User Profile Preferences

eLandings User Manual

User Profile Preferences

User Profiles

The eLandings system provides each user a user profile where they can edit their user information and preferences. The user profile is accessed from the links at the top of most eLandings pages.

The user's company name, phone and fax numbers, and email address may be edited. 

If the company name changes, for example in the case of marriage or divorce, you must contact eLandings support (email elandings@alaska.gov) and they must make the change.

The user profile page allows you to set a number of preferences that affect how data and pages are displayed.

Number of decimals to display for weights:

This specifies the number of zero filled decimal places that eLandings will display in weight fields.

  • Weights are tracked and stored to 4 decimal places.

  • Significant digits are always displayed. For example, 1324.0423 pounds will always be displayed as 1324.0423. 

  • However, 205 pounds will display as 205.0000 if the Number of decimals to display for weights is set to 4.

  • Likewise, it will display as 205 if the Number of decimals to display for weights is set to 0.

Number of decimals to display for prices:

This specifies the number of zero filled decimal places that eLandings will display in price fields.

  • Most processors track pricing to the cent, using 2 decimals, but some price in tenths of cents, so price needs 3 decimal places.

  • The eLandings system allows the number of decimals for price to be set to as many as 4 decimal places, or as few as zero.

Number of CFEC Permit lines:

This specifies the number of CFEC Permit lines initially displayed on the CFEC permit worksheet.

  • If it's common for you to have multiple CFEC permit holders on vessel landings you can set a number here that will give you the appropriate number of lines on the initial display of the worksheet.

  • Likewise, if you never have more than a couple of CFEC permits on a landing report, you can set this number lower to avoid taking up space on the page with blank lines.

Number of IFQ Permit lines:

This specifies the number of IFQ Permit lines initially displayed on the IFQ permit worksheet.

  • You can always click the "More IFQ Permits" button to get more lines, but if you frequently have a large number of stacked IFQ permits on landings you can set a number here that will give enough lines on the initial display of the worksheet. 

Number of Stat Area Worksheet lines:

This specifies the number of Statistical Area Worksheet lines initially displayed on the Statistical Area worksheet.

  • You can always click the "More Stat Areas" button to get more lines, but if you frequently have a large number of Statistical Areas on landings you can set a number here that will give enough lines on the initial display of the worksheet. 

Number of Itemized Catch lines:

This specifies the number of itemized catch lines initially displayed on the itemized catch entry page.

  • You can always click the "More Lines" button to get more lines, but if you frequently need to enter a large number of itemized catch lines on reports you can set a number here that will give enough lines on the initial display of the page.

Number of Grading/Pricing lines:

This specifies the number of grading and pricing lines, per itemized catch line, initially displayed on the Grading and Pricing entry page.

  • You can always click the "More Lines" button to get more lines, but if you have a large number of grades you can set a number here that will give enough lines on the initial display of the page. 

Number of Production Report lines:

This specifies the number of product lines initially displayed on the production report entry page.

  • You can always click the "More Lines" button to get more lines, but if you frequently need to enter a large number of products on reports you can set a number here that will give enough lines on the initial display of the page.

Number of Discard lines:

This specifies the number of discard lines initially displayed on the production report entry page.

  • You can always click the "More Lines" button to get more lines, but if you frequently need to enter a large number of discards on reports you can set a number here that will give enough lines on the initial display of the page. 

Default Operation

The user profile page allows you to select a default operation that will be automatically selected in the operations selection drop down box on the Reports Menu page.

Save Updates

All selected display preferences and the default operation display must be saved by selecting the UPDATE button, located at the bottom of the User Profile page.

Printing Labeled or Colored Fish Ticket Copies

You can create labeled or colored fish tickets in the section called Fish Ticket Copies in your User Profile.  Please consult this chapter for more details:
