Using Consolidated Report Tool as Catcher-Processor

eLandings User Manual

Using Consolidated Report Tool as Catcher-Processor

Catcher processors can use their Daily Production Reports to create and populate Landing Reports and Fish Tickets.

NOTE: Please note that the Consolidated Report option should only be used by Catcher Processors, not Motherships.

Refer to the following articles to learn more about completing Landing Reports as a Catcher-Processor, eLogbook, and eLandings Training Scenarios.

eLandings Training Scenarios

eLandings IFQ halibut and IFQ sablefish landing report

1. Select Consolidated Report

  • Production Reports must have been created before accessing Consolidated Reports.
  • Select Reports
  • Select Consolidated Report as Type of Report

2. Enter Date Range, Gear Code, Crew #, Observer #

  • Choose the Date Range, Gear Code, Crew Number, and Observer Number for which you would like to create a consolidated landing report, based on your
    production report entries.
  • This could be done weekly, or for a whole trip.
  • Select Search

3. Enter CFEC Fishery Permit # for each Management Program applying to your desired Consolidated Report:

  • The CFEC permit has three parts:

    • Fishery: for example B61B

    • Permit: 5-digit number with a check digit (letter); for example, 00103F 

    • Year Sequence: 4 numbers plus a check letter, for example 1201R.

  • The first 2 digits of this sequence are the year that the permit is issued. 

  • The next two digits are the card number (ex: the fisherman lost his first card so it may say 02) 

4. Generate Landing Report

  • Select the Generate Landing Report button
  • A landing report will be created that has separate fish tickets for each management program and for each gear type listed. 

5. Data Verification

  • The Consolidated Report is complete, using the details provided.

6. Verify the Details you require are correct in the following areas:

  • Landing Report Header Details
    • Verify the header information that has been filled out based on your production report entries for that date range, gear type, and management program.  
    • Verify that the date fishing began is the first day that you processed fish for that date range of interest, and the date of landing is the last day that you processed fish for that date range of interest.
    • ADF&G processing code (purchaser/owner): is preloaded from your selected operation. If you want to change it, then choose the appropriate code from the drop down. 
    • ADF&G Processor Code (custom processor): If you are doing custom processing then you will need your processing code here and the F-code of the company you are processing for as the purchaser/owner. 
    • Port of Landing: catcher processors use: FCP.
  • Permit Worksheet
    • Verify the CFEC permit information is correct. If you must make changes to the CFEC permits entered, enter the details. 
    • This will also be necessary if you fished under an IFQ management program so that you can enter the NMFS ID and IFQ permits and species.
  • Stat Area Worksheet
    •  You can leave the Statistical Areas worksheet blank since you've already entered this information on your production reports.
    •  The statistical areas are shown as a field in your itemized catch lines.
  • Itemized Catch
    • Make sure your itemized catch is correctly assigned to your permits, and verify all the catch you expect for that date range is included on your consolidated report.
    • If you wish to edit the weight or number of animals assigned to a permit, highlight a line of itemized catch and click on the Open button.
    • Grading and pricing is not required on these reports.

NOTE: Do not make changes to the weights or numbers of animals without also making the same changes to
your production reports off of which your landing report is based.

  • Changing your landing report does not automatically make the same changes to your production report!!!

7. Summary Tab

  • To quickly verify species weights as landed pounds and round pounds, access the Summary and review.
  • This is a good way to reconcile production report weights with landing report pounds.

Refer to the following articles to learn more about Landing Reports, eLogbook, and eLandings Training Scenarios.

eLandings Training Scenarios

eLandings IFQ halibut and IFQ sablefish landing report

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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov

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