tLandings Tender Equipment and Preparation

eLandings User Manual

tLandings Tender Equipment and Preparation

Please note that beginning January 1, 2020 tLandings will no longer be supporting 32 bit laptops or tablets.

Please review your equipment to see how many laptops will need to be upgraded before this time. To determine what bit your laptop or tablet is please see:

 32 or 64 Bit Laptop or Tablet - How to Determine the Bit of Your Laptop or Tablet

Please remember that preparation prior to the beginning of the season and with each opener makes reporting easier and more dependable!

Always have your backup system – ADFG paper fish tickets – available:

  • ADFG paper fish tickets
  • Embosser with current processor plate (this needs to be renewed every year!)
  • Contact the ADF&G Seafood Industry Coordinator at 907-465-6131 or dfg.seafood-coord@alaska.gov if you need current processor plates.

tLandings Equipment  needed:

Current statistical charts

  • An understanding of the statistical reporting areas/nearest bays and headlands of your area for each opener.
  • Visit the ADF&G Maps and GIS page for the latest maps or visit your local office.

Laptop computer with at least:

  • three USB-2 or USB-3 ports for printer, thumb drive, and magstripe reader, and (optionally) 4th port for a mouse.
  • We recommend that you purchase a laptop with a separate numeric key pad. 
  • Mouse (optional). Wired mouse recommended; wireless mice are subject to failure and power loss at inconvenient times
  • Numeric Keypad (optional), if not incorporated into the laptop. Facilitates data entry of numbers on a laptop.  Must account for an extra USB port on Laptops.
  • Adobe Reader 8 or later (Adobe Reader 11 recommended) to print PDF Fish Tickets.
  • Surge protector power strip.

USB splitter cable

  • or hub to provide adequate number of USB ports.

Laser Printer and cable

  • Drivers installed and tested with laptop.
  • Print quality set to draft.
  • Laser printers are strongly recommended.  Ink jet printers tend to clog in marine environments, use significant amounts of ink, and printed documents smear very easily when wet.   
  • Supply of 8.5 X 11 inches paper.
  • Printer Cartridges – at least a couple extra cartridges.

Magnetic Stripe Reader

  • USB Keyboard emulation and two track reader
  • No less than three configured tLandings thumb drives

Equipment Exercise

At the beginning of the season: 

Office Set-up

  • Turn the laptop computers on and connect to the internet to make certain you have all software updates. You may have to restart a couple of times as all updates are installed.
  • Check laptop date and time. Set to Alaska Time.
  • Once all software updates have been completed, disable the internet.
  • Set printer to draft quality.
  • Check all thumb drives if used in prior seasons to make certain that are empty of all files (delete files) prior to configuration for the current season.

Equipment Configuration Checks

  • Configure the computer system and print a PDF file to make certain that the computer is configured to the printer and that Adobe Reader is installed.
  • Check the magnetic stripe reader to make certain it is configured properly and reading both tracks.

                To accomplish this, open Notepad and swipe training or an actual CFEC permit card.  If the number                 records in the text document and the information displayed looks like this

                If your reader reads 2 tracks it will look something like this,

 %BS01K  00119P^ROCKY COHO     ^1701USHEARWATER    ?;00119170100002801893?

                the magstripe reader is operating correctly. More information can be found on the FAQ page: My card reader isn't picking up vessel information when I swipe?

tLandings Configuration

Review elandings Operation Administration documentation to better understand how to add tender and buying station operations under your shoreside or floating processor.  Also review how to add users to your operation.  When you add a tender operation, a user account, Tenderman, is automatically added to each tender operation.  All authorized users associated with the seafood facility parent operation also can login and manage thumb drives.  They are inherited users.  They will not be listed with each tender operation.


Buying stations inherit all authorized users from the partent operation.  Users can be removed and additional users added. 

Buying stations are added within the eLandings web application.  Tenders can be added from the eLandings web application, but an easier method is to add or delete tender operations is thru the Processor Tender Interface (PTI).

Thumbdrives must be configured for the individual tender.  We recommend providing each tender with no less than three configured thumbdrives.  The quanity of fish ticket numbers you assign to the tender is varable and up to you.  We suggest you review the maximum number of landings that occur for your tender fleet per trip and increase this number by 20%.  The goal is to provide sufficient fish ticket numbers for each thumbsdrive used throughout an entire tender trip.

Vessel Preparation

Organize a place to store thumb drives, completed fish tickets and extra equipment.

Care must be exercised to make certain no liquids such as soda pop, juice, or coffee are located near the laptop.  Spills may render the machine unusable.

The laptop should be dedicated to tLandings, if possible.  Power hungry applications such as games, photo processing, mapping applications, etc. should not be run simultaneously with the tLandings application.

At the beginning of each opener:    Check the thumb drive and make certain it is configured to your tender operation.  You can accomplish this by navigating to My Computer and locate the drive connected to the thumbdrive.  Double click on the thumbdrive to open the contents. 

In the example below from a thumb drive configured for training, note that the tender (TN) is the Royal Pacific and the processor is Sunrise Processing Plant.

Verify that your thumbdrive(s) is configured for your tender.  If your tender is not listed, contact your processor representative immediately.  Next, log into the thumb drive by double clicking  “run_tlandings”  to make certain your password is correct.  The User id is always Tenderman.   If login fails after three attempts, try a different thumbdrive.  If the problem persists contact your processor representative.

Also check to make certain that your species defaults, with grading and the price per pound (if applicable, are correct).

If the ADF&G area management biologists allow the use of an average weight to calculate the number of fish, determine if stored average weights are present in the species default table.  These stored values will need to be adjusted with each opener.  Please check with your ADF&G area management biologist to determine their sample criteria to establish average weights.

We recommend you contact the local area ADF&G office for regional reporting requirements and expectations.

How to Download and Print this Article as a PDF

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    • Click the 3 dots (...) at the top right of the article

    • Click Export

    • Click Export to PDF

    • Wait for the PDF to load, and click Download PDF

  • Print:

    • Open the PDF

    • Print the PDF

Support Contact:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov