

This method returns a list of report summaries that meet the query conditions. These summaries do not include full landing report record data. To get a full landing report use getLandingReport().

This webservice method in conjunction with findUserProductionReports() is used by the eLandings Web page to allow users to query the database for reports with given criteria.

The report summaries found by search request are displayed at the top of the page

The findUserLandingReports() takes several arguments. Arguments left blank are not used as search criteria. The arguments are:

  1. String Userid – i.e "amarx"
  2. String password – i.e. "A_marx"
  3. String schemaVersionNumber – i.e. "2.1"
  4. String fishTicketNumber – i.e. "E06 000511" or ""
  5. String processorCode – i.e. "F1234" or ""
  6. String federalProcessorCode – i.e. "12345" or ""
  7. String registeredBuyerNumber – i.e. "980003" or ""
  8. String registeredCrabRecieverNumber – i.e. "990011" or ""
  9. String adfgVesselNumber – i.e. "41444" or ""
  10. String reportType – i.e. "G" or ""
  11. String portOfLanding – i.e. "JNU" or ""
  12. String cfecFishery – i.e. "S03T" or ""
  13. String cfecPermit – i.e. "00121I" or ""
  14. String gearCode – i.e. "3" or ""
  15. String nmfsPersonId – i.e. "90010" or ""
  16. String ifqNumber – i.e. "90015" or ""
  17. String reportStatus – i.e. "8" or ""
  18. Calendar fromDate – i.e. "01/10/2010" or ""
  19. Calendar toDate – i.e. "01/20/2010" or ""
  20. String tenderVesselNumber – i.e. "41444" or ""
  21. String includeItemizedCatchSummaries – i.e. "Y" or "N"
  22. String tenderBatch – i.e. "A0B1C2D3E4" or ""
  23. String tenderInvoice – i.e. "123456" or ""

In the web service client we might auto generate a data structure by providing the web service URL. In eLandings we use Java – JAX-WS and generated a structure called ReportManager.
ReportManagement ws;
String xml = ws. findUserLandingReports (Userid, password, schemaVersionNumber, fishTicketNumber, processorCode, federalProcessorCode, registeredBuyerNumber, registeredCrabRecieverNumber, adfgVesselNumber, reportType, portOfLanding, cfecFishery, cfecPermit, gearCode, nmfsPersonId, ifqNumber, reportStatus, fromDate, toDate, tenderVesselNumber, includeItemizedCatchSummaries, tenderBatch, tenderInvoice);
For example:
If we wanted to search for an individual landing report with fish ticket "E06 000511" we would pass in the following parameters:
String xml = ws. findUserLandingReports ("amarx", "A_marx", "2.1", "E06 000511", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", null, null, "", "", "", "");

If we wanted to search for all landing reports with a date of landing between 01/10/2010 and 01/20/2010, we would run something similar to:

DatatypeFactory datatypeFactory = DatatypeFactory.newInstance();
SimpleDateFormat slashFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
Date calendarStartDate = slashFmt.parse("01/10/2010")
Calendar startDate = new GregorianCalendar();

Date calendarEndDate = slashFmt.parse("01/20/2010")
Calendar endDate = new GregorianCalendar();

XMLGregorianCalendar startDateArg = (null == startDate) ? null : datatypeFactory.newXMLGregorianCalendar((GregorianCalendar) startDate);

XMLGregorianCalendar endDateArg = (null == endDate) ? null : datatypeFactory.newXMLGregorianCalendar((GregorianCalendar) endDate);

String xml = ws. findUserLandingReports ("amarx", "A_marx", "2.1", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",startDateArg, endDateArg, "", "", "", "");

Please note that this web page also calls the findUserProductionReports() web service as well. See the documentation in this document to see the structures that are returned from it.
If the web service call was successful the resulting string will contain a landing_report_info structure containing one or more landing_report_summary objects


In elandings web page, this string is used to generate the 4 Landing Report summaries seen below.

Alternatively, if we were to ask for all landing reports between 1/10/2010 to 1/20/2010 that are not submitted, the query would not find any records at the time of writing this documentation.

The web service would report the problem of finding no results, by throwing an error message similar to:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <message severity_desc="ERROR" severity_code="E" msgid="1286">No Landing Reports found that match search criteria</message>

In eLandings this error would be displayed in red.

For the list of potential elandings messages see the elandings codes page and click on Message Codes

Note: the search button calls two web services: findUserLandingReports() and findUserProductionReports(). You may see errors reported from both webservice method calls displayed in eLandings.

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