dual permit.

2754 ERROR: CFEC permit fishery  FISHERY  is not valid for fishing under management program  PGM  where:  FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card. PGM  is The management program.

The CFEC permit fishery and management program codes do not match



2755 ERROR: Interim values are invalid for both CFEC and Dual permits

The interim value for a permit may not be entered for both the primary CFEC permit and dual permit.

The interim value was entered for both the primary CFEC permit and the dual permit.

Enter the interim permit on either the primary CFEC permit or the dual permit, but not both.

2756 ERROR: Missing values are invalid for both CFEC and Dual permits

The missing value for a permit may not be entered for both the primary CFEC permit and dual permit.

The missing value was entered for both the primary CFEC permit and the dual permit.

Enter the missing permit on either the primary CFEC permit or the dual permit, but not both.

2757 ERROR: Missing permit value is not allowed

Missing permit value is not allowed for landings entered in tLandings or the eLandings webapp.



2758 WARNING: The number of days fished appears excessive for a non-troll fishery

Non-troll salmon fisheries have limited openings, and should not exceed 3 days.



2759 ERROR: Interim value for dual CFEC Permit Number must be replaced before the final report can be submitted




2760 ERROR: Gear  GEAR  is not valid for species  SPECIES  where:  GEAR  is The gear ID. SPECIES  is The species code.




2761 ERROR: Gear code  GEAR  is not valid for ADF&G Number  VESSEL_NUM  where:  GEAR  is The gear ID. VESSEL_NUM  is The ADF&G Vessel number, issued by CFEC.




2762 ERROR: Problem determining Report Type for report edit, please contact eLandings support at elandings@alaska.gov

The ReportHeader page used to edit reports displays different fields depending on the report type. Fields that strictly concern salmon, such as dual permit, are not shown for crab reports and vice versa. The ReportHeader page cannot be displayed properly if the report type cannot be determined.

The Report Header page was requested, but the report type was not available. Reasons why this happens are not known, and the eLandings team requests your help in determining the cause.

Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2764 WARNING: Halibut B06B or B61B permit should be used for directed halibut fisheries




2765 WARNING: Sablefish C06B or C61B permit should be used for directed sablefish fisheries




2766 WARNING: Sablefish C09B or C91B permit should be used for directed sablefish fisheries




2767 ERROR: User is not authorized to view trip report




2768 ERROR: User is not authorized to view daily report




2769 ERROR: User is not authorized to view logbook profile




2770 ERROR: Number of  UNITS  is not allowed where:  UNITS  is The unit for counting the number of animals in the catch, such as fish or crab.

Number of animals is not allowed for certain data, such as lines with a disposition of No Harvest.



2771 ERROR: Tare Weight is not allowed if no scale weight is input

Tare weight cannot be input if there is no scale weight from which to subtract it.



2772 ERROR: Number of Brailers is not allowed

Number of brailers cannot be input if no scale weight has been input.



2773 ERROR: Tender Adfg Vessel Number is required




2774 ERROR: Tender Adfg Vessel Number  TENDER_ADFG_VESSEL_NUMBER  is invalid where:  TENDER_ADFG_VESSEL_NUMBER  is The vessel ADFG number of the tender vessel




2775 ERROR: Tender Adfg Vessel Number is too small




2776 ERROR: Tender Adfg Vessel Number is too large




2777 ERROR: Logbook Profile ID is required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2778 ERROR: Logbook Profile ID is invalid



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2779 ERROR: Trip Report ID is required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2780 ERROR: Trip Report ID is invalid



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2781 ERROR: Daily Report ID is required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2782 ERROR: Daily Report ID is invalid



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2783 ERROR: Created by is required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2784 ERROR: Created by is invalid



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2785 ERROR: Created datetime is required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2786 ERROR: Created datetime is invalid



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2787 ERROR: Last modified by is required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2788 ERROR: Last modified by is invalid



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2789 ERROR: Deleted status is required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2790 ERROR: Last modified datetime is required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2791 ERROR: Last modified datetime is invalid



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2792 ERROR: Activity sequence is required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2793 ERROR: Activity sequence is invalid



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2794 ERROR: Display name is required




2795 ERROR: Display name is invalid




2796 ERROR: Action time is required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2797 ERROR: Action time is invalid



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2798 ERROR: Action seq is required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2799 ERROR: Action seq is invalid



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2800 ERROR: Daily Reports must be on or after the date of the selected trip Report



Change the date of the Daily Report to on or after the date of the selected trip Report, or select a different trip Report

2801 ERROR: Daily Reports must not be about the future



Change the date of the Daily Report to either the present day or a day in the past.  If you think the date is in the past, check your computer's clock

2802 ERROR: Daily Report date is required



Fill out the Daily Report date using either mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy format

2803 ERROR: Daily Report date is invalid



Fill out the Daily Report date using either mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy format

2804 ERROR: The Daily Report date is after the start of a different trip Report than the currently selected trip Report



Change the date of the Daily Report to be within the selected trip Report, or select a different trip Report

2805 ERROR: Line numbers for Daily Report species entries are required



Please contact eLandings production support and let them know what you were trying to do when you got this error.

2806 ERROR: Management Program Modifier is required



Select a Management Program Modifier

2807 ERROR: Management Program Modifier is invalid



Select a Management Program Modifier

2808 ERROR: Operation  ID  cannot be deleted, the operation has dependent landing reports where:  ID  is The unique numeric identifier for the operation.




2809 ERROR: Report body is required



Please contact eLandings production support

2810 WARNING: Halibut B09B or B91B permit should be used for directed halibut fisheries




2811 ERROR: Date Of Landing From is required




2812 ERROR: Date Of Landing From  DATE_OF_LANDING_FROM  is invalid where:  DATE_OF_LANDING_FROM  is The beginning of the landing date range




2813 ERROR: Date Of Landing From cannot be in the future

The system does not allow future reporting.

A date that is in the future has been entered in the Date Of Landing From field.

Verify the Date Of Landing From, and enter the correct date.

2814 ERROR: Date Of Landing From requires four digit year




2815 ERROR: Date Of Landing To is required




2816 ERROR: Date Of Landing To  DATE_OF_LANDING_TO  is invalid where:  DATE_OF_LANDING_TO  is The ending of the landing date range




2817 ERROR: Date Of Landing To cannot be in the future

The system does not allow future reporting.

A date that is in the future has been entered in the Date Of Landing To field.

Verify the Date Of Landing To, and enter the correct date.

2818 ERROR: Date Of Landing To requires four digit year




2819 ERROR: Last Update Date From is required




2820 ERROR: Last Update Date From  LAST_UPDATE_DATE_FROM  is invalid where:  LAST_UPDATE_DATE_FROM  is The beginning of the update date range




2821 ERROR: Last Update Date From cannot be in the future

The system does not allow future reporting.

A date that is in the future has been entered in the Last Update Date From field.

Verify the Last Update Date From, and enter the correct date.

2822 ERROR: Last Update Date From requires four digit year




2823 ERROR: Last Update Date To is required




2824 ERROR: Last Update Date To  LAST_UPDATE_DATE_TO  is invalid where:  LAST_UPDATE_DATE_TO  is The ending of the update date range




2825 ERROR: Last Update Date To cannot be in the future

The system does not allow future reporting.

A date that is in the future has been entered in the Last Update Date To field.

Verify the Last Update Date To, and enter the correct date.

2826 ERROR: Last Update Date To requires four digit year




2827 ERROR: Page is required




2828 ERROR: Page  PAGE  is invalid where:  PAGE  is The page number.




2829 ERROR: Page is too small




2830 ERROR: Page is too large




2831 ERROR: Records Per Page is required




2832 ERROR: Records Per Page  RECORDS_PER_PAGE  is invalid where:  RECORDS_PER_PAGE  is The number of records per page




2833 ERROR: Records Per Page is too small




2834 ERROR: Records Per Page is too large




2835 ERROR: Maxrecords is eequired




2836 ERROR: Maxrecords  MAXRECORDS  is invalid where:  MAXRECORDS  is The maximum number of records




2837 ERROR: Maxrecords is too small




2838 ERROR: Maxrecords is too large




2839 WARNING: A landing report already exists with the same generic vessel, processor code, date of landing, and CFEC permit

An identical landing has already been entered.  Only one unique landing is allowed based on the generic vessel, processor, landing date, and cfec permit for generic vessel tickets such as snow machine deliveries.

There has been a data entry error which happens to match a previous landing.  Or, this landing was previously input and could be submitted or saved as an un-submitted report.

Review the landing information for accuracy, particularly the date of landing. If data is accurate, then:  a) cancel this report, return to the Reports Menu, find the original report and complete it.  Or b) Save the Report, Ignoring Warnings

2840 WARNING: Onscreen keyboard has been selected, but black background has not. Black background is recommended for tablets




2841 WARNING: Signature pad is ignored if onscreen keyboard is selected




2842 WARNING: Receipt printer is intended for tablet, and suppresses display of fish ticket PDFs




2843 WARNING: Two copies of the fish ticket must be configured.  COPIES  without label will be configured where:  COPIES  is The number of additional copies description




2844 ERROR: Overlimit species is required if overlimit in effect




2845 ERROR: Chill Type salmon field cannot be hidden if a default is specified




2846 ERROR: Temperature salmon fields must be hidden if Chill Type is hidden




2847 ERROR: Date Fishing Began  RPT_TYPE  field cannot be defaulted on tLandings for tenders where:  RPT_TYPE  is The landing Report type




2848 ERROR: Fishing Period salmon field cannot be defaulted on tLandings for tenders




2849 ERROR: Nearest Bay or Headland salmon field cannot be defaulted on tLandings for tenders




2850 ERROR: Statistical Area  RPT_TYPE  field cannot be defaulted on tLandings for tenders where:  RPT_TYPE  is The landing Report type




2851 ERROR: Statistical Area  RPT_TYPE  field cannot be hidden if default value not input where:  RPT_TYPE  is The landing Report type




2852 ERROR: Management Program groundfish field does not allow programs with participant IDs




2853 ERROR: Receipt Latitude groundfish field cannot be hidden on tLandings for tenders




2854 ERROR: Receipt Longitude groundfish field cannot be hidden on tLandings for tenders




2855 ERROR: Receipt Latitude groundfish field cannot be hidden if Longitude is not hidden




2856 ERROR: Receipt Longitude groundfish field cannot be hidden if Latitude is not hidden




2857 ERROR: Statistical Area  RPT_TYPE  field cannot be hidden on tLandings for tenders where:  RPT_TYPE  is The landing Report type




2858 WARNING: Onscreen keyboard has been selected, but the receipt printer is not selected. Receipt printer is not required for tablets, but is usually used




2859 WARNING: Onscreen keyboard has been deselected. tLandings will still function, but some tablet specific features will not work




2860 WARNING: Port Code is missing

The port code was not provided but may not be required in this context.

Port code was left blank.

Enter a valid three character ADF&G port code. The valid port codes can be looked up on the eLandings website.

2861 WARNING: Number of  UNITS  is too large for species  SPECIES , gives an average weight of  WEIGHT  where:  UNITS  is The unit for counting the number of animals in the catch, such as fish or crab. WEIGHT  is The weight in pounds. SPECIES  is The species code.

The system computes an average weight, using the number of animals and the weight entered, and compares this to the average weight range for the species entered. If the average weight calculated is below the range this warning is given.

The number of animals and weight entered on the line gives an average weight that is known to be too small for the species entered.

Verify the number of animals, weight, and species code.  Enter the correct values.

2862 WARNING: Number of  UNITS  is too small for species  SPECIES , gives an average weight of  WEIGHT  where:  UNITS  is The unit for counting the number of animals in the catch, such as fish or crab. WEIGHT  is The weight in pounds. SPECIES  is The species code.

The system computes an average weight, using the number of animals and the weight entered, and compares this to the average weight range for the species entered.  If the average weight calculated is above the range this warning is given.

The number of animals and weight entered on the line gives an average weight that is known to be too large for the species entered.

Verify the number of animals, weight, and species code.  Enter the correct values.

2863 ERROR: Duplicate logbook body detected, contact eLandings support

The system expects there to only a single unsubmitted daily report body.  Multiple daily report bodies are detected.  This will result in unintended behavior if allowed to continue


Contact eLandings support

2864 ERROR: Sample weight is not allowed for species  SPECIES  where:  SPECIES  is The species code.

Sample weight and sample count are used to calculated an average weight for the species. However, some species require actual count on all reports. In that case average weight cannot be used and average weight calculation data is not allowed.


Remove the sample weight data.

2865 ERROR: Sample count is not allowed for species  SPECIES  where:  SPECIES  is The species code.

Sample weight and sample count are used to calculated an average weight for the species. However, some species require actual count on all reports. In that case average weight cannot be used and average weight calculation data is not allowed.


Remove the sample count data.

2866 ERROR: Average weight is not allowed for species  SPECIES  where:  SPECIES  is The species code.

Average weight is used to calculated number of fish for some landings. However, some species require actual count on all reports. In that case average weight cannot be used and average weight data is not allowed.


Remove the average weight data.

2867 ERROR: Average weight calcuated from sample weight and count does not match input average weight

The sample weight and count are used to derive the average weight. The average weight can also be input directly. If sample weight and count are entered they should match the average weight.


Review the sample and average weight data, and correct where appropriate.

2868 ERROR: Condition  COND  is not allowed where:  COND  is The Condition Code.

Some condition codes are used for special situations, and are not allowed to be used for other situations


Input another condition code.

2869 WARNING: Average weight  WEIGHT  is too small for species  SPECIES  where:  WEIGHT  is The weight in pounds. SPECIES  is The species code.

The average weight entered appears to be too small for the species.



2870 WARNING: Average weight  WEIGHT  is too large for species  SPECIES  where:  WEIGHT  is The weight in pounds. SPECIES  is The species code.

The average weight entered appears to be too large for the species.



2871 INFO: Sample Weight and Sample Count are not required if Average Weight is input

The average weight can be calculated from sample weight and sample count. Those fields are not required if average weight is input. If the calculated value from sample weight and sample count is not the same as the average weight an error is given. This message it to let users know that the sample weight and sample count can be removed if the average weight has been calculated outside the system.



2872 ERROR: Grading and pricing template data is required

The aaction requested requires grading and pricing template data, at least one template, and no template data was provided.



2873 ERROR: Only one grading and pricing template is allowed

The action requested requires exactly one grading and pricing template, for example for a template delete. More than one granding and pricing template was provided.



2874 ERROR: No grading and pricing template found for species  SPECIES  and condition  COND  where:  SPECIES  is The species code. COND  is The Condition Code.

The grading and pricing template data was not found for the given species and condition.



2875 ERROR:  TYPE  name is required where:  TYPE  is The operation type code.

The configuration profile must be given a name to identify it.



2876 ERROR:  TYPE  name exceeds the maximum length of  LEN  characters where:  TYPE  is The operation type code. LEN  is The maximum length of the field

The name of the configuration profile is longer than the maximum length allowed.



2877 ERROR:  TYPE  name cannot contain special character  CHAR  where:  TYPE  is The operation type code. CHAR  is The special character causing the problem.

The configuration profile name is used to derive the configuration profile filename. Special characters can cause problems when used in file names, and are disallowed.



2878 INFO: Report file  REPORT_FILE  was sent from eLandings Support. Overwriting any versions of this report on this workstation where:  REPORT_FILE  is The name of the file in the return receipt

The return reciept was sent from support at the request of the user. Reports in this return reciept will overwrite any versions of the report on disk, no matter the state



2879 ERROR: Report file  REPORT_FILE  on workstation did not have transmission information. Please edit this report and resubmit. If this problem persists, contact eLandings support. where:  REPORT_FILE  is The name of the file in the return receipt

Report file on workstation did not contain a transmission element. This is a symptom of an error, but may be able to be corrected by editing a report and resending



2880 WARNING:  REPORT_TYPE   REPORT_FILE  was submitted with no updates. No updates were saved to the report where:  REPORT_TYPE  is The landing report type such as C for Crab or G for groundfish. REPORT_FILE  is The name of the file in the return receipt

