eLandings Operation Architecture Diagram

eLandings User Manual

eLandings Operation Architecture Diagram

Changes to the 2013 eLandings Operations Maintenance structure: 

  • Tree structure allows Administrative users to easily access all existing operations and add new secondary (child) operations and users.
  • Removed the requirement for signed registration pages for new users, tenders, buying stations, and custom processing operations.
    • Custom processing operations do not need to submit a signed registration page but processors need to notify agency staff to enable operations after a brief review.

Permit Requirements:

  • Federal Processor Permit (FPP) - required of shoreside plants and stationary floating processors receiving or processing fish harvested in the GOA or BSAI
  • Federal Fishery Permit (FFP) - required of vessels fishing for groundfish species in the GOA or BSAI. Also required of vessels fishing for non-groundfish species in the GOA or BSAI required to retain bycatch of groundfish.
    • Includes catcher vessels, catcher processors, motherships, tender vessels, and support vessels.
  • Registered Buyer permit - required to receive and make IFQ landings by an IFQ permit holder or IFQ hired master permit holder.  Also required to receive or make a CDQ halibut landing by a CDQ permit holder or CDQ hired master permit holder.
  • Registered Crab Receiver permit (RCR) - 

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