eLandings At-sea groundfish landing report

eLandings At-sea groundfish landing report

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Your vessel, The Narwhal, is landing 13,568 lbs of pacific cod (110), 35,468 lbs of pollock (270), and 1,354 lbs of Greenland turbot (134).
There is only one CFEC permit in use and all fish are being sold for human consumption.
The fish were caught in three statistical areas, 30% in 565431, 20% in 575433, and 50% in 565501.

Create a groundfish landing report in seaLandings

Select the operation you want to report under and then click on the "Groundfish Landing Report" button.

You will be taken to the "Vessel, Permit, Location Information" screen. Do not change the default values and enter the following information:

ADF&G Gear CodeCrew SizeNumber of observers OnboardDate Fishing BeganDays FishedDate of Landing

Enter the following:

CFEC PermitManagement Program
M91B 00134J 2001BOA (open access)

Enter the following and then click on the Save button:

Stat Area(s)Percent

Next, you will add your catch information by locating and clicking on the Add/Edit Itemized Catch button.

You don't need to select a fish ticket or enter the stat areas at this point, just add your catch information and then click on Save.

You can allocate the permits on the main report page.

Next, you will need to click on the Submit Initial Report button.

Now you will need to click on the Submit Final Report button.

Lastly, you will need to print out and sign your fish tickets.


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