eLandings Salmon Troll Landing Report Training Scenario

eLandings User Manual

eLandings Salmon Troll Landing Report Training Scenario

Log Into eLandings Training

Go to: https://elandingst.alaska.gov/web/

Login using the following information:


Enter the UserID and Password then click the Login button.

Reports Menu

Once your User ID and Password have passed validation, the Reports Menu page will appear.

  • From this location you can create a new salmon troll landing report.
  • Individual users can be associated with one or more Operations
    • For example, a business manager might be associated with three Operations - Big Fish Inc, WAI Processing, and the stationary floating processor, The Happy Lady. Each of these operations is unique, and the user is an authorized for each operation. 
    • When the user logs into the eLandings system, he/she must designate the Operation that will be used to record landing information. 
      • While most users are associated with only one Operation, if your business buys and processes, and/or performs custom processing for another Operation, there will be more than one listed under your User Account. 
    • Once the Operation has been chosen, you can click on the Landing Report button to open the form. Here, our operation has seven operations associated with it.
    • Select the KING FISH PROCESS-KING COVE operation.

Once you've selected the KING FISH PROCESSING plant select the Troll Landing Report button.

Salmon with Halibut Bycatch

If the landing includes halibut, Use the Troll Landing Report for all salmon and non-IFQ groundfish and the Groundfish Landing Report for halibut.

Salmon Troll Landing Report, Vessel, Location, and Permit Information

The landing report is divided into a header and several entry modals that you will move through in sequential order:

  1. Vessel and Location Information
  2. Permit Information
  3. Itemized Catch 
  4. Grading & Pricing

This will bring up the new landing report page.

This is the first screen that is displayed when creating a new landing report. Note that some of the required information about your operation is auto-filled based on your processor user account.

  • The eLandings System auto-fills your Port of Landing, and ADF&G Processor Code.
  • You should note that a unique Landing Report number is generated each time you initiate a landing report. 

    When you established your User Account and Operation, you entered all of the federal and state permits associated with your operation.

Enter the following information:

OperationKING FISH PROCESSINGThis is the operation
ADF&G Vessel Number25921This is the five digit number permanently assigned by the Commercial Fishery Entry Commission (CFEC).  
ADF&G Gear Code15

 This is the two digit numeric code used to identify the gear used to harvest the catch.

These gear codes can be viewed by clicking on the Gear Codes link.   For salmon troll this will be either 15 for Power Troll or 05 for Hand Troll.

Date Fishing Began 04/25/2023 When the gear was deployed in the water to begin fishing.
Date Fishing Ended 05/01/2023 When the gear was taken out of the water.
Date of Landing 05/01/2023 When the landing was completed

 Entered From Paper 

Fish Ticket

 leave blank

 If you are entering a paper fish ticket into eLandings or a ticket from tLandings that was unable to upload into eLandings, please enter the paper fish ticket number (i.e., E18 123456)

so that the two fish tickets can be associated together. For more information please see Entering Paper Fish Tickets into eLandings.

Port of Landing SIT 

Location where the landing occurred. This value is auto-filled from your User Agreement registration. You can modify this value to indicate the correct location for this landing. 

You can click on the Port Codes link under the Port of Landing area for a list of port codes.

 Nearest Bay or Headland The big blue bay

 Site description of where fishing actually occurred designated by the nearest bay or headland's name.

Example designations are "Icy Point" or "Cape Cross". If you have a question please ask your local area ADF&G office.

Partial Delivery Button  leave unchecked

  Check if, Yes, the vessel has made deliveries to other operations or processors from this fishing trip, in other words,

deliveries elsewhere, or if the delivery to your operation is only a portion of the catch. 

If you created more than one landing report for a delivery, you should also check the PartialDelivery box, to indicate Yes.

ADF&G Processor Code

The owner of the product that has just been purchased - the purchaser. This value is auto-filled from your User Agreement registration.

This value is auto-filled from your User Agreement registration. Select the correct number if one than one RCR is associated with your User Agreement.

Chill Type  ICE Refrigeration system used to keep fish cold in the vessel hold. It is generally used in conjunction with Temperature. The 4 optionss in this section are a courtesy fields provided to Processors at their request to help track quality of catch. This is not a required field.
Chill Water Templeave blankThis field is not required.
 Temperature (in F):  33Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. This is a courtesy field provided to Processors at their request to help track quality of catch. This is not a required field.
QA Probe Scoreleave blankThis field is not required.

Notice that the Landing Report Number is located at the top of the new report. Here the number is 20392860. The Landing Report Number is a unique number generated by the eLandings System to identify the report. If you need to go and edit a report, the Landing Report number is what you will use to locate the report. 

tLandings Only Section

If you are editing a ticket that has been created using tLandings or entering a paper fish ticket you will need to fill in or ensure the validity of the following fields. Since we are not editing a ticket that was created in tLandings rather, creating the ticket in eLandings we do not need to fill out any of these fields.

Time of LandingEnter the timeThe time fish or shellfish are off-loaded or trans-shipped from the catcher vessel to the first purchaser. The time of landing is the day off-load is completed. For catcher-processors the time landed is the time the product is caught and brought on board. For catcher-seller vessels the land date time is the time the product is initially brought into port. 
Tender ADF&G Number leave blankThe ADF&G vessel number assigned to an acting tender vessel. A tender is a vessel that is attendant to other vessels and is used to transport or ferry unprocessed fish or shellfish received from another vessel to a shoreside processor or mothership.  Tender vessels operate, in most circumstances, as an agent for a specific processor and take deliveries from harvesting vessels.
Tender Batch leave blank

 Is the batch number assigned by the processor user when uploading a batch of tickets from tLandings/PTI to eLandings.

Tally Invoice leave blankTally sheet is provided in tLandings and provides a summary of all items recorded in a landing.
Location of Offload leave blankThis is used in Prince William Sound Only. The location of initial off-load of salmon, which may include floating processors. Location codes are a prefix port code followed by a suffix with additional descriptive information. An example of an off-load location code is COR-N, Cordova North (Trident Plant)
QA Graphleave unchecked A quality field requested by industry. Indicates that the catcher vessel provided quality data to the processor.
Deck Loadleave uncheckedA quality field requested by industry. If the catcher vessel runs out of fish hold space they may stack fish on their decks. These don't benefit from the chill system and may be of lower quality.
Tender Trip Number leave blankTender trip number, tLandings.

We are not editing a tLandings ticket so we will leave these fields blank.

CFEC & IFQ Permit Worksheets

A CFEC permit is required for all vessel operators and they must be appropriate for their applicable fishery

  • Click on the pencil icon to open the entry modal.
  • Place the cursor in the CFEC Mag Stripe field and swipe the permit card. Notice that the image of the card reverses to show the mag stripe on the back.
  • If a magnetic stripe reader is not available, you may manually enter the permit info. eLandings validates the CFEC permit values the same way if swiped or hand entered.

Once you hit the OK button the permit information will populate into the landing report. 

If you do not have a training permit card, enter the following information.

CFEC FisheryPermit NumberPermit Sequence

Statistical Area Worksheet

Referred to as the Stat Area Worksheet, this is the area of the Vessel, Permit, and Location Information of the landing report to record the five-digit salmon ADF&G statistical area denoting the actual area of catch.

Report the five-digit salmon statistical area(s) and percentage for salmon harvest in the Stat Area Worksheet. Note that the percent must add up to 100 percent. You can add more stat area lines by clicking on the More Stat Areas button.


  • This worksheet may be used to document a single statistical area, with 100%, or multiple statistical areas. 
    • The recording of multiple statistical areas in the worksheet requires that the species that are caught and discarded are equally distributed across all statistical areas fished; and all statistical areas fished are open to the species fished.
  • If the criteria are met, enter all of the statistical areas that were fished in the field labeled Stat Area and enter the percentage of the catch taken in the area in the area labeled Percent. 
  • If all of the species recorded on the ticket were from a single statistical area, enter the Stat Area and 100%.
  • If you use the Stat Area Worksheet, there is no need to enter the statistical area code and percent anywhere else on the landing report.
  • If one or more species are not harvested in a manner that is equally distributed across all statistical areas fished, the catch must be recorded in the Add/Edit Itemized Catch section of the eLandings landing report.

Enter the following data;

Stat AreaPercent

Once you've completed these sections, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen. Note that it is not required to save before proceeding to the Itemized Catch Table. However, the data that you submit to the repository database is validated for accuracy after each save. The program will return a message indicating whether the save was successful or if corrective action must take place.

If it successfully saved you will see a progress bar and Next Step: Enter Itemized Catch at the top of the report. If it did not save, you will have an error or warning message that indicates places that need correction.

Note the Landing Report Number of 384473. The report status will currently be Not Submitted. 

Incomplete Reports

Once you've saved you now have an incomplete, not submitted report. 

The eLandings System allows you to enter the 'header' information, also known as the Vessel, Permit, and Location Information section of the landing report.

  • The 'header' information can be saved as an unsubmitted report. 
  • After the vessel off-load is complete and the tally sheet completed, the itemized catch and price information can be recorded and saved. 
  • This activity creates an Initial Report that must be submitted.
  • You can
  • If you created this report in error, you can delete an initially submitted report: How to Delete an Unsubmitted Landing or Production Report in eLandings

Itemized Catch

Scroll down the page and click on the Add/Edit Itemized Catch Button

This will bring you to the Salmon Itemized Catch Screen.

Report each salmon species in the itemized catch section by species, condition, number, lbs., and disposition. If the stat area of catch for a particular species differs from that detailed in the Stat Area Worksheet, report that individual stat area with that species in the itemized catch section.  All personal use harvest of salmon or steelhead must be reported on a fish ticket at the time of landing by condition, number of fish and disposition (95).

Remember: If you used the Stat Area Worksheet you do not need to complete the Stat Area for the salmon line items unless it is groundfish bycatch. If it is groundfish bycatch, you will need to enter the 6 digit groundfish stat area. For salmon, leave Stat Area blank and just  fill , Species, Condition, Number, Lbs., and Disposition

Select the fish ticket then enter the following then click the save button.

Stat AreaSpeciesConditionNumber Lbs. Disposition 
leave blank4104112 60 
leave blank 430 13.2 60 
345731 110 18 60 

Report all groundfish harvest in the itemized catch section by six-digit groundfish statistical area, species, condition, lbs. and disposition. All personal use harvest of groundfish must be reported on a fish ticket at the time of landing by condition, lbs. of fish and disposition (95). Processors do not need to document the number of fish when reporting groundfish; groundfish harvest reporting requirements are restricted to pounds. DO NOT enter halibut in the Troll Landing Report.

Grading and Pricing

Once you save, it will bring you back to the Salmon Report Display page. If you will not be adding grading and pricing you can Submit Initial Report by clicking on the Submit Initial Report button.

If you want to add grading and pricing click on the Add/Edit Grading and Pricing button. 

  • If you have determined the price of the itemized catch at the conclusion of the off-load, and have completed grading/sizing, you can complete this portion of the report.
    • If you do not have this information completed, or it will occur at a later point in time, proceed with the initial submission of the landing report.

I want to add grading and pricing so I click on the Add/Edit Grading and Pricing button. This will bring me to the Salmon Troll Grading and Pricing page where I will enter in my grading and pricing for each line item. Additional grade/size and price categories are available by selecting, More Lines.

Once you've added grading and pricing you can submit initial report, review and then Submit Final Report.

After you submit the initial report, you will be brought back to Landing Report page where you can now click on the blue fish ticket number link and open a printable PDF fish ticket, then submit the final report by clicking on the Submit Final Report button.

Submit Final Report

Once you've clicked on the Submit Final Report  you will get an info message at the top of the page that the report was submitted. You will see that the Final Report Submitted next to the landing report number.

Print the Paper Ticket!

Print paper ticket. Imprint the S15B or S05B CFEC card if a magnetic stripe reader was not used.

Sign the fish ticket. If the permit holder’s signature has been obtained on an Interim Salmon Ticket and it is attached to this fish ticket copy, an additional permit holder signature is not required. 

Related: Printing Labeled and Colored Copies of Fish Tickets

Useful Links

PDF Download Link: eLandings Salmon Troll Landing Report Training Scenario

How to Download and Print this Article as a PDF

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    • Wait for the PDF to load, and click Download PDF

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    • Print the PDF

Support Contact:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact elandings@alaska.gov

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