eLandings IFQ Halibut and Sablefish landing with stacked permits and using max-out feature

eLandings IFQ Halibut and Sablefish landing with stacked permits and using max-out feature

Getting Started

Go to: https://elandingst.alaska.gov/web

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A longline vessel (ADF&G# 53570) is delivering 12,000 lbs of gutted/head on IFQ halibut (with ice/slime) and 2,600 lbs of Eastern cut sablefish to The Pisces Plant in Cordova.
Two CFEC card holders are making the delivery: one is delivering IFQ halibut, the other IFQ sablefish.  All 12,000 lbs of the halibut and 2,600 lbs of sablefish are being sold.

Create a new landing report by logging in and choosing the operation called The Pisces Plant, then click on the Groundfish Landing Report button.

Enter the Vessel Information - Feel free to change the fishing dates!

Vessel ADF&G

ADF&G Gear Code

Crew Size

No. Observers





Date Fishing Began

Days Fished

Date of Landing




Permit Information

Enter the permit information into the Permit Entry worksheet.

CFEC Permit - Halibut

Management Program


IFQ Permits

SpeciesArea/FisheryLbs to max-out permit

B61B 00101U 2401A









-max out 5600

CFEC Permit - Sablefish

Management Program


IFQ Permits

SpeciesArea/FisheryLbs to max-out permit

C61B 00108R 2401G









-max out 2000

Stat Area 

Next enter the stat area, then click on "Save"

Stat Area




The header and permit information for the landing will save and you will be redirected to the main groundfish landing page. Now we need to enter the catch data for our landing. Scroll down and look for the Add/Edit button in the Itemized Catch section. 

Click on the Add/Edit button in the Itemized Catch section.

Enter your line items as shown below.  Click Save.

You will be brought to the main landing screen. Next click on the Save button. 


From the dropdown menu select Allocate Catch to Permits.

Now all of our required information is entered. the next step is to submit your initial report by selecting Submit Initial Report from the dropdown menu.

Next, select Generate IFQ Reports from the dropdown menu.

  • Review the information in the IFQ Report section and verify it is correct.

  • If you need to make any changes, use the Edit IFQ Reports button.

Review the max-out pounds for both species.

  • Halibut quota pounds are debited in 05 condition while Sablefish quota pounds are debited in round weight.

If everything looks correct, click on theMenu and select Submit IFQ Reports.

NOTE: You will get a message telling you to contact NMFS Enforcement due to the PNOL requirement. This happens every time IFQ reports are submitted in Training.

At this point you can do your grading and pricing by selecting on the Add Grading and Pricing.

Now you can submit your final report by selecting Submit Final Report from the dropdown menu. 

There are a few more things you will need to do:

1. Print your landing receipt by selecting Download IFQ Receipts to Print from the dropdown menu. 

2. Print your fish tickets

3. Print your observer fee PDF by clicking on the Download Observer Fee PDF from the dropdown menu.

Print Individual IFQ Permit Reports

In the training example you just ran through, there were multiple IFQ permits (4 total) but only two CFEC permit holders. 

You can print out individual IFQ Permit reports which will include grading and pricing if you added them.

  • Locate the correct permit under the IFQ Reports section and click on the permit in blue text to generate a report.

  • If grading & pricing has been done, that information will also be displayed in the permit report.

To download the instructions in a Word document, click on the link below. 

eLandings IFQ Halibut and Sablefish landing with stacked permits and using max-out feature

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    • Click the 3 dots (...) at the top right of the article

    • Click Export

    • Click Export to PDF

    • Wait for the PDF to load, and click Download PDF

  • Print:

    • Open the PDF

    • Print the PDF

Support Contact:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov