eLandings User Manual

2025 PTI Download Instructions

How to Install the PTI Video


The Processor Tender Interface (PTI) is the application used to install the tLandings program, configure tLandings thumb drives, and upload landing reports.  Currently, the tLandings application may be used to report salmon and groundfish.  We plan to expand the tLandings application to other fisheries in the future. The 2025 tLandings Processor Tender Interface software is installed from an installer.EXE program.  The installer program is available below as a zip file or as an executable file.  You may download either over the Internet by clicking the link below. The PTI does not require a specific version of JAVA resident to your local workstation.  The appropriate version of JAVA is incorporated into the application you will install. Administrative rights to download and install the 2024 PTI should not be necessary. When a new version of the PTI is installed, the older version is automatically deleted.


You will need to install Adobe Reader on any laptop that will be running the tLandings application.  

If you have problems downloading and running the installer due to restrictions on downloading EXE files, you can try downloading and installing from the zip file at this link: pti-installer-2024.04.26-12.35.59.zip Installing from the zip file requires you to unzip the file to a directory on your workstation and then run the installer from there. 

Installing the pti-installer - Automated installation

This is an automated process that should take less than 15 minutes, in most areas that provide moderate speed internet.  

As mentioned above, you do not need administrative rights to download and install the 2025 PTI.  

  • A screen message will appear reminding you that you will need to download the file - click Download File.

  • The download of the PTI will take a few minutes and the progress of the download is visible in the lower left-hand corner of your computer screen.

If you are running Windows 10 or newer a safety dialogue box may come up. Hit the More info link and then the Run Anyway button. 

  • Once the download is completed, the extraction of the PTI will begin, first with a dialog box with green progress bar and then a rapid list of files being installed.  Do not interrupt this process, just let the install run.  At the end of the install this automated process ends with a message:  Do not close this window until the Installer has completed. 


  • The PTI installer allows you to install both the Production and the Training versions this application.  The training version allows you to use this environment to practice using the PTI and create training thumb drives loaded with the training tLandings.
  • If you receive any error messages or have any problem installing the PTI, do not perform the SCAN.  Please contact elandings@alaska.gov and we will assist you with any problem you might experience.

  • Select Production from the drop down pick list and click Install.  Another dialog box will titled PTI installer will appear with another progress bar.  When completed a green background screen will open messaging that the tLandings Processor Tender Interface has been installed.  Click finish and the installation is complete.  The PTI icon will appear on your desktop, labeled PTI 2024.  

  • Double click the icon and the PTI login page will appear.  


Once you have completed the download of the new PTI, please click on the PTI 2024 icon to load the application.  If the install is successful, the Release 2024.04.26-12.35.59 will display above the login fields.

Download PDF Link: 2025 PTI Download Instructions

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If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov