Landing Reports with Stacked Permits or Multiple Target Species

eLandings User Manual

Landing Reports with Stacked Permits or Multiple Target Species

The purpose of this section is to provide examples and instructions for using the eLandings permit allocation process.

It is also meant to demonstrate allocation of catch and bycatch when landings include the following:
 ~  Stacked permits
 ~  Multiple target species.

Example 1: Three Stacked Permits

There are two target species in this example:

  • IFQ halibut

  • IFQ sablefish

  • As you can see, there are three IFQ permits in our example. 

    • Our goal is to allocate the halibut IFQ percentages between the two IFQ halibut permit holders. 

      • Line 1 gets 80% of the catch while Line 2 receives 20%.

  • Line 3 will receive the entire amount IFQ sablefish pounds as they is the only IFQ sablefish permit holder.

  • All documented bycatch will automatically be allocated to the two halibut fishers according to the assigned percentages.

  • Line 3 will not receive any bycatch allocation unless manually assigned.



The CFEC Permit Worksheet was designed to allocate a single primary target species to multiple permit holders, determined by the percentages entered in the worksheet.

  • This means that the CFEC Permit Worksheet percentages must add up to 100%. 

  • If you do not enter percentage allocations for the catch, the system will split the allocation equally among permit holders. 

  • You can use the CFEC Permit Worksheet for multiple targets/species, but you will need to make additional edits.

  • In the example below, Line 3, the Sablefish permit holder receives 5,200 lbs of sablefish. 

  • The halibut card holders get an 80/20 split of 5500 pounds of halibut. 

    • Additionally, the second Halibut card holder has decided that they would like 100 pounds of halibut for personal use, which was assigned to their fish ticket in the itemized catch line 3.

  • When a fish ticket is assigned, all the harvest for that line item is allocated to a single permit. 

  • The default is no assignment of a fish ticket number. 

  • eLandings automatically allocates catch according to the percentage(s) established in the CFEC Permit Worksheet.

  • When the total itemized catch by species/delivery condition/disposition code categories are complete, save this portion of the report.

You can now proceed with adding size/grade/price information or save the report and allocate catch to the three permits.

When you Allocate the permits, the catch is split out as illustrated below.

  • Note that the sablefish card holder has received no allocation of bycatch. This permit holder’s fish ticket ending in 744 has zero allocation of rougheye, shortraker, and thornyhead

Below the itemized catch by line item is the current status display of the landing report summary.

eLandings allows the reallocation of itemized catch by going back to the Add/Edit Itemized Catch page.

It is advisable to perform this function prior to the Initial Submission of the landing report.


In this example, the sablefish cardholder wants to receive a portion of the bycatch.


Once the edited version of the itemized catch portion of the landing report is saved, the Summary now reflects the modification in there-assignment of bycatch poundage.

If all fishers are in agreement with the allocation of poundage, the report can be submitted.

Once the report has been successfully saved and initially submitted, fish ticket PDF files are created.

The text color of the fish ticket number in the CFEC Permit Worksheet transforms to blue, indicating a link that can be clicked on.

  • Select the individual fish ticket number. This opens a new tab in your browser which will display your fish ticket in PDF form for printing. 

  • Below the landing report Summary, you will find the IFQ section of eLandings. 

  • You are now ready to submit the IFQ report.

Example 2: Stacked Permits & Multiple Target Species

This example combines stacked permits with multiple target species -

  • IFQ

  • Non-IFQ target species. 

  • Similar to the first example, it all starts with a groundfish landing report form.


  • You can see that there are 4 CFEC permit holders but no percentage allocations have been made. 

  • The management program assignments are IFQ and State Managed Sablefish (SMS).

    • In the Add/Edit Itemized Catch page, the sablefish catch is assigned solely to fish ticket number E24 001750. 

    • The halibut catch will be equally distributed among the three IFQ halibut quota share holders. 

  • The bycatch will be allocated equally among all four permit holders.

  • Once the Itemized Catch is saved, landing report information can be saved and then you can allocate the permits using the hamburger menu at the top right of the page.

  • This is what the landing report Summary section looks like after the allocation.

  • Since there were no percentages assigned, each permit holder receives 25% of the harvest of the non-targeted species.

  • If the permit holders want to reassign all or a portion of the poundage, they can return to Add/Edit Itemized Catch and make edits.

  • Once the catch has been satisfactorily allocated, click on the Save button.

  • The landing report can be Initially submitted, which allows the generation and submission of the IFQ report(s). 

    • If grading/sizing/pricing information is available, it's best to add that after the IFQ report has been submitted.

Example 3: Stacked Permits & Multiple Target Species using Max Out Pounds

This third example again illustrates stacked permits and multiple target species.

  • IFQ halibut

  • IFQ sablefish

  • Use the Max out of pounds function to allocate a specific amount of quota pounds to a permit

There are five IFQ permit holders on the vessel - three hold halibut permits and two hold sablefish permits.

  • One IFQ sablefish permit has 1,000 lbs remaining on the permit.

  • The fishing is equally split between three stat areas, all located in the same IPHC area.

  • The remainder of the sablefish pounds caught will automatically go on the other sablefish permit.

  • The permit worksheet might look like this:


The itemized catch is next recorded by species, delivery condition, and disposition. The scale weight is recorded for each item.


  • The landing report is saved and ready for allocation.


  • The landing report catch is allocated to five fish tickets.

  • eLandings automatically allocates the harvest as follows:

  • If the allocation is acceptable to all five permit holders, the report can be Initially submitted.

Once the report is Initially submitted, the IFQ reports can be generated and submitted.

  • Once the IFQ report is generated and submitted, if you need to modify IFQ pounds, statistical areas, or permits, you will need to submit a Manual Landing Report with the Data Technicians (800)304-4846 option 1

    • Groundfish pounds can be edited at any time by returning to the Itemized Catch section of the landing report. 

    • If you add an additional item or items, you will need to assign a fish ticket number to the line item.


How to Download and Print this Article as a PDF

  • Download:

    • Click the 3 dots (...) at the top right of the article

    • Click Export

    • Click Export to PDF

    • Wait for the PDF to load, and click Download PDF

  • Print:

    • Open the PDF

    • Print the PDF


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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov

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