IFQ Reporting Instructions in eFISH (NMFS "Legacy IFQ" system)

eLandings User Manual

IFQ Reporting Instructions in eFISH (NMFS "Legacy IFQ" system)

Important note!

If you have a Federal Processing Permit or receive groundfish from Federal waters, you must use eLandings to report IFQ.  Do NOT follow these instructions!  Go here for eLandings reporting instructions.
Who can use eFISH to report IFQ?
  • If you are reporting out-of-state IFQ landings you do not need to complete an ADF&G fish ticket (e.g. a processor in Washington receiving fish that was caught in Alaska)
  • If you are reporting halibut IFQ and do NOT have a Federal Processor Permit and only report a couple of landings a year (and do not have any groundfish bycatch to report)
What do you need to log into the system?

How to complete an IFQ Report in the eFISH Reporting System

Step 1.

Go to https://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/webapps/ifqaccounts/Login
Read the warning message and make sure to check the Acknowledge and Accept checkbox.

Enter the Registered Buyers NMFS ID and Password otherwise you will be unable to make the landing as planned!

Step 2.

Scroll down the page until you come to the Registered Buyer Resources section. Click on Report a Landing.

Step 3.

Select the Registered Buyer Permit number, enter the Card Holder NMFS ID, the IFQ permit number, and vessel ADF&G number in the fields provided. 

After the values indicated have been entered, click on the Start button.

After clicking on the Start button, the Permit Holder, Species, and Hired Skipper values should display on the left side of the box (similar to image below).

The name of the Authorized Vessel will only display if the Card Holder NMFS ID entered belongs to a Hired Master.

Step 4.

Select the Gear Type, enter the Port Number and state Fish Ticket number in the fields provided.

If the IFQ species landed was by-catch in another target fishery, select the target fishery from the drop-down list.

Add your stat area(s), product code, ice/slime, sold weight, and retained weight in the lower portion of the form. Review the data for accuracy and then click on the Submit Landing button.

A message window will display letting you know that your landing has been Validated.

NOTE: At this point your landing has not been saved to the database. It will not be saved until you confirm the landing submission.

In order to Confirm your landing, you will need to close the validation message window and take note that the Submit Landing button has been replaced with a Confirm Landing button.

Step 5.

Click on the Confirm Landing button to save the landing report to the NMFS database. It is critical that you complete this step.

DO NOT click on the Confirm Landing button more than once.

A message window will pop-up letting you know that your landing has been reported. This means your landing has been saved tot he NMFS database.

Step 6.

Click on the Display Receipt button.

Your landing receipt will open in a new tab or window. Print copies for your records.

Step 7.

The Registered Buyer must complete a paper ADF&G fish ticket.  Per Federal Regulations at 50 CFR 679.5(e)(7), the Registered Buyer and the IFQ permit holder must sign the sablefish/halibut IFQ landing receipt and the ADF&G fish ticket within six hours after all IFQ fish are offloaded from a harvesting vessel and prior to shipment or transfer of the fish from the landing site.  

Step 8.

The ADF&G paper fish ticket must be submitted to your local Fish and Game office.

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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov