Creating a Federal Cook Inlet Salmon Landing Report

eLandings User Manual

Creating a Federal Cook Inlet Salmon Landing Report

Creating a Cook Inlet Salmon landing report as a Processor

To create a salmon landing report for Federal Cook Inlet Salmon, please first log into eLandings at this web address: https://elandings.alaska.gov/web/

Once you have successfully logged in, look on your home page for the “New Reports” section.

Check to make sure the operation is correct, and then click on “Salmon Landing Report” to begin a new report


You will be redirected to a new page, where you will need to start filling out the details of your landing. Start with the header section. You will need to fill in the following fields:

  • Vessel ADF&G

  • Gear Code (3 -Drift Gillnet)

  • Date Fishing Began

  • Date Fishing Ended

  • Date of Landing

  • Port


  • Nearest Bay or Headland


The header section is complete for now. Next we need to fill in the permit worksheet. Look for the table right below the header section that is entitled “Permit Worksheet”. At the far right top corner of the table click on the “Add/Edit” icon.


A new window will open. This is where you will need to entry your CFEC card details.

If you have a Mag stripe reader, you can place your cursor in the CFEC Mag Stripe field and swipe the card to fill in the details. Otherwise, you can fill in the CFEC card details by hand. Starting with the CFEC Fishery, for Federal Cook Inlet Salmon, the CFEC fishery should be S03H. Next should be the CFEC Permit, which is a five digit number followed by an alpha character. This number is located immediately to the right of the CFEC Fishery on your CFEC Card. Next, fill in the CFEC Year Seq. This number is located on the bottom line of the card and for 2024 will start with “24”. Finally, fill in the management program from the Management Program Dropdown. For Federal Cook Inlet Salmon, select “CIS”.

If you have a dual permit, enter that information below the primary permit.

When the data entry is complete, select “OK


Once you have saved your CFEC permit worksheet, two new fields will be visible in the header section at the top right of the web page. You will need to fill both of these fields in before being able to save your report. Select the appropriate response for “Discard Report” and then check “Federal Waters” box.


Now that our header information and CFEC permit sections are complete, let’s enter in the stat area information. Look for the table labeled “Stat Area Worksheet” and click on the “Add/Edit” icon on the far right of the table.


Clicking on the Add Edit icon on the Stat area worksheet table will open the Statistical Area Worksheet modal. Since there is only one valid stat area for the Cook Inlet Salmon fishery, enter in “244-64” into the stat area, and “100” into the percent field.

Click “Save” to continue.


Entering in your catch is the last step to the data entry portion of your landing report. Look for the itemized catch table and click on the “Add/Edit” icon to open the Itemized Catch Modal.


In the itemized catch modal you can leave the fish ticket field and the stat area fields blank. The system will assign both a fish ticket and the stat area to each line of catch when you save your report.

Fill in your species code, condition (01 - whole, 03 - Bled) the number of fish, total pounds, and finally the disposition code (60 - Sold, 95 - personal use).

Once all your catch has been entered, select “Save.


All your data entry is now complete. If everything looks accurate, you can save your report by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.


Saving your report will bring you to the landing report summary page. There will be a Salmon Report ID at the top of the page. You can use this number to search for your report at a later time if needed. Right below the Report ID a progress bar is also now visible, prompting you on what to do next. In this case, once your initial save is complete, you will need to Submit the Initial report. Use the hamburger menu at the top right of the screen to select “Submit Initial Report.


Success! You’ve submitted your initial report.


Once you have submitted your initial report, you will be prompted with the progress bar to enter in Grading and Pricing. This is an optional step that you could complete at that point, or you can use the hamburger menu to select “Submit Final Report”, skipping over Grading and Pricing for now. You can go back to grading and pricing at any time you’d like.

If information was incorrect, or needed to be updated, you could also click the “Edit” selection from the hamburger menu to bring back up your editable landing report.


The final set after you have submitted your final report is to print your fish ticket, sign it and submit it to ADF&G. You can access your fish ticket by clicking on the blue fish ticket number in the Permit Worksheet section, right below the header section.



Creating a Cook Inlet Salmon landing report as a Transporter

To create a salmon landing report for Federal Cook Inlet Salmon, please first log into eLandings at this web address: https://elandings.alaska.gov/web/

Once you have successfully logged in, look on your home page for the “New Reports” section.

Check to make sure the operation is correct, and then click on “Salmon Landing Report” to begin a new report.


You will be redirected to a new page, where you will need to start filling out the details of your landing. Start with the header section. You will need to fill in the following fields:

  • Vessel ADF&G

  • Gear Code (3 -Drift Gillnet)

  • Date Fishing Began

  • Date Fishing Ended

  • Date of Landing

  • Port


  • Nearest Bay or Headland


The header section is complete for now. Next we need to fill in the permit worksheet. Look for the table right below the header section that is entitled “Permit Worksheet”. At the far right top corner of the table click on the “Add/Edit” icon.


A new window will open. This is where you will need to entry your CFEC card details.

If you have a Mag stripe reader, you can place your cursor in the CFEC Mag Stripe field and swipe the card to fill in the details. Otherwise, you can fill in the CFEC card details by hand. Starting with the CFEC Fishery, for Federal Cook Inlet Salmon, the CFEC fishery should be S03H. Next should be the CFEC Permit, which is a five digit number followed by an alpha character. This number is located immediately to the right of the CFEC Fishery on your CFEC Card. Next, fill in the CFEC Year Seq. This number is located on the bottom line of the card and for 2024 will start with “24”. Finally, fill in the management program from the Management Program Dropdown. For Federal Cook Inlet Salmon, select “CIS”.

If you have a dual permit, feel free to enter that information below the primary permit.

When the data entry is complete, select “OK


Once you have saved your CFEC permit worksheet, two new fields will be visible in the header section at the top right of the web page. You will need to fill both of these fields in before being able to save your report. Select the appropriate response for “Discard Report” and then check “Federal Waters” box.


Now that our header information and CFEC permit sections are complete, let’s enter in the stat area information. Look for the table labeled “Stat Area Worksheet” and click on the “Add/Edit” icon on the far right of the table.


Clicking on the Add Edit icon on the Stat area worksheet table will open the Statistical Area Worksheet modal. Since there is only one valid stat area for the Cook Inlet Salmon fishery, enter in “244-64” into the stat area, and “100” into the percent field.

Click “Save” to continue.


Entering in your catch is the last step to the data entry portion of your landing report. Look for the itemized catch table and click on the “Add/Edit” icon to open the Itemized Catch Modal.


In the itemized catch modal you can leave the fish ticket field and the stat area fields blank. The system will assign both a fish ticket and the stat area to each line of catch when you save your report.

Fill in your species code, condition (01 - whole, 03 - Bled) the number of fish, total pounds, and finally the disposition code (60 - Sold, 95 - personal use)

Once all your catch has been entered, select “Save”


All your data entry is now complete. If everything looks accurate, you can save your report by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.


Saving your report will bring you to the landing report summary page. There will be a Salmon Report ID at the top of the page. Right below the Report ID a progress bar is also now visible, prompting you on what to do next. In this case, once your initial save is complete, you will need to Submit the Initial report. Use the hamburger menu at the top right of the screen to select “Submit Initial Report”


Success! You’ve submitted your initial report.

Now that your initial report is submitted, you are prompted to enter grading and pricing. However, you do not want to enter grading and pricing. You will need to Record the Buyer of the fish, or transfer the landing to the processor. To do this, use the hamburger menu at the top right of the screen to select “Record Buyer”


A new window will open on top of the landing report, asking you to enter in the Processor Code for the buyer of the fish. Enter in the facility or person’s State of Alaska Processor Code, and click “Save


You will be asked to confirm the operation that you are sending the landing to. Please double and triple check that you have entered in the correct processor code and that the operation and port match with what you were expecting. If the information matches with what you are expecting, complete the transfer by clicking “OK

Once you click “OK” this landing report will be moved to the selected operation and you will not have access to it anymore.


A new tab will open with the fish ticket for the landing. Please print or save this ticket for your records.


Completing a Landing from an RSR that’s been sent to your processing operation


When a Registered Salmon Receiver sends a landing report to the purchaser of the fish, it is advisable that the purchaser of the fish be on close contact with the salmon transporter so that they can be alerted when the transfer of the landing report is made. eLandings will not alert the buyer of the fish that the landing report has been transferred.

To quickly view a list of landing reports that are in initial submit status and may have been transferred to your operation, look at the homepage for the Reports Menu and the list of Unsubmitted and Initially Submitted reports


You can see the operation above has 5 initially submitted salmon reports. Clicking on the “5 initially submitted” button will open a list of all 5 reports at the bottom of a new page.

In our scenario, we were waiting for the transporter to transfer us the landing report for the Nikka so that it could be finalized. Click on the blue report ID on the far left of the table to open the report.


The report will open and you will have the option of editing the report if any of the information needs to be updated, you can add grading and pricing if desired, or you can simply submit the final report and print out your fish tickets for signature and submission to ADF&G




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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov


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