Creating a Landing Report for Groundfish

eLandings User Manual

Creating a Landing Report for Groundfish

The eLandings System provides you with integrated reporting for statewide groundfish and IFQ groundfish, Rationalized Crab IFQ fisheries, and non-IFQ CDQ crab fisheries.

You must be a registered and enabled user to create a landing report in this system. Instructions on how to register in eLandings can be found here: How to Register a New Operation in eLandings

  • The eLandings System meets all landing report requirements for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).

  • When a landing report is submitted in the eLandings System, the application returns a printable PDF file of the ADF&G fish ticket(s) and an IFQ receipt(s) for both the fisher and processor's records.

  • Fish tickets need to be finalized electronically within seven days of landing. A signed copy of the ADF&G fish ticket(s) must be submitted to the local office of ADF&G, in the same manner as  paper fish tickets.

Login to eLandings

To create a groundfish or crab landing report, you will need to login to the eLandings web interface which can be found here: https://elandings.alaska.gov/web/.

Create new landing report

To create a new landing report, simply click on the selection button for the report you would like to create. 


The landing report is divided into several sections that you will move through in sequential order:

  1. Header Information

  2. Permit information

  3. Stat Area

  4. Itemized Catch 

  5. IFQ Reports (if applicable)

  6. Grading & Pricing

Landing Report Header Information

  • Begin your groundfish report by filling out the header information. Note that some of the required information about your operation is auto-filled based on your processor user account.
    The eLandings System auto-fills your Port of Landing, ADF&G Processor Code, your Registered Crab Receiver(RCR) Number and your Registered Buyer Number.

    • You should note that a unique Landing Report number is generated each time you initiate a groundfish landing report.

  • ADF&G Vessel Number: this is the five digit number permanently assigned by the Commercial Fishery Entry Commission (CFEC).  For motherships, enter the ADF&G number for the catcher vessel that delivers the catch to your mothership.

  • Operation: The eLandings operation that you are reporting for. Can be updated as necessary, but make sure to also update the port code. 

  • ADF&G Gear Code: this is the two digit numeric code used to identify the gear used to harvest the catch. These gear codes can viewed by using the Code menu item, and then selecting Gear Codes. For motherships, enter the gear type for the catcher vessel that delivers the catch to your mothership.

  • Gear Modifier: This field is only to be used with pot gear and has two choices: Hard pot or Slinky pot. If the vessel is using a combination of pot types two landing reports will need to be created. 

  • Date Fishing Began: when the gear was deployed in the water to begin fishing.

  • Days Fished: when the gear was being fished. This number does not include traveling to and from the fishing grounds, or weather delays.

  • Date of Landing: when the landing was completed.

  • Crew Size: the number of licensed crew on board the vessel, including skipper.  For motherships, enter the crew size of the catcher vessel that delivers the catch to your mothership. 

  • Number of Observers Onboard: the number can range from zero 0 to 5, and references the number of state of Alaska certified crab or NMFS certified groundfish observers on board the vessel for that fishing trip. 

  • Port of Landing: location where the landing occurred. This value is auto-filled from your User Agreement registration. You can modify this value to indicate the correct location for this landing.  

  • Partial Delivery: check if, Yes, the vessel has made deliveries to other operations or processors from this fishing trip, in other words, deliveries elsewhere, or if the delivery to your operation is only a portion of the catch. 

    • If you created more than one landing report for a delivery, you should also check the Partial Delivery box, to indicate Yes.

  • Discard Report: Discard reports are required by federal regulation to be given to the processor at the time of a groundfish offload if the vessel is federally permitted and is greater than or equal to 60 feet in overall length. 

    • Use the drop-down list to indicate receipt of the discard report. 

  • IFQ Reported Manually: Select this item only if reporting IFQ management program and submitting a manual IFQ report. 

Permit Worksheet

To open the Permit worksheet entry modal, click on the add/edit icon

  • A CFEC permit is required for all vessel operators and they must be appropriate for their applicable fishery. They are also required for any individual(s) who will be fishing and selling seafood product as an IFQ shareholder, or on behalf of the actual IFQ permit holder. 

  • You can use a mag stripe reader to populate the CFEC permit information if desired. Put the cursor in the CFEC Mad Stripe field and swipe the care. Text will briefly appear in the box that looks something like: %BC61B  00108R^BLACKIE COD ^2301WJENNIFER ROSE ?;00108230100001710620?. The CFEC values will then populate in the CFEC fields in the CFEC permit worksheet. 

  • Use the "More CFEC Permits" to add more CFEC permit lines. 

  • Fill in the management program, program ID, Program Modifier, percent and the IFQ permit worksheet if applicable for the landing. 

    • A list of Management programs can be found in the "Codes" dropdown

    • Program IDs (Pgm ID) are required for some CDQ groups, AFA participants and Rockfish coops. 

    • Use the percentage (Pcnt) to allocate the total catch by percentage between CFEC permits. 

  • The eLandings application can accommodate an unlimited number of CFEC permits and IFQ permits for each of these requisite CFEC permits.

  • We recommend you collect all IFQ permits, Hired Master permits, and CDQ permits (as applicable) prior to beginning the reporting process.

    • The CFEC permit must be valid for the calendar year and valid for the fishery (species, gear, management area). 

    • Anyone fishing and selling product under a CDQ allocation and individuals fishing for golden king crab allocation to the Community of Adak require a separate CFEC permit.

  • A NMFS ID is assigned when a person applies for a federal permit with NMFS.

    • The NMFS ID must correspond to the individual whose name is on the CFEC permit. 

  • Stacked permits are allowable in groundfish. The eLandings System allows you to record all CFEC and IFQ permits on one landing report and select unique fish ticket assignment of catch.

 If the individual(s) does not provide a valid permit(s), the Alaska State Troopers, Fish and Wildlife Protection must be notified before off-load begins.

Statistical Area Worksheet

To open the stat area worksheet, click on the Add/Edit icon. 

Referred to as the Statistical Area Worksheet or Stat Area Worksheet, this section of the landing report to record the six-digit ADF&G statistical area denoting the actual area of catch.

Groundfish/shellfish statistical area charts may be obtained from your local ADF&G office, or at http://www.cf.adfg.state.ak.us/geninfo/maps.php#shellfish.

  • The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) reporting area codes may not be used to substitute for the ADF&G statistical area codes.

  • This worksheet may be used to document a single statistical area, with 100%, or multiple statistical areas. 

  • The recording of multiple statistical areas in the worksheet requires that the species that are caught and discarded are equally distributed across all statistical areas fished; and all statistical areas fished are open to the species fished.

  • If the criteria is met, enter all of the statistical areas that were fished in the field labeled Stat Area and enter the percentage of the catch taken in the area in the area labeled Percent. 

  • If all of the species recorded on the ticket were from a single statistical area, enter the Stat Area and 100%.

  • If you use the Stat Area Worksheet, there is no need to enter the statistical area code and percent anywhere else on the landing report. Any stat areas entered on the itemized catch portion of the landing will override the Statistical Area Worksheet.

  • All ADF&G statistical areas that are documented within the Statistical Area Worksheet are translated to the NMFS Reporting Area and the IPHC Reporting Area, as it pertains to the fishery.

  • If one or more species are not harvested in a manner that is equally distributed across all statistical areas fished, the catch must be recorded in the Add/Edit Itemized Catch section of the eLandings landing report.

At this point you can save the report as is, or move on to the itemized catch and save the report after entering the itemized catch.

If desired, you can save the header information, the permit worksheet and the stat area worksheet as an unsubmitted landing report. Once the remainder of the landing report information is available, you can edit the landing report information to include catch data and price data then submit the initial report. Make sure to comply with all state and federal reporting requirements for reporting timelines.

When you save the landing report after entering the header information, stat area and permit information fish tickets will be assigned to each CFEC permit card. If more than one CFEC permit is recorded in the eLandings System, a unique fish ticket number is assigned for each CFEC permit.

In the screenshot below you can see the Fish Ticket numbers assigned to each CFEC permit card line. The Groundfish Report Number is now a hyper link and on this page you will see the progress bar that will help you know what your next step should be.

To proceed to entering the Itemized Catch, click on the hamburger menu in the upper right of the screen and click on “Edit

Entering Itemized Catch

General Guidelines for Reporting Pounds on Groundfish Fish Tickets

The eLandings System is designed to record the landed or scale weight of the catch.

  • In other words, the processor should record the weight of the catch and the delivery condition of the fish at the point of offload where the catch is weighed on an approved scale

  • Do not calculate the itemized catch to round pounds.

  • Record the poundage of the catch and the corresponding delivery condition at the point that it is weighed. 

    • The eLandings System allows you to select a 2% ice and slime deduction for IFQ halibut and sablefish. The system does the math for you and you can see the weight differences on the Groundfish Grading and Pricing screen.


Add/Edit Itemized Catch: recording sold, retained, and discarded catch

  • Once you have successfully saved the 'header' information of the landing report - the Vessel, Permit, and Location Information, you can move on to add itemized catch. 

  • Please note: All landing reports of IFQ species must be finalized within two hours after completion of offload.

    • Processors should reference NMFS 679.5 record keeping and reporting regulations. 

  • As a general rule, landing reports should be completed and finalized within seven days of the landing. 

    • Incomplete Landing Reports can be accessed from the Reports Menu Page.

Itemized catch encompasses a combination of species codes, delivery condition (at the point it is weighed), and disposition (what is being done with the product).

  • As covered in the Statistical Area Worksheet discussion, it can also include harvest from a unique statistical area.

Combination examples include the following:
