CDQ Weekly Landing Reporting

eLandings User Manual

CDQ Weekly Landing Reporting

When catcher processors are fishing CDQ the state requires they submit a fish ticket once per week. The week means a seven day period of time that begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. You can use the consolidated report tool for this type of landing. If you are fishing both IFQ and CDQ on the same trip please follow these instructions to report the CDQ catch only on your weekly landing report.

You will be required to enter a CFEC permit for all management programs that were used for the duration of the weekly report. In this example the user is fishing both IFQ and CDQ in the same week. Enter your CFEC permits and then click ok.

Navigate to the Permits and Pounds Tab. Since I only want to report the CDQ for the week I am going to highlight the IFQ permit and then click the Remove button. I want to note that the IFQ fish ticket number ends in 116. I will need this for the next step.

Scroll down to the itemized catch section and locate the rows of catch that are associated with the IFQ fish ticket ending in 116. Highlight the row of catch and click remove.

Now you can transmit your CDQ only landing report.

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