Unable to Upload Thumb Drive in PTI Troubleshooting

eLandings User Manual

Unable to Upload Thumb Drive in PTI Troubleshooting

First, try and plug the thumb drive directly and carefully into the computer USB port

  1. First try and plugging the thumb drive directly into the USB port in the computer. Sometimes USB hubs cause uploading errors. If you do have the thumb drive plugged into a USB hub, remove it from the hub and plug directly into the computer and try to load.
  2. Try the thumb drive in another computer. Very carefully ensuring the thumb drive is inserted properly. Can you open the thumb drive at all?


Corrupted Files, Try Copying to Another tLandings Thumb Drive

If steps one and two did not work, it might be that the thumb drive has corrupted files on it and will not work because of them. You can take the good files(fish tickets) and put them on a good thumbs drive that has been configured for the same tender/operation and upload them that way. You need to go to the pdf folder on the thumbs drives ( Kingston/tLanding/data/pdf). Once copied to another tLandings thumb drive try and upload. Making sure that all tickets upload.


 None of That Worked. Enter Tickets into eLandings or tLandings

If you cannot even open the thumb drive, then yes, you will have to enter the paper fish tickets into either another instance of tLandings or directly into the eLandings website.


Please include the paper fish ticket number in the eLandings landing report page when you re-enter the fish tickets. There is a box that has entered from Paper FT.

Once you have done that, you will need to staple the new printed ticket to the signed paper ticket for submission to ADF&G. It is very important that these two documents are submitted together as the paper fish ticket has the capture of the original permit holder signature as required by 5 AAC 39.130. 

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