Creating a CDQ Halibut Landing

eLandings User Manual

Creating a CDQ Halibut Landing

To create CDQ groundfish landing reports, please make sure you are correctly permitted and registered for eLandings use. 

  1. To create your CDQ landing report, click on the “Groundfish Landing Report” button on your eLandings home screen.


3. You will be taken to a new landing report. At the top of the page you will see a landing report ID and below that, the header section for your landing details. In the screen shot below the header section is highlighted in red. Some information will be auto populated based on your operation information.

  • Enter information about the delivering vessel in the upper portion of the page. Do not modify the pre-filled values.

  • image-20240214-225842.png

    When the header section is filled out, proceed to the Permit Worksheet. Open up the permit modal by clicking on the pencil icon.

  • A mag-stripe reader can be used to 'swipe' in the CFEC permit data which removes the requirement to imprint the CFEC permit on the fish ticket. Alternatively, you can enter the information from the CFEC card in the appropriate fields. Continue to fill out the NMFS ID, and IFQ/CDQ Permit. Species and Area are optional. Click “Save” when finished entering the applicable CFEC permit, CDQ permit and permit information

  • Next, back on the groundfish landing report page, click on the pencil icon on the Stat Area Worksheet to open the stat area modal. Enter statistical areas in the stat area worksheet if the harvest was proportional to all areas.

  • Click on the Save button.

  • Next you will need to enter in your itemized catch. Click on the pencil icon to open the itemized catch modal for entry.

  • Data enter the itemized catch by species, delivery condition, disposition categories. The blue column headers are hyper links that will open new tabs with a list of the applicable codes if you need them. Record if ice/slime is present (sablefish or halibut only).

  • Record any overages and comments. (Note: Determination and documentation of any or all overages can be entered after the initial submission of the report.)

  • Click Save when you are finished adding all your itemized catch.



For CDQ fishermen in Area 4D and 4E, undersized halibut that are retained for personal use may be added to you itemized catch using disposition code 96 - Undersized Halibut Retained for Pers Use. This disposition code will only work for landings with a CDQ management code for fish caught in Area 4D and 4E. When utilizing disposition code 96 the undersized halibut will not be debited from the CDQ quota weight.



  • Once the data entry for your landing report is entered, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save

  • Use the menu at the top right of the webpage to Allocate catch to CFEC permits, if more than one CFEC permit is recorded for the landing.



  • Submit initial report. The progress bar at the top of the screen will prompt your next steps.

  • Next, Generate IFQ reports.



  • Review your IFQ/CDQ report for accuracy.

  • Submit the IFQ report.

  • Add grading and pricing if desired.



  • Print IFQ report PDF files. Obtain signatures. The permit holder will retain the IFQ receipt.

  • Print fish ticket(s), landing receipt, and view Observer Fees.


  • Click on the blue link to fish ticket(s) PDF file and print appropriate copies. Obtain signatures and CFEC card imprint. The signed fish ticket should be submitted to the local office of ADF&G within seven days.

  • View Landing Receipts, obtain signatures and retain copies as needed

  • View Observer Fees. 

  • Submit Final Report

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