Shortcut Hot Keys in tLandings
eLandings User Manual
Shortcut Hot Keys in tLandings
TWS Main Frame
Ctrl N - Create a new landings report
Ctrl 0 - Open an existing landing report
Ctrl S - Open dialog to process a configuration zip file from the Processor at start of trip
Ctrl E - Open dialog to prepare zip file of reports for the Processor at the end of trip
F4 - Open the Species Default Dialog
F5 - Open the Vessel Default Dialog
Ctrl H - display available hot keys
End of Trip Dialog
F1 - Set focus on list of reports
Ctrl O - Open selected report
Ctrl R - Selected all reports without errors
Ctrl U - Unselected all reports
Ctrl Z - Create Zip file
Ctrl Q - close the landing report
Ctrl H - display available hot keys
New Report Dialog
Ctrl Q - Cancel the operation and close the dialog
Ctrl 0 - Create the new landing report with the selected vessel
F4 - Open the Species Default Dialog
F5 - Open the Vessel Default Dialog
Ctrl H - display available hot keys
Open Report Dialog
Ctrl Q - Cancel the operation and close the dialog
Ctrl 0 - Open the selected landing report
F4 - Open the Species Default Dialog
F5 - Open the Vessel Default Dialog
Ctrl H - display available hot keys
Landing Report Frame
Ctrl Q - Cancel the operation and close the frame
Ctrl S - Save the landing report
Ctrl P - Print the landing report
Ctrl H - Dislay list of hot keys in current context
F1 - Switch to the Vessel Tab in the Landing Report Frame
F2 - Switch to the Tally Tab in the Landing Report Frame
F3 - Switch to the Summary Tab in the Landing Report Frame
F4 - Open the Species Default Dialog
F5 - Open the Vessel Default Dialog
Landing Report Frame - Vessel Tab
Esc - Select the vessel combo box (useful to escape from editing the stat area table)
Landing Report Frame - Tally Tab
Esc - Select the species combo box (useful to escape from editing the stat area table)
Enter (while focused on the species combo box) - Select the current species in the combo box and jump down to the first empty line item to enter the scale weight
Tab (while on the line item) - Jump from cell to cell, auto-calculating and auto-filling when possible
Ctrl L - Apply the currently selected species in the combo box to the currently selected line item
Ctrl D - Delete the currently selected line item