Creating a Simple Groundfish Landing Report

eLandings User Manual

Creating a Simple Groundfish Landing Report

To create a groundfish landing please make sure to have an active eLandings operation with correct state and federal permits, as well as a username and password. If you are missing any of these things, please contact eLandings@alaska.gov for assistance.

To begin your groundfish landing report, go to https://elandings.alaska.gov/web/ and log in with you user name and password.

On your home page or Reports Menu page, you can use the operation dropdown and the “Groundfish Landing Report” button to begin a groundfish landing report. If you have multiple operations that you are authorized on select the operation you wish to report the groundfish landing for by using the dropdown menu before clicking “Groundfish Landing Report” to begin your landing report.


A new report will open, you will see at the top of the page a Groundfish Landing report ID, this is your landing report ID for this landing.


The first section at the top of the page is called the Header section, this is where you will fill in basic details of the landing such as the vessel ADF&G and the dates fished. Enter pertinent information in blank cells and check the auto-filled cells to make sure the information is accurate.


Next use the edit button on the permit worksheet section to open the modal for permit data enter.


Enter CFEC permit data that pertains to the landing. The eLandings system allows you to record multiple CFEC permits in one landing report. If you have a magnetized CFEC card and a mag-stripe reader, you can swipe the card which will auto-fill the CFEC permit numbers.


If the harvest was proportional to all areas enter stat areas information in the Stat Area Worksheet. You can open the stat area worksheet modal by clicking on the edit button the stat area section.


Enter the stat areas fished and click on Save. (Alternatively, you will be able to enter non-proportional stat area information on the itemized catch screen.)


You can now move on to the itemized catch portion of the landing report. To enter the catch, use the edit button on the itemized catch table to open the modal for data entry.


You can enter specific stat areas here, and any stat areas entered on the itemized catch will override the stat area worksheet. You can also assign fish tickets here if you wish to do it manually. Otherwise, they can be assigned automatically in the next step.


Please note that salmon, crab and halibut discards only need the number of discarded fish/shellfish. The weight is not necessary. Once all the itemized catch is entered, click on the "Save" to continue. 

Now click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen to save your landing report.


If you cannot complete your report for any reason, you can easily reopen this report at a later time if you know the landing report number.

5. Allocate catch.

Once your landing information was entered and save, you can use the hamburger menu to allocate.


If more than one CFEC permit is recorded for the landing the catch needs to be allocated to the CFEC permits accordingly. eLandings will assign catch to the fish tickets electronically when you click on the “Allocate Permits” button. Review allocations for accuracy.


In the example above, the landing has only one CFEC permit listed and so 100% of the catch was allocated to the single fish ticket on this landing.

6. Submit Initial Report.

Header information, and catch information have been entered and saved, and allocations to proper permits and tickets have been made. Now you need to submit the initial report.

To submit your initial report, simply click on the “Submit Initial Report” menu option from the hamburger menu. Once your initial report is submitted, you cannot undo submission.  


7. IFQ (if applicable)

If you have any IFQ on the landing report after submitting the initial report, you will need to generate and submit your IFQ report before submitting the final report. See the IFQ documentation for more details.

8. Add Grading and Pricing

Now that your initial report and IFQ report have been submitted, it a good time to add grading and pricing, but you can add grading and pricing at any time once your itemized catch has been added to the report.

If you adjust your grading and pricing after your final report has been submitted, simply resubmit the final report to make the adjustments. 

To add or edit your grading and pricing, after the initial submission, you can use the hamburger menu at the top right of the report and select the “Add Grading and Pricing” option.


Alternatively, you can edit the report, and select either the consolidated Grading and Pricing button, or the detailed Grading and Pricing button.


From the window that opens, you can add and edit grading and pricing for the catch. If you have grading and pricing templates, those will populate for the species that are applicable to your saved templates. 

10. Submit the Final Report.

You can now submit your final report. Use the hamburger menu to select the option to “Submit Final Report”


11. Print fish ticket and Landing Receipts. 

To complete the landing process, don't forget to print out and sign all the needed paperwork. 

To print your Fish Ticket, click on the blue fish ticket number in the CFEC Permit Worksheet area. 



To print you landing receipts for IFQ, use the hamburger menu to select “IFQ Receipts to Print”

To view and print your observer fees, use the hamburger menu to select either “View Observer Fees" or “Download Observer Fee PDF”. 

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