eLogbook Frequently Asked Questions

eLandings User Manual

eLogbook Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the eLogbook, Trip Report, and Daily Report? 

  • eLogbook
    • The eLogbook is for Operators to log required information on their Operation.
    • The eLogbook has been redesigned from it's previous version, and is available in your internet browser, available for use when connected to internet.
    • The new eLogbook is created once, whereas the previous version was created once for each calendar year.
    • Refer to the following article for more details: eLogbook Navigation, Register a New eLogbook

  • Trip Report
    • The Trip Report is the parent of each Daily Report.
    • A new Trip Report must be created each time one of the following changes: 
      • New vessel operator
      • Change in Observers
      • Loss or addition of crew members
      • Change in weight UOM
      • A new Trip
    • Refer to the following article for more details: Trip Report and Daily Report Navigation

  • Daily Report
    • The parent of each Daily Report, is the Trip Report.
    • A new Daily Report is created every day of the Trip, or when a Go Active / Go Inactive status change is needed.
    • Refer to the following article for more details: Trip Report and Daily Report Navigation

How do I create a new eLogbook?

How do I navigate the eLogbook? How do I find the Trip and Daily Report?

How do I create a Trip Report?

How do I create a Daily Report?

What is the difference between editing a Trip and creating a new Trip?

  • Edit Trip can be used to document your Go Inactive and Go Active dates.
  • Edit Trip can be used to change Trip details, such as a cases of data entry error. For example, a misspelled name or incorrect number of crew. 
  • New Trips are triggered by a change in any of the following:
    • New vessel operator
    • Change in Observers
    • Loss or addition of crew members
    • Change in weight UOM
    • A new Trip

What is the difference between editing a Daily Report and creating a new Daily Report?

  • Once a Daily report is created, the Date cannot be edited. If incorrect Date was selected, delete and recreate the Daily Report.
  • Once a Daily report is created, the following can be edited:
    • Sets/Hauls
    • Catch
    • FlowScale Tests
    • Comments

What if I don’t have an Observer on board until a few weeks after my first Trip?

  • You don’t need to enter Observer information until you have one on board the vessel. When an Observer begins their cruise with your vessel, create a new Trip Report to document the change. Do not create a new Trip Report if the following has NOT changed:
    • New vessel operator
    • Change in Observers
    • Loss or addition of crew members
    • Change in weight UOM
    • A new Trip

When should I Go Inactive?

  • Go Active / Go Inactive is set in the Trip Report.
  • If you are not engaged in fishing activity (gear in the water) or processing activity, you should Go Inactive (ex. steaming to port for offload).
  • If you are offloading in port, turning around and going back out to the fishing grounds in the same day, DO NOT GO INACTIVE.
  • NOTE - Inactive periods in the logbook are 24 hour increments so you cannot have more than one Go Active and one Go Inactive entry in a 24 hour period.

I forgot to enter a Set/Haul on a previous day and have already entered sets to the following day, what can I do?

  • If you missed adding a Set/Haul entry and have already added Sets on the following day, you can still Edit the previous day's Daily Report.
  • To add a Set/Haul for a previous Daily Report, click the Add Set ((plus)) button.

How do I enter retrieval of a Set/Haul that is picked up on a different day than it was deployed?

  •  Sets/hauls that cross days can be accounted for by entering the retrieval date in mm/dd format with a space in between it and the Retrieval time.

 If I only have a small amount of pcod (Pacific Cod), does it still have to be weighed on the flow scale?

  • All pcod must go over the flow scale no matter how small the amount.

How often do I have to conduct flow scale tests? Do I have to record all of my flow scale tests?

  • A daily flow scale test must be conducted at least once each calendar day, not to exceed 24 hours.
  • You must record all flow scale tests electronically and on paper - including failed ones.

I made a mistake on my Set / Haul / Delivery entry, how do I make edits? What if I haven’t done 'Submit Final' yet?

  • Click the Daily Report Date Button (01/02, 01/03, etc.)
  • Click the Pencil button next to the Set / Haul / Delivery Button.
  • Edit the information previously provided.

  What if I enter a Set / Haul on the wrong day?

  •  You will not be able to move your set / haul to the correct day, but you can delete what you have entered by going into the Daily Report and make sure you're under the Sets/Hauls tab.
  • Click on the set/haul to highlight the one you want to delete, then click on the Delete Set/Haul button.

When do I have to submit my Daily Report eLogbook?

  • By 12:00 AM midnight the following day.

How do I save my Daily Report entry and Submit it?

What do I need to give to the Observer?

  • You will need to provide a signed PDF copy of your logbook entries for each day to the Observer assigned to your vessel. If you have made edits to your logbook entries you will need to provide the Observer with those edited PDFs.

Which species do I record as catch in my eLogbook?  

  • IR/IU species and PSC need to be recorded as catch in your logbook

Do I need to report Salmon Bycatch / PSC (Prohibited Species Catch) in my eLogbook?  

  • Refer to the following article for details: Catch Disposition and Reporting Bycatch
  • If you are an AFA catcher / processor or any catcher / processor harvesting CDQ pollock, you MUST record prohibited species catch (PSC) AND discard disposition of all salmon species in each haul:

    • Record salmon PSC in number of animals.

    • All other discards should be recorded on your daily production report.

  • If you are an AFA catcher / processor or any catcher / processor harvesting CDQ pollock, you MUST record vessel movement due to Chinook Salmon Bycatch by:

    • Adding the salmon PSC count in the Catch Entry table associated with the applicable Haul #(s).

    • Add the canned comment "2 Moved To Avoid Salmon" to the Daily Report associated with the Salmon Bycatch. 

How do I report Salmon Bycatch / PSC (Prohibited Species Catch) in my eLogbook?  

  • If you are an AFA catcher / processor or any catcher / processor harvesting CDQ pollock, you MUST record prohibited species catch (PSC) AND discard disposition of all salmon species in each haul:

    • Record salmon PSC in number of animals.

    • All other discards should be recorded on your daily production report.

  • If you are an AFA catcher / processor or any catcher / processor harvesting CDQ pollock, you MUST record vessel movement due to Chinook Salmon Bycatch by:

    • Adding the salmon PSC count in the Catch Entry table associated with the applicable Haul #(s).

    • Add the canned comment "2 Moved To Avoid Salmon" to the Daily Report associated with the Salmon Bycatch. 

How do I edit catch for a mother ship delivery after I have transmitted the report?  

  • Go to Daily Report and select the delivery you want to edit and click Edit Delivery
  • After you have confirmed you header information is correct and made any changes click Save Delivery.
  • If there were no changes to the header information just click Save Changes
  • Now you can click the Add Species button and enter any IR/IU species information. 

To download a copy of the FAQs, please select the link below. 

Daily Trip Report Logbook FAQ 2023

Who do I contact if I have a question or concern or feedback?

  • If you have any questions or concerns please contact support staff by emailing  elandings@alaska.gov 

Download PDF Link: eLogbook Frequently Asked Questions

How to Download and Print this Article as a PDF

  • Download:

    • Click the 3 dots (...) at the top right of the article

    • Click Export

    • Click Export to PDF

    • Wait for the PDF to load, and click Download PDF

  • Print:

    • Open the PDF

    • Print the PDF

Support Contact:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov

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