The submission of this report had the same version as the version on the eLandings server. Therefore, no updates were made to the report on the server



2881 ERROR: Disposition 41 Fishmeal not allowed for at-sea processing, use Condition 32 for Fishmeal




2882 WARNING:  REPORT_TYPE   REPORT_FILE  is marked as Sent using File Transmission. Please process your return receipt prior to editing this report. Otherwise, any edits you make now must be transmitted before you process return receipts that contain this report. where:  REPORT_TYPE  is The landing report type such as C for Crab or G for groundfish. REPORT_FILE  is The name of the file in the return receipt

Users are recommended against editing reports that are in the Sent state, as these reports need to be transmitting prior to processing any return receipts containing this report.



2883 ERROR: Disposition 94 Live Release is only valid for Chinook salmon in Yukon River fisheries




2884 WARNING: Disposition 94 Live Release is only valid for Chinook salmon in Yukon River fisheries




2885 ERROR: Groundfish statistical area is required for groundfish bycatch




2886 ERROR: Region is invalid where:  PROC_CODE  is The ADF&G Processor Code, also know as the F-code.




2887 WARNING: Daily reports do not require species  SPECIES  to be reported. where:  SPECIES  is The species code.

Reporting of this species on daily reports is not required.



2888 ERROR: An active operation already exists for Federal Processor Code  PROC_CODE  where:  PROC_CODE  is The ADF&G Processor Code, also know as the F-code.




2889 ERROR: An active operation already exists for Registered Crab Receiver  RCR  where:  RCR  is The Registered Crab Receiver Number.




2890 ERROR: Report Date cannot be before the date the Operation was created




2891 ERROR: Date of Landing cannot be before the date the Operation was created




2892 WARNING: Logbook delivery entries require a fish ticket number as soon as a fish ticket number exists




2893 ERROR: Active Operation  OPID  already exists for Registered Buyer Number  REG_BUYER_NUM  where:  OPID  is The operation ID. REG_BUYER_NUM  is The NMFS Restricted Access Management Division registered buyer number for halibut and sablefish IFQ.




2894 ERROR: Cannot create new logbook profile. A profile already exists for this operation. Contact elandings support at elandings@alaska.gov requesting a return receipt for the logbook  LOGBOOK_PROFILE . where:  LOGBOOK_PROFILE  is The logbook profile ID for daily trip reports.

You are requesting a new logbook profile for an operation that already has a long book profile. Operations are only allowed to have one logbook profile.

Your operation already has an existing logbook profile. Operations can not have more than one logbook profile ID. 

Contact elandings support at elandings@alaska.gov and provide the logbook profile ID so that a logbook return receipt can be manually sent to the vessel email address. 

2895 WARNING: You have entered a flow scale weight that may be out of the normal range. Please check your numbers.




2896 ERROR: Custom processing Processor operation cannot be the same as the Owner operation




2897 ERROR: Element is required




2898 ERROR: Element is invalid




2899 ERROR: Default Value is required if element is hidden




2900 ERROR: Groundfish Management Area is Invalid




2901 ERROR: Groundfish Management Area is Required




2902 ERROR:  DATE_TYPE  Date overlaps existing Trip  TRIP_NAME , started on  EXISTING_START  where:  DATE_TYPE  is The type of date being validated. TRIP_NAME  is The name of the existing trip. EXISTING_START  is The start date of the existing trip




2903 ERROR: Daily Report Date  REPORT_DATE  overlaps other Trip  TRIP_NAME , starting  TRIP_START_DATE  where:  REPORT_DATE  is The date of the daily report TRIP_NAME  is The name of the existing trip. TRIP_START_DATE  is The start date of the existing trip




2904 ERROR:  ACTIONTYPE  date invalid. You may only go inactive or active once per day. where:  ACTIONTYPE  is The type of activity




2905 ERROR: Gear Description is invalid




2906 ERROR: Daily Report date  REPORT_DATE  already exists in this trip where:  REPORT_DATE  is The date of the daily report




2907 ERROR: Stat area  AREA  is not valid for tanner or king crab species. where:  AREA  is The IPHC Regulatory Area.




2908 WARNING:  FISHERY  Permit is restricted to Management Program SMS in Prince William Sound where:  FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card.




2909 WARNING: CFEC Permit is not valid for Management Program SMS in Prince William




2910 WARNING: CFEC Permit is not valid for fisheries in Prince William Sound




2911 WARNING: CFEC Permit is only valid for sablefish fisheries in Southeast




2912 WARNING: Number of days fished is over 7. Is that right?

This warning is generated when the number of days fished is over 7.  The system will let you continue when you select Save Ignoring Warnings.  This button only appears when no errors are generated with the warnings.

The number of days fished entered is 7 or less.

Verify that the number of days fished is correct, and if it is select Save Ignoring Warnings at the bottom of the website.  If the number of days fished is not correct, enter the correct days fished and select Save.

2913 WARNING: Time period between Date Fishing Began and Date of Landing is more than 7 days. Is that right?

This warning is generated when the number of days from Date Fishing Began to Date of Landing entered is over 7. The system will let you continue when you select Save Ignoring Warnings. This button only appears when no errors are generated with the warnings.

The number of days from Date Fishing Began to Date of Landing is more than 7.

Verify that the number of days fished is correct, and if it is select Save Ignoring Warnings at the bottom of the website. If the number of days fished is not correct, enter the correct days fished and select Save.

2914 ERROR: Operation closed user cannot create a : buying station, custom processor or tender

This error is generated when Operation closed user cannot create a: buying station, custom processor or tender

Operation closed user cannot create a : buying station, custom processor or tender

Verify that the operation is open before user can create a : buying station, custom processor or tender 

2915 ERROR: Application ID is required




2916 ERROR: Application ID is invalid




2917 ERROR: Token is invalid




2918 ERROR: Application  APPLICATION_ID  could not be authenticated where:  APPLICATION_ID  is The eLandings system application ID.

The application entered was not found in the database.

The application entered is not valid.

Verify your application for the system you are trying to login to, and enter the correct values.  If you do not remember your application information, contact eLandings support staff.

2919 ERROR: New Password is too weak and must be stronger

A password is considered too weak if it is does not contain an upper case character, lower case character and number. Derivations of 'password' are also considered too weak.

When trying to login, change a password, or create a new user account, you entered a password that was too weak. You can also get this error if you misenter other data in the password field.

Enter a valid password.

2920 ERROR: New Password must be at least 8 characters

Less than 8 characters were entered in the password field.

When trying to login, change a password, or create a new user account, you entered less than 8 characters in the password field.

Enter a valid password.

2921 ERROR: No valid Stat area with IFQ fishery for IFQ Species  SPECIES .  where:  SPECIES  is The species code.

Stat Area for IFQ Species is not an IFQ Fishery for this IFQ Species

None of the listed Stat Areas are valid IFQ fisheries for this IFQ Species

Check your IFQ Species and Stat Areas.

2922 ERROR: Stat Area  STAT_AREA  not a valid IFQ fishery for IFQ Species  SPECIES .  where:  SPECIES  is The species code. STAT_AREA  is The ADF&G Statistical Area identifier.

Stat Area for IFQ Species is not an IFQ Fishery for this IFQ Species

The Stat Areas is not a valid IFQ fisheries for this IFQ Species

Check your IFQ Species and Stat Areas.

2923 ERROR: Number of days fished is over 10

This error is generated when the number of days fished is over 10; The system will not let you continue.

The number of days fished entered is more than 10.

Verify that the number of days fished is correct. If the number of days fished is not correct, enter the correct days fished and select Save.

2924 ERROR: Time period between Date Fishing Began and Date of Landing is more than 10 days

This error is generated when the number of days from date fishing began to date of landing entered is over 10.  The system will not let you continue.

The number of days from date fishing began to date of landing is more than 10.

Verify that the number of days fished is correct. If the number of days fished is not correct, enter the correct days fished and select Save.

2925 ERROR: Set Target Species is limited to two species.

Set Target Species is limited to two species.

Set Target Species has three or more species listed.

Only one set species target is required. Remove species from the target list until only one or two remain.

2926 ERROR: Invalid gear type  GEAR  for Management Program Modifier  MANAGEMENT_PROGRAM_MODIFIER . where:  MANAGEMENT_PROGRAM_MODIFIER  is Management Program Modifier GEAR  is The gear ID.




2927 ERROR: When using Trawl Electronic Monitoring (TEM), then all permit items have to use the Program Management Modifier of TEM.

When using Trawl Electronic Monitoring (TEM), then all permit items have to use the Program Management Modifier of TEM.

Program Management Modifier of TEM is being used some but not all permits.

Change all of the permits lines to use the Program Management Modifier of TEM, or make sure none of them are using TEM.

2928 ERROR: Invalid Management Program Modifier  MANAGEMENT_PROGRAM_MODIFIER  for Management Program  MANAGEMENT_PROGRAM . where:  MANAGEMENT_PROGRAM_MODIFIER  is Management Program Modifier MANAGEMENT_PROGRAM  is The management program that regulated the fishing.




2929 ERROR: Fisheries Permit  FISHERY  Is Invalid For Report Type  REPORT_TYPE . where:  FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card. REPORT_TYPE  is The landing report type such as C for Crab or G for groundfish.

The CFEC fishery code is not valid for this report type.

The CFEC fishery code on the CFEC Permit Worksheet is not valid for this type of report.

Verify the CFEC fishery code is for this type of report, or choose the correct type of report.

2930 ERROR: Please enter a date range within one calendar year. where:  FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card. REPORT_TYPE  is The landing report type such as C for Crab or G for groundfish.

Please enter a date range within one calendar year.

The start and end dates are not in the same calendar year.

Change the start and end dates so they both fall in the same calendar year

2931 ERROR: Weight cannot be a zero; please email us the COAR report

The system does not allow the weight entered to be zero.  The system will not allow a value of zero.

A number of zero has been entered in the lbs. field.

Verify the weight, and email eLandinds the COAR report

2932 ERROR: Zero Percent Found On Stat Area Worksheet.

This warning is generated when a 0 is found on the stat area worksheet.  The system will not let you continue when a 0 is found on the stat area worksheet. 

All percents on stat area worksheet are greater than 0.

Verify All percents on stat area worksheet are not 0.  Some  percentages on stat area worksheet are  0, enter the correct percents and select Save.

2933 ERROR: Management Program must be  STB or AIF

The management program must be one of the management programs specified.

This message is given when the business rules determine that only certain management programs are allowed for the reported data.

Change the Management Program to one of the allowable values. If you do not want to change the Management Program review all data especially gear code and CFEC permit fisheries, and change as needed.

2934 ERROR: Disposition  DISPOSITION_CODE  is not allowed for species where:  DISPOSITION_CODE  is The numeric disposition code, indicating what is being done with the catch.

The disposition code entered is restricted for species.  Please review disposition codes and fisheries regulations to determine correct and allowable disposition codes.



2935 ERROR: Xsd Version Is invalid




2936 ERROR: Troll Gear  GEAR_CODE  is invalid on Salmon Landing Report. Please create a Troll Landing Report where:  GEAR_CODE  is The numeric gear code.

The ADF&G gear code must be valid for gear if the report type is a Salmon Landing Report.  Gear Codes can be looked up on the eLandings website.

The ADF&G gear code entered is not correct for the gear used, or the wrong landing report type was chosen.

Verify the ADF&G gear code, and enter the correct code.  Verify that the correct landing report type is being used.

2937 ERROR: First select a target species from list to remove.

You need to select a targeted species before hitting the remove button.

No targeted species was selected to be removed.

Verify Verify that a targeted species is selected first.

2938 ERROR: Nothing to remove, no targeted species in list.

Nothing to remove, no targeted species in list.

Targeted Species list is empty, nothing to remove.

Targeted Species list is empty, nothing to remove.

2939 WARNING: Tender dock offload date/time is required

The Tender dock offload date is requested. 

The Tender dock offload date was not entered on the form. 

