eLandings User Manual
PTI Scenario 3: Upload and Convert Mixed Salmon to Unique Salmon Species
Bristol Bay Processors Only Training Exercise
Data Processing Procedures to Upload and Convert Mixed Salmon to Unique Salmon Species.
User ID: sfish
Password: sockeye1
To complete this exercise, you will need:
- A thumb drive prepared for a tender for King Crab Processing, using the Processor Tender Interface (PTI) TRAINING
- Create three landing reports with mixed salmon species (species code 460) on each of the three landing reports.
You are the office manager of a Bristol Bay processor for King Crab Processing. A tender has just delivered to you a packet of printed and signed fish tickets and a tLandings thumb drive containing the corresponding electronic landing reports. All of the landing reports document deliveries of species 460 – Mixed Salmon. A few of the landing reports may also document delivery of King salmon.
The goal of this training exercise is to provide you with an understanding of how to download fish ticket landing reports with Mixed Salmon, and then convert these reports to reflect unique salmon species based upon the production information available 2-4 days after the off-load occurred.
With the thumb drive inserted in your USB port, open the PTI application and click the Import tender landing report files button in the upper left corner.
Select the drive with the thumb drive. This opens the Report Import dialog.
Fish ticket landing reports with Mixed Salmon (460) line items can only be uploaded as Initial Reports. Use the Upload as drop down to select this status option:
To identify these records for the Mixed Salmon update process, you must also assign a Tender Batch “number.” This identification number can be any combination of letters and/or numbers, up to 10 characters in length, but cannot contain symbols (such as / or -) or spaces. You can make something up for this exercise, but be sure to record it so that you can search for it later in eLandings.
Tender Batch Numbers
Note: When doing this for real in the production eLandings system, you must keep accurate track of your own Tender Batch numbers to prevent confusing or overwritten Tender Batches in eLandings, and making more work for yourself.
When done, click the IMPORT button, which starts the upload and displays an Uploading Landing Reports progress bar.
When the import finishes, click the OK button to close the Upload Result confirmation dialog. If any reports failed to import, this dialog will also inform of problems found on those reports that need correction before import.
Error notifications during import
Some warnings, such as missing Nearest Bay/Headland, do not require any action to continue with import.
The Report Import dialog will then be updated to reflect that the landing reports were imported with an Initial Report Submitted status, and the Select checkboxes will be unchecked.
The reports now reside within eLandings and the thumb drive is ready to be reconfigured with new unique fish ticket and landing report numbers.
Applying Chum Percentages in eLandings
So, it’s now three days later and you receive the production report with actual species composition for this tender off-load.
Open eLandings Training: https://elandingst.alaska.gov/web/
And login: UserID: sfish
Password: sockeye1
From the Reports Menu select the tender's operation. King Crab Processing for this scenario. Then click on Mixed Salmon Percentage from the Tools/Queries drop down.
NOTE: ALWAYS remember to identify the appropriate Operation before you select the Mixed Salmon button, or you will have to start over.
Enter your Tender Batch identifier (MIXED24 in this example). Then select a landing date range and click Search.
This application feature only locates those fish ticket landing reports with Mixed Salmon harvest items. Note in the illustration below that the only poundage is located in the Total Mixed Weight column.
NOTE: If no landing reports are located, check to make certain you have the correct tender operation and batch number.
If you have lost documentation on the Tender Batch assignment number, remember that all initially submitted reports are listed in the Reports Menu.
If you click on the Report ID in blue text, this opens the landing report and allows you to obtain the Tender Batch ID number.
In this example, I located 3 fish ticket landing reports. Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will locate the application feature that allows you to document the actual percentages and average weights for the species from this tender off-load.
Your production report indicates the following percentages of harvest and average weights for species caught. Use these values to complete this dialog box.
Click the APPLY CHUM PERCENTAGE button when all fields are completed. If the application does not seem to be “doing anything”, please be patient, as this process depends upon bandwidth.
When the modifications have been completed the application sends a notification to the email address of the user profile completing the Mixed Salmon Percentage Mass Change . Also note that all landing reports successfully applied are submitted as Final Reports.
Note that although we call this sometimes referred to as the Chum Percentage, the application feature allows for the documentation of Coho and Pink salmon, as well as Chum. Fish tickets that initially documented only Mixed Salmon are now converted to specific species with poundage and number of fish based upon production percentages.
Since the fish ticket landing reports have been finalized, they are no longer listed on the Reports Menu page.
You can also Reprint these fish tickets as a group, by selecting the Reprint button after the final submission.
In this example, I receive a PDF file with 3 fish tickets that reflect the modifications. These reports can be printed and provided to the seller and/or retained for your records. These records do not need to be submitted to ADFG. ADFG only needs a copy of the initial, signed copy of the fish ticket.
NOTE: If the production report information provided is not correct or is modified after the Mixed Salmon Percentage Mass Update has occurred, you can use the UNDO APPLY CHUM PERCENTAGE button. You can search for the finalized reports using the original Tender Batch Number and selecting you wish to correct or update. Clicking the UNDO APPLY CHUM PERCENTAGE button will return to the landing reports to their original Mixed Salmon weights, and allow you enter the corrected or updated values and recalculate the other species break down.
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