eLandings Maximum Retainable Amount (MRA) Worksheet

eLandings User Manual

eLandings Maximum Retainable Amount (MRA) Worksheet

This page explains how to find the Maximum Retainable Amount (MRA) Worksheet in eLandings. 

Part 50 Gulf of Alaska and BSAI Retainable Percentage Resource Charts

Table 10 to Part 679—Gulf of Alaska Retainable Percentage

Table 11 to Part 679—BSAI Retainable Percentage

MRA Spreadsheet

The MRA spreadsheet can be accessed only after the Final Submit Status is 100% for a given report. 

Creating an MRA spreadsheet for any report will include all other reports within that given week (Sunday through Saturday, except on Jan.1). 

The MRA spreadsheet will include all reports for that week, even if you've selected an MRA trip event for any of the reports during that week.  In addition, the spreadsheet will add up all the round weights for species-product code combinations for that week, even if you've selected an MRA trip event for any of the reports during that week. 

The MRA spreadsheet is not meant to calculate MRAs outright for crews; it provides a first step at tabulating round weight equivalents for given species and product code combinations, whereby crews can cut, paste, and add up desired columns together.

Complete Final Submit for the Production or Landing Report.

Open the Menu in the top right corner, select View MRA Spreadsheet

A new dialog box will open.  Click on the Save button if applicable.

The MRA spreadsheet should automatically save to your PC's downloads folder. 

Open the MRA Spreadsheet with Excel.

Notice that every report is saved in its own column. If any products are completely missing from a given report, that means that you've entered a "No Production" report for that day. 

The MRA worksheet is often used by Coast Guard when conducting boardings and determining crew's MRAs for a given week.

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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov

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