Test 01 - Creating a Salmon Landing Report

Test 01 - Creating a Salmon Landing Report

Step 1 - Create a Local Ticket

In your system, create a brand new salmon landing report. If you have a test user account issued to you, use the processor codes associated with that account on the landing report.

If you don't have a user account, then use amarx / A_marx

You will need to request a landing report id and a fish ticket number from the eLandings webservice and assign these new id's to your ticket.

Create three line items on the ticket

  • 1524 pounds of Species 450
  • 450 pounds of Species 420

Here is an example LR16582248.xml

The XML <line_item> should not contain a <line_item_number>

Step 2 - Submit the initial ticket

Pass your landing report to the elandings webservice submitInitialLandingReport()

You should get back something like LR16582248_initial_submit.xml

The landing report should be listed as "Initial Report Sumitted"

Each permit item should now have an <item_number> assigned to it by eLandings. This is used as a primary key by eLandings

Each stat area in the stat area worksheet should now have an <item_number> assigned to it by eLandings. This is used as a primary key by eLandings.

Each line item should now have a <item_number> associated with it. This is used as a primary key by elandings.

Step 3 - Edit and save the ticket

Change the Nearest Bay or Headland to something different.

For example, I will change "Test Bay" to "Point Boot"

Delete the first line item in the ticket.

Add a second product item to the second line item. Change the first product item to have 350 pounds of "Brite" whole fish for Sockeye.

The new product item should be "Blush" whole fish for Sockeye.

Create a new line item of 100 pounds of whole Species 430 with a product item of 100 pounds of "Brite" whole Silvers.

You can send your changes to the webservice saveLandingReport() either after each individual change or after all of the changes are made.

Compare your returned XML to the sample LR16582248_save_changes.xml

Verify that the permit_worksheet item_number still equals 1.

Verify that the stat_area_worksheet item_number still equals 1.

Verify that the second line item for Species 420 (sockeye) still has item_number = 2

Verify that the new third item for Species 430 (Coho) has an item_number = 3

Step 4 - Agency Edits - Batching Information

Have an elandings developer open the ticket in agency desktop and assign a batch office, batch year, batch number and seq ticket number and save the report.

Step 5 - 3rd Party Edit

After the elandings developr has assigned a batch to the ticket. Have the third party developer use their tool to edit the ticket.

Change the Nearest Bay or Headland from Point Boot to Test Bay.

Submit the ticket to eLandings.

Have the eLandnigs developer verify that the batching information is still assigned to the ticket in eLandings.


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