Enter the Tender dock offload date on the form. 

2940 ERROR: If either tender dock offload date or time is entered, both should be entered

Both the Tender dock offload date and time are required if either is entered.

The Tender dock offload date or time was entered but the other was not entered.

Enter the missing Tender dock offload date or time.

2941 ERROR: Tender dock offload date is invalid

The system will accept the date in several commonly used formats, and will convert to the standard format.  The tender dock offload date field was not entered with one of the following formats:  mm/dd/yyyy, m/d/y, mmddyyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, m-d-y.

The tender dock offload date was entered in a format that was not recognized. This message can also be seen if the date of tender dock offload is entered with letters in place of digits.

Verify the tender dock offload date, and enter the correct value.

2942 ERROR: Tender dock offload time is invalid

Tender dock offload time is invalid. 

Tender dock offload time was not entered correctly on the form. 

Enter the tender dock offload time on the form in the format HH:MM or HH.MM or HHMM For example, 01:30 or 01.30 or 0130 

2943 ERROR: Tender dock offload date/time cannot be before tender landing date/time

Tender dock offload date cannot be before tender landing date.

Tender dock offload date and time should be later than the date the fish were landed on the tender. 

Enter the tender dock offload time and date that is later than the date the fish were landed on the tender.

2944 ERROR: Tender dock offload date time is too long after tender landing

Tender dock offload date time is too long after tender landing

Tender dock offload date and time was over two weeks after tender landing date

Check the tender dock offload date to make sure it is correct

2945 ERROR: Tender dock offload date and time are only for deliveries to tenders

Tender dock offload date and time are for only tendered landings.

Tender dock offload date and time were entered, but the landing was not to a tender.

Either remove tender dock offload date and time or add a Tender ADF&G Number

2946 ERROR: Unable to initialize NMFS's eLandings service because of missing properties 




2947 SYSTEM ERROR: Unable to connect to NMFS's eLandings service at  URL  where:  URL  is The URL of the web service endpoint.




2948 ERROR: Tender dock offload date cannot be in the future

Tender dock offload date cannot be in the future.

Tender dock offload date and time were entered, but were in the future.

Correct the tender dock offload date.

2949 ERROR: Registration Section should only be entered for Kodiak Tanner Crab landings




2950 WARNING: Registration Section should be entered for Kodiak Tanner Crab landings




2951 ERROR: Registration Section cannot be entered without Statistical Area




2952 ERROR: Registration Section  VAL  is not valid for stat area  STAT_AREA  where:  VAL  is The code value. STAT_AREA  is The ADF&G Statistical Area identifier.




2953 ERROR: Number of Paging lines to display for input must be numeric

The system expects a whole numeric value and restricts more than two digits to be entered.  The system does not allow an entry of more than 99.

A value has been entered that is not numeric.

Enter a numeric value between one and 99.

2954 ERROR: Paging Lines is not valid where:  PAGE  is The page number.

The Paging Lines entered was not found in the database.  Valid Paging Lines can be looked up on the eLandings website.

The Paging Lines entered in the Paging Lines field is not valid.

Verify the Paging Lines, and enter the correct value.

2955 ERROR: Number of Paging lines cannot be a negative number




2956 ERROR: Number of Paging lines cannot be less than ten




2957 ERROR: Number of Paging lines to display for input must be numeric

The system expects a whole numeric value and restricts more than two digits to be entered.  The system does not allow an entry of more than 99.

A value has been entered that is not numeric.

Enter a numeric value between one and 99.

2958 WARNING: Species code should be 400 for Salmon Roe where:  SPECIES_CODE  is The numeric species code.

Species code should be 400 for Salmon Roe

Species code should be 400 for Salmon Roe

Species code should be changed to 400

2959 WARNING: CFEC fishery  CFEC_FISHERY  is not valid for species  SPECIES_CODE  where:  SPECIES_CODE  is The numeric species code. CFEC_FISHERY  is The CFEC fishery code that is on the CFEC permit card.

CFEC fishery is not valid for species

CFEC fishery on permit worksheet is invalid for IFQ permit species

Choose a different CFEC permit or IFQ species

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