eLandings User Manual
Catch Disposition and Reporting Bycatch
Each Operation has unique requirements to report Catch Disposition and Bycatch. You become familiar with the regulations that apply to your Operation.
There are numerous ways to report Catch Disposition, some listed below:
- Itemized Catch tables
- Adding IR/IU (Improved Retention / Improved Utilization) Species & Salmon Prohibited Species Catch (PSC) to Haul Report
- Required Salmon Bycatch Movement Comments
Itemized Catch Tables
Regardless of Operation type, enter your Catch data into the Itemized Catch table. Utilize the available codes which apply to each of the fields below.
Adding IR/IU (Improved Retention / Improved Utilization) Species & Salmon Prohibited Species Catch (PSC) to Haul Report
The process to add IR/IU Species & Salmon PSC to the Haul Report is the same as other species.
- Enter Species code
- Weight in Metric Tons
- Count, if Salmon species
- Condition, if Sablefish (Black Cod)
- Disposition (what you intend to do with the fish)
- Additional Catch Lines can be added using the More Catch Lines button
If you are an AFA catcher / processor or any catcher / processor harvesting CDQ pollock:
- You MUST record prohibited species catch (PSC) AND discard disposition of all salmon species in each haul.
- Record salmon PSC in number of animals.
- All other discards should be recorded on your daily production report.
Required Salmon Bycatch Movement Comments
If you are an AFA catcher / processor or any catcher / processor harvesting CDQ pollock,
you MUST record vessel movement due to Chinook Salmon Bycatch by:
- Adding the salmon PSC count in the Catch Entry table associated with the applicable Haul #(s).
- Add the canned comment "2 Moved To Avoid Salmon" to the Daily Report associated with the Salmon Bycatch.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov
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