Reporting Sequence for IFQ Landing Reports

eLandings User Manual

Reporting Sequence for IFQ Landing Reports

Below is a overview of reporting sequence for IFQ Landing Reports.

  1. Prior to the beginning of a vessel off-load, the vessel operator must provide the processor with the appropriate licenses:
    Valid CFEC permit(s) for the year and for the fishery

    1. Valid permit(s) for IFQ halibut, sablefish or rationalized crab (if applicable).

  2. Go to https://elandings.alaska.gov/web/ . Log onto the eLandings system. Select the appropriate report

  3. Complete the header section as well as the CFEC Permit worksheet and the Stat area worksheet for proportional harvests.
    This information should be supplied at the beginning of the off-load. Enter all necessary information in blank cells of the Header section and verify the information in the auto-filled cells for accuracy.

    1. Enter all CFEC permits pertaining to the landing taking place - the eLandings System is designed to allow the recording of multiple CFEC permits.

    2. Enter NMFS ID and IFQ permits ONLY if the landing includes IFQ species.

    3. Complete the Stat Area worksheet if the harvest was proportional to all areas.

  4. Go to the Itemized Catch section.
    Enter the itemized catch by species, delivery condition, disposition categories.

    1. Record if ice/slime is present (sablefish or halibut only).

    2. Record any overages and comments.

    3. Save and review information for accuracy.

  5. Save your report and the data entry you have just completed. 

  6. Allocate catch to the CFEC permits.  You will need to do this step if you did not specify the fish tickets when you entered the itemized catch lines. Review allocated catch for accuracy. This is not necessary for landings with just one permit.

  7. Submit initial report.

  8. Generate IFQ reports (if applicable).
    Review for accuracy

  9. Submit IFQ report.  You must submit the report within 6 hours of the landing.

    1. Once your IFQ report has been submitted you will need to contact the IFQ data clerks to make any revisions.

    2. Select Download IFQ Receipts to Print.

    3. Obtain signatures.

  10. Select Add/Edit Grading and Pricing. (Note: Grading/pricing is not required for the initial submission of the landing report. This information can be entered any time after the initial submission of the report.)
    Enter grading/sizing/pricing for purchased product, as appropriate.

    1. Save and review information for accuracy.

  11. Submit Final Report

  12. Print fish ticket(s) by clicking on the fish ticket(s) number in blue text. Obtain signatures.

  13. View and print Observer Fees. 


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